This latest round of Israeli-Palestinian warfare, in which Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Israeli citizens and thousands more injured, leaves me with mixed feelings. I’m reminded of the troubles frontier Americans faced with hostile Indians in the nineteenth century. Putting it as simply as possible, you had an intelligent, civilized race of people competing over land and resources with a less intelligent, less civilized race of people. This is admittedly a harsh and imperfect summation, since exceptions abounded on both sides, but it will do. No competing explanation can be both economical and truthful at the same time; that is the tragic truth.
Based on this, the correct side won the Indian Wars, since only one side was capable of building a great civilization with advanced science, technology, and culture. There is a similar aptitude divide regarding the Israelis and Palestinians, with the Israelis being the more advanced party. Assuming, however, Israel’s ultimate victory in this present conflict as part of its uninterrupted stream of victories since 1948, the question arises: Does the correct side continue to win?
When I see videos and photographs of Palestinian fighters slaughtering entire Jewish families, I’m horrified on many levels. Indians also engaged in this kind of savagery against unarmed settlers and gloated about it. Fanny Kelly, who had been abducted by the Blackfeet Sioux in 1864 and spent many months with them as a captive, says as much. The Minnesota Uprising in 1862 launched a widespread paroxysm of anti-white mayhem which, according to Gregory and Susan Michno in 2007’s A Fate Worse than Death, resulted in 644 settler deaths and a near-complete depopulation of 23 counties. The Sioux raiders seized nearly 300 captives, only four of whom were men. A similar thing is going on in Israel. Palestinians, goaded by continual encroachment on what they see as their land by Israeli settlers and resenting their clearly unfair treatment by the Israeli government, react in barbarous ways. Does their barbaric behavior justify their unfair treatment? Or does their unfair treatment justify their barbarism? I’m sure this vicious cycle is older than history.
When scrolling through all the horrific news, I asked myself: With whom do I have more in common? The incensed Arab shrieking “Allahu Akbar!” as a handcuffed and bloody Israeli woman is being hauled out of a jeep, or some anonymous Israeli who was killed in his or her car on their way to the supermarket on an initially peaceful Saturday morning? The latter, of course. So if I reserve most of my sympathy for the white settlers of the American West, then consistency dictates that I do the same for the Israelis.
The problem is that these are Jews we are talking about. Historically, influential members of the Jewish diaspora have lent their considerable talents and resources towards invigorating anti-white causes in white-run nations, regardless of how badly non-whites behave. The Jewish hand behind the Civil Rights Movement in America, the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa, and the pro-aboriginal efforts in Australia are well-known. According to Benjamin Ginsburg in his indispensable 1993 work The Fatal Embrace, Jewish organizations worked closely with and helped fund black civil rights groups during the 1960s, while Jews comprised nearly one-third of the whites who participated in civil rights marches and protests. Jewish Bolshevik historian Howard Zinn spent his career negating any legitimate white perspective with regard to their struggles with Native Americans and other non-whites. As of 2015, his book The People’s History of the United States, first published in 1980, had sold over two million copies.
Negating an entire people’s perspective on a historical conflict is what one does to one’s enemy. If you don’t have the right to take your own side in a fight, then it ultimately follows that you don’t have a right to live, either.
So if Jews have successfully enabled anti-white causes in white-run countries, is there any reason why whites shouldn’t support anti-Jewish causes in Israel? Is there any reason why whites shouldn’t root for this recent incursion and focus on Palestinian grievances while ignoring Israeli ones?
Sadly, this question cleaves a rift within the American Right. The mainstream Right abhors Palestinian barbarism and staunchly supports Israel, while the dissident Right understands the Jewish Question and so tends to be more sympathetic to the Palestinians. There are problems with this given that the Palestinians suffer from a different kind of Jewish domination than do whites. Palestinians must contend with Jews as political colonizers, while whites must contend with Jews as metapolitical decolonizers.
The following thought experiments should explain what I mean. If the Israelis were to announce their solidarity with all European peoples and insist that white-run nations adopt Israeli-levels of ethnocentric immigration control, would the dissident Right still carry water for the Palestinians? Would they do the same if the Palestinians were to suddenly promote increased Muslim emigration to the West and subjugate whites to Sharia law? The answer would be no in both cases. The dissident Right’s support for the Palestinians is therefore less about the Palestinians per se and more about sticking it to their mutual enemy, the Jews.
Because I find the Israel-Palestine conundrum so confounding, I don’t write about it often. One exception is my essay “Demoskrieg and Diaskrieg,” in which I define these terms as mutually exclusive strategies with which whites can confront their Jewish enemies:
Demoskrieg: Engaging Jews with the same weapons with which they engage whites. In this case, “weapons” refers to the reliable Jewish tactic of using blacks, browns, and aboriginals as weapons against white civilization. It also refers to its more recent flipside: the white gentile tactic of using the Palestinians as an excuse to condemn Israel.
Diaskrieg: Focusing on reversing the influence of diaspora Jews (more specifically, liberal diaspora Jews, or LDJs, as I have referred to them before) and deliberately limiting attacks on Israel, thereby giving Jews a convenient out should whites ever convince them to beat a retreat from traditionally white homelands.
The former tactic dictates that unless they show their bona fides, Jews everywhere are fair game in this metapolitical struggle, while the latter focuses more on what white and Jewish nationalists have in common and singles out globalist malefactors among the Jewish diaspora for blame. But what if Jewish nationalists in Israel collude with Jewish internationalists beyond Israel? Given the cozy relationship the Anti-Defamation League enjoys with the Israeli government, we know this happens. This means that whites cannot expect friendship from organized Jewry of any kind. This is why these days I tend to support demoskrieg — that is, sympathizing with the Palestinians despite my revulsion for their barbarism and the knowledge that whites have been victims of similar barbarism at the hands of the Native Americans.
It’s a conclusion I don’t want to draw. But until influential Jews of all stripes withdraw their hypocritical support for black and indigenous peoples in white-run countries, I can’t think of a better one.
Keep in mind that this is not the same as wanting Israel to cease to exist. I want Israel to exist, largely because when enough whites wake up to Jewish perfidy once again and do something (hopefully non-violent) about it, the guilty will have a place to go to. After all, Jews have to live somewhere, and if some Palestinians need to displaced to make room, so be it. Remember, it was never about them.
We should also remember that this is a regional hot war. Regional hot wars, if they go on long and often enough, could potentially snowball into global hot wars. Think of the 1935 Italian invasion of Ethiopia or the 1931 Japanese invasion of Manchuria — or, for that matter, the German invasion of Poland in 1939. Right now, Hezbollah is threatening to join in the fighting, having already fired rockets into Israel, and the broader Muslim world is supporting the Palestinians as well. What if America’s military aid to Israel causes Iran, and then Russia and/or China, to get involved? What then? Not likely, but possible and very frightening.
I want the fighting to end as soon as possible, of course. I feel the same way about the Russo-Ukrainian War, which is still going on after a year and a half of bloodshed. I’d rather contrive metapolitical solutions to boring historical problems than contrive political — or, God help us, military — solutions to interesting ones.
But if this war continues, it seems best for the dissident Right to do the following to politically make the most of the situation:
- Blame Joe Biden. On September 11 of this year, he appropriated billions for Iran in a hostage deal. Since Hamas is a tool of Iran, we can only assume that this money went towards their rather well-timed and sophisticated assault on Israel. Further, American arms left behind in Afghanistan have found their way to Hamas. This is all proof that the Jewish megadonors of the Democrat Party are not exactly getting their money’s worth, a point everyone on the Right should never tire of making.
- Exonerate Donald Trump. Under his watch, the Iranians would not have had an extra $6 billion to play with. Further, Trump himself predicted this very war. I know the dissident Right has legitimate issues with Trump, but at least with him we had greater levels of peace on the international stage. Further, all dreams of Red State Secession would come closer to realization under another Trump presidency, during which the Left may want to secede as much as the Right does.
- Draw attention to Jewish leadership in the United States. Because their loyalty to Israel is greater than their loyalty to white Americans, the world has become a more dangerous place once again. American Jews, through a combination of donations and propaganda, have leveraged considerable control over both major parties. So of course America will not let Israel fend for itself, even though it is perfectly capable of doing that. Jewish warmongering was a main factor leading to the catastrophe of the Second World War. Will it lead to something similar in the near future? I’d rather not find out.
Our focus should be on limiting — or eliminating — US involvement in this war rather than vocally supporting or opposing either side, regardless of how we feel about it. This is the message that will gain the most traction among those Americans who would be most receptive to such a move — that is, the mainstream Right, which is tired of foreign wars, and — I shudder to say it — the radical Left. If trumpeted loudly enough, such a message will keep this Israel-Palestinian war exactly where it needs to be: regional and brief.
After the killing stops, then we can go back to making it all about the Palestinians.
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Is there some way they can both lose?
I’m guessing that’s the most likely outcome. The normalization process between Israel and its Muslim neighbors stops and they continue low-key killing eachother with the various Muslim orgs around.
I want Israel to exist, largely because when enough whites wake up to Jewish perfidy once again and do something (hopefully non-violent) about it, the guilty will have a place to go to.
Yes. If Israel is destroyed, which many on the dissident Right seem myopically to hope for, where will all those millions of displaced Jews go? Europe and America. Now that would be a catastrophe on top of a disaster.
Knowing full well that both Semite sibling nations, the Jews and the Arabs, hate the White West, and recognizing the limits of history in this fallen world, I am content to let them periodically attack each other there in the Levant. I only wish we could extricate ourselves from all that, but that ain’t reality.
A note on style. Especially on Columbus Day, I question the continuing use of the anti-White PC term Native Americans. The Indians were not Americans. The Americans are the nation that conquered them. This is like calling the few Greeks remaining in Turkey, the Native Turks. Of course, the motive for granting them the title of Native, like the deformation of today into Aboriginal Peoples Day, is to deprive White Americans (the only authentic native Americans) of legitimacy. The last thing we need to support.
Just as Elba was deemed too close for the stability of Europe for Napoleon’s exile, I suspect Israel is too close to civilizational crossroads for the political stability of the West. If Napoleon had to be exiled to St Helena I think Jews would get up to less trouble if exiled to Madagascar.
I concur. They don’t need to live in Israel… it will only cause more problems. There aren’t many of them…we can stick them somewhere else.
Some folks beat you to it with that idea.
“I question the continuing use of the anti-White PC term Native Americans. The Indians were not Americans. The Americans are the nation that conquered them. This is like calling the few Greeks remaining in Turkey, the Native Turks…”
Hear, hear! I thought I was the only one to say such things. I am a native American.
I agree with you about “Native American,” but what to call them instead is what stumps me. I hesitate to us “Indian,” not because it’s insensitive, but because it’s inaccurate, based as it was (at least as I learned it) on where Columbus mistakenly thought he’d arrived (India).
Would a new term take? What about “Amerasians”? (I realize it’s taken, but something like it maybe.) One thing I like about that term is that it prompts the question, “What do you mean by ‘Amerasian’?” at which point you have the setup for mentioning their having migrated to North America across the Bering Strait from Asia, countering from the start, offensively instead of defensively (i.e., “well, ackshully…”), the “indigenous” argument that is sure to be forthcoming.
Ideally a new term would not make it sound like they were the “original” inhabitants of the Americas (as if they’d never migrated from elsewhere) and it would accurately refer to their Asiatic origins (read, foreign) that are not associated with indigenous existence in North and South America and the implied right, valid or invalid, to original ownership that comes with that, used as it always is to muddy the waters each time the legitimacy of a white United States (or a white anywhere else, for that matter) is ever discussed.
I would not waste so much concern about accuracy. All these titles are rhetorical and political. You will find that groups like The American Indian Movement (AIM), and the American Indian College Fund and the American Indian Community Center, etc use those words about themselves. I prefer AmerIndian myself. It avoids the anti-Whiteness of “Native American” (which is me, not them). And everyone knows it means.
I must confess, though, that my personal favorite is Skraelings. That is what the Vikings named them when they encountered them in Vinland around 1000 ad. According to Wikipedia, the word is most likely related to the Old Norse word skrá, meaning “dried skin”, in reference to the animal pelts worn by them.
Yeah, you make a good point. I actually use “Amerindian” myself, too. Not using “Native American” actually gives one just as much opportunity to make the “not indigenous” point, really.
I go with “Amerind”.
The real reason to favor the continued existence of Israel is that it is a clearly created ethnostate. When we prowhites are asked what we want, we must always say, “What the Jews have for themselves – our own ethnonations again.” A huge PR task of prowhites is to make sure all of our fellow whites, especially the conservative Christians, understand that Israel is indeed an ethnostate, and if they have no moral objection to its existence as a “home for the Jewish people”, they logically should have no moral objection to France as a home for the French people, Germany as a homeland for the Germans, etc.
Very well put.
Due to the large numbers of Muslims in Europe who are openly hostile and violent to Jews, many Jews are leaving Europe and going to Israel.
Divide and conquer is the key to Jewish success and Whites need to use the same strategy in the US, Canada and Australia and encourage the blacks and Muslims do the ‘persuading’.
And when they get to Israel, they go back to Europe
I’m I the only one that finds all of this highly suspicious? I don’t believe for a second that rock throwing Palestinians have the sophistication to pull off what we’re seeing on TV. Can anyone say Mossad false flag? It’s not like they haven’t done anything like this before. Remember the US Liberty? And what a perfect excuse to go into Gaza and make room for more Jewish settlements. Then where do the leftover Palestinians wind up?
Exactly, many are already calling it Israels 9/11 because of casualties, in truth it is the new 9/11 because both goverments did it to themselves. The gazan militas can suddenly pull of madmax attacks on one of the most sophisticated states in the orient. Europe get ready for more refugees
Exactly. They’re going to tell us that Hamas smuggled in all these weapons under the all seeing eye of Israeli intelligence? Baloney!
Israelis don’t need to carve “room for more settlements” out of tiny Gaza.
As lowly as they are, Arabs aren’t exactly blacks. A Toyota blitzkrieg is fully within their capabilities.
There is some reason to suspect the MOSAD let the attack happen since it’s a godsend for the Israeli right; but most of your post is just hologram-tier stuff.
I’ve always thought American Indians to Palestinians a disanalogy. Arabs, while less sophisticated than Europeans, have a relatively high level of civilization. They are not Stone Age people still practicing canibalism, like the American Indians were upon European arrival. North America was relatively sparsely populated by wandering hunter/gatherer people, and white settlement was not resisted at first. Palestine was a civilized, settled region under ottoman and British mandates when the Israelis seized it. A large fraction of Israeli Jews moreover, are oriental and Sephardic Jews who lived in Arab countries before relocating to Israel, so their level of civilization was not much above the surrounding Arabs. Only about 30% of Israel is Ashkenazi Jewish. This is not a choice between Stone Age peoples and highly modern people; their level of civilization is more comparable to one another’s than that.
Israel does not have a particularly high iq
20% of Israel is Arab. There’s some Bedouin village in the Negev that’s so inbred a large percentage.
Arabs seem dysfunctional even by Islamic standards. I’ve been to Turkey and, for all their problems, it was like the Jetsons compared to the dingy slums of the Arab world.
… a large percentage are deaf, I meant to write.
Outstanding! 👏
Balanced, based, and true.
The message to Western governments from their White citizens needs to be:
”We don’t have a wog in that fight”
My thoughts probably won’t be all that helpful, but here goes. First of all, I don’t have anything against Israelis or Jews in general, except for the ones causing trouble. For the most part, the ones I’ve met in daily life are pretty unobjectionable. If they’d all act that way, nobody would have a problem with Jews. We could all get along. On the other hand, most of their elites are thoroughly rotten. They’re ruining the reputation of their own people, and unfortunately this stuff isn’t getting handled within their community like it should be.
As for the Palestinians, it’s understandable that they’d be very angry about getting thrown out of their own country for the most part, and everything else that’s happened to them. Still, that’s not an excuse to act like savages. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Ultimately, the Israelis have no rational choice but to defend themselves.
They all have to go… all it takes is one. Watch the film Jud Süß and then tell me what you think.
Watch it here:
Also, you don’t get to claim self defense if you’re the one who started the conflict in the first place. If someone just moved into the house you’d been living in your whole life, and started bossing you around and acting like they owned the place… what would you do? Trying to reason with them didn’t you attacked and tried to throw them out, would you be in the wrong?
It’s nothing to do with me. However, I do resent having to bankroll the Jewish state. Perhaps without my bankrolling, the Jewish state might not have the winning streak that it has.
A perfect summary of how I feel about this whole mess. I was having a hard time articulating it myself but you hit the nail on the head.
The author presents an effective 3-point strategy on how to react to this recent attack on Israel by Hamas.
Point-1 is the best – blame Joe Biden. It’s simple, obvious and true that the Biden regime has screwed up once again.
They enabled Iran to finance this attack by recently returning $6 billion, which the US had been holding. They also left a huge store of arms in Afghanistan in 2021, some of which must have gone to Iran and Hamas.
And the Biden regime provoked the Russia-Ukraine war, which it has been subsidizing ever since, to sabotage any diplomatic solution. The result is a weaker US economy and military.
All of this will damage the anti-White regime in DC.
I’ve also read that Palestinians, similar to Lebanese, are a relatively high IQ Semitic group, and that places with a high percentage of Palestinian refuges, such as Kuwait, are noted to be economically more prosperous. So the Palestinians are not like some throw away people, necessarily.
Excellent, just excellent.
A balanced and nuanced assessment of the conflict through a white nationalist lens. Certainly more nuanced than Zinn omitting the white perspective of the conflict with American Indians.
Arguably this article would upset Arabs/Muslims for saying they are uncivilized and would also upset Jews/Israelis for the position of demoskrieg as you put it. It does come off somewhat spiteful but of course, the largely led Jewish subversion of the West is also largely out of spite. If it weren’t for the WASP’s the Jews so loathe and despise conquering America then there would have been no Lower Manhattan tenement for their immigrant ancestors to escape persecution. Like I said, spite.
I would argue a, dare I say, third position. I think demoskrieg would work in the short term. “You support non-whites as a matter of whites being in a position of privilege so we support the Palestinians as a matter of Israeli Jews being in a position of privilege.” It calls out Jewish hubris of the “diversity for thee, an ethnostate for me” meme. Ultimately though I think the diaskrieg angle works for the long-term. Zionism and white nationalism are mirror images of each other. If I’m reading into your demoskrieg and diaskrieg thing right then I think the mix of the two would be for a white nationalist to say to a Jew that non-Jewish whites have zero political power in Israel therefore Jews should have zero political power in white countries. I think the comparison you used with American Indians is most appropriate since a large parts of Israel like the West Bank is very much like the wild west. You said it yourself, civilized Ashkenazi Jews have more in common with whites than with Palestinians.
Zionism and White Nationalism are not the same. White Nationalists don’t hate every other race.
So CC is just a zionist outlet now?
I was pretty disappointed. We don’t need Israel to exist to get rid of jews.
I know your little exterminationist game, and you are banned from playing it here. Go back to TRS.
Are we allowed to cheer for an unironic genocide of the Palestinian Arabs? Because I’m betting 20 shekels that the Jews have been mortally cucked by Christian (…Marxist, liberal) influence to exterminate their attackers and racial enemies – yes, even after such a disgraceful and bloody defeat.
Should we spend blood and treasure shoring up Israel’s borders when our own are so perilously porous? And that in no small measure due to the urging of the Jewish State’s diaspora: that we should dilute our own people with an endless stream of African and Islamic incomers, as a ‘punishment’ for not preventing the Holocaust, or to prove that we are not ‘Nazis’? Why should we not rather assist the Christian and historically friendly Armenians, now suffering expulsion by a Turkic horde? The Barbarians at Israel’s gate are hers to deal with as she sees fit, and we should not meddle. We have our own crises to confront and we will not prevail by putting the cause of ingrate Zionists above that of our own people.
“There is a similar aptitude divide regarding the Israelis and Palestinians, with the Israelis being the more advanced party.”
Ayn Rand made the same argument on Donahue in 1979. (Two-minute clip below.)
We should make a deal with Israel.
Take all North American and European Jews back home, and we’ll protect you from the terrorists. Otherwise, you’re on your own.
If we have to fight Israel’s wars, let’s put a price tag on it.
I think its more about a Trilateral agreement with covert operations on both sides . “Governments in the middle east are detached from the societies they represent”
I was not surprised to read the multitudinous “destroy Gaza” comments on US “news” sites. I was admittedly a bit perplexed to read on CC that at least several people take the side of Israel in a fight against anyone. It is apparently true that the credulity of Whites knows no bounds, at least when it comes to being the cattle of the Jewish cowboys.
Its very simple for me, Jews have wanted people like me dead and gone before I was even born they are my blood enemy and I will never forgive or forget what they have done to my homeland and people.
Israel is nothing more than A base of operations for their international jewery it is not their homeland, it should be given back to the Palestinians and Jews should go back to being A wandering tribe.
Jews seek to destroy my peoples native homeland so I really couldn’t care less about them having A country or “somewhere to go” that’s their problem they made their bed now they can lie in it.
Also the author is A complete hypocrite I have seen thousands of videos of Israel/Israelis bombing civilians, shooting children, sexually assaulting Palestinian women and urinating on dead Palestinians they are everybit as bad if not worse !
I couldn’t have said it better!
Dear Scott Johnston,
I agree with you. You could not have said it better.
I don’t believe that. Many of the slaughtered Jews at the Kibbutz were anti-Zionist . Its like saying all Americans supported the war in Vietnam. Also I find it kind of ironic that Europeans are Pro-Palestinian or am I confused here with Fayes book on “Why We Fight”.
The comparisons to a more advanced civilization (the Jews) usurping a lesser civilization (the Arabs/Palestinians) has a very chauvinistic sound to it. The Arabs had a very decent land of towns, farms, and settlements that Zionists took over. The train of thought of the author, while well-argued and thoughtful, has the sound of “the only good Indian is a dead Indian.” The Palestinians are not Indians. Sad as atrocities may sound, as a previous comment made clear, the Jews have been perpetrating indignities upon the Palestinians
for decades. I do agree that America should re-consider its unconditional support of Israel.
It’s saddening to hear the “conservative media” almost turn at the flick of a switch to rabid pro-war pro-Jewish mouthing. A local “Christian conservative” talk show host said “all mosques in Gaza should be burned to the ground.” I note on one conservative network, a spokesman said “we Jews are humans, ‘they’ are animals.” America seems ready to support Israel yet again for whatever reason, and sadly, much of the American public feels a kind of moral link to Israel that the Jews exploit and have little affinity for us.
The argument is made that Israel is needed “to give the Jews somewhere to go.” Yet they just stated that in the end, Gaza should be evacuated and all the Palestinians shipped to Europe…and America. Sure, we inherit THEIR problem. I have very little sympathy for the Jews when they say arrogant remarks like this.
Maybe in the end, the Jews could go to Madagascar, as was an original plan in the forties. it would be out of the way, and it has lots of lemurs. They might get along with the Jews, if they don’t start chopping down the trees. Perhaps it would then be up to us to accept a mass emigration of lemurs. They are preferable to Central Americans.
This is not actually the difficult hand-wringing question that the author conjectures. Zionism is not “nationalism for all.” It’s not even really nationalism in any sense because it goes far beyond the national question and focuses on using world domination of all potential opposition, including white people. They are doing that and have been for a long time. If a racial group is hell-bent on global domination, which is clearly what Jews are doing then they don’t count in the “nationalism for all” argument. If you subscribe to the “nationalism for all viewpoint,” which I do, then you must also oppose Zionism. That means they don’t get to have Israel until they have relinquished their control over the governments of every other country in which they have actively committed genocide. It’s mostly white countries. If they don’t relinquish control, then no Israel. Of course, the events of the last week are uncomfortable to watch, but we almost never see the uncomfortable events in which Palestinians are terrorized. I don’t think that turning a blind eye to such persecution is consistent with a “nationalism for all” philosophy. World peace is contigent on Israel not existing, until something changes on the global scene. If that’s not possible, Jews can wander the earth with all the rest of us saying NO to them until the sun explodes.
I’m all in on the blame Biden declaration.
Just look at his record on Iran and Israel over time.
In his 50 years of “public service” I can think of little to nothing he has done to benefit me as a white American male. And I’m not even close to 50 yet!
Only harm, that will last generations.
Now is not the time to get soft. We know who the enemy is. Keep in mind Israel just subsidized the slaughter of Christian Armenians in their homeland and continues to lobby every country to never recognize their genocide. It’s a joke. Of course Israel will wipe the floor in the end, but it’s nice to see them get a taste of their own medicine for once, even though it looks like they let it happen to justify annexing more land for Greater Israel. The arrogance for them to call it ‘Israel’s 9/11’ as if they didn’t have their cloven hooves in ours is beyond the pale.
The biggest take on this latest Arab-Israeli conflict is the reaction by American commoners. All of the ‘alternative news’ (Breitbart, Gateway Pundit etc) went right back to circa 2004 neoconservatism and the comments likewise. All of that politically-correct hate speech/Islamophobia came roaring back like a bad case of herpes. Suddenly the MAGA crowd is worried about ‘they will do it here next’ even though Hamas has never once attacked anybody outside of Israel. I’m not sure if this feeling will last or how long the news cycle can carry it, but it demonstrates that the center-right, which is the lynchpin of western civilization (normies, Cuckservatives etc) must always be minded. We can never take our eyes off them like an autistic child, or else they will be abducted and taken advantage of like always. Hillary even said a MAGA ‘deprogramming’ is in the works so they can once again control their GOP opposition. They went right back to recrudescent patriotardism, despite all of this ‘end of history’/‘clash of civilization’ nonsense of the post Cold War era being totally wrong in hindsight. Even more predictable were the before/after tweets of every ‘America First’ GOP candidate regarding Ukraine funding and now Israel, just a day apart. All of them. Trump, RFK Jr, Vivek Shyamalan etc. They all went gooey-eyed for Israel. There has never been an anti-Zionist left. They have always been pro-Israel. They are itching for war too. Several times now CNN anchors, correspondents and White House officials are ‘choking up’ on command like a North Korean mourning their Dear Leader.
They want a return to the bipartisan consensus we had since 1980 and they want it now. That’s what this is all about.
…and if some Palestinians need to displaced to make room, so be it.
The number of this “some” will be decided by those “high IQ” and “civilized” Khazars [not Mr. Quinn] with whom the author thinks he has something in “common”.
These “some” self-respecting Palestinians then have every right to resist and defend their ancestral land and eliminate the intruders and occupiers.
And, if the likes of Mr. Quinn thinks this is “barbarism”, then, as he himself so cavalierly puts it, SO BE IT.
Arab Muslims, Arab Christians, Zoroastrians, Yazidis, and, yes, Jews had been sharing the same space for centuries until the cancerous introduction of the Zionist tumor in the region under the auspices of foreign colonial powers.
It unraveled and devastated everything.
The Zionist and Kahanist cancers will have to be removed.
There is no other way.
Since Hamas is a tool of Iran, we can only assume that this money went towards their rather well-timed and sophisticated assault on Israel.
The Hamas “assault on Israel” [in reality: armed defense and cleansing of their ancestral soil] began on the morning of October 7 which would be roughly 25 days since the transfer of that money.
So, in other words, the “low-IQ”, “barbarous”, Hamas fighters and their not-so-high-IQ foreign “handlers” took just three weeks to plan and execute a sophisticated maneuver that paralyzed and blindsided, reportedly, one of the most efficient intelligence and military forces in the world. OK.
Because I find the Israel-Palestine conundrum so confounding, I don’t write about it often.
That is true as we can see in this essay what happens when the author tries to shed some light on the issue.
The Israelis assisted the Azerbaijani takeover of the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-karabakh with weapons and training. The result has been ethnic cleansing of an Indo-European people from part of their Caucasian homeland.
Israel is not the hapless victim some would have us believe: she is picking sides in other nations’ quarrels and is herself playing the geopolitical ‘great game’. Let us bear this in mind in evaluating the latest round of conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians.
Palestinians have an antiwhite line of rhetoric. It goes like this. Israel is an “apartheid” state. As a racist, colonialist entity it is illegitimate, and so Palestinians have every right to rise up and strike it down in any way.
This rhetoric justifies Palestinian terrorism by placing it in an antiwhite frame. Non-Whites are on the right side of history and can do anything to Whites. Whites, or relatively White people like Jews, can be annihilated morally.
I don’t agree that Jews are White or nearly White, but that is irrelevant to the logic of the Palestinian struggle seen as part of a morally justified antiwhite movement. This is how antiwhite Palestinians see themselves and want to be seen by their fellow antiwhites, and this is a large part of how their fellow antiwhites see them and why their fellow antiwhites support them. Simply put, genocidal terrorism is appropriate against Whites or groups seen as “too White.”
We pro-Whites shouldn’t support this.
Solid observation. And let’s not forget all the real (ie, non-Jewish) whites who have been brutally murdered by Palestinian and Islamist terrorists. I have zero respect for alleged prowhites who shed crocodile tears over the plight of the Palestinians in lieu of simply acknowledging (and reveling in) their own underlying antisemitism.
Whites generally, and especially prowhites, have no stake in the Israeli/Palestinian or any other Middle East conflicts. We should always stand exclusively for our own people, and advocate strict white neutrality in and disengagement from Middle Eastern affairs, except insofar as we need something there (like oil).
“This vicious cycle is older than history” totally sums up everything and anything that can be said of either side. The Old Testament indeed testifies to all these inter-tribal fights throughout t history. And Mohammed, in about 620 A.D, must be classed as having the brains to gather together all these warring clans and tribes, and thus challenge the Jews’ chicanery. And here we are today.
Howe ver, since the planet today is closely connected by modern electronics and horrid modern atomic weapons, we — in America and Europe — are now threatened both by these Semitic ideals and useless eaters, both of whom identify us — the ‘White Tribe”, containing geniuses and hillbillies — as ‘Goyim’ and ‘Infidels’, and considered their enemies. But White people are carefully ordered to never believe this is true, and therefor, not one in a million does look upon Semites as any sort of enemy — though we certainly had a ‘wake-up call’ on 9/11.
Those of us who have studied the problem right along through the scholars writing books and posts at Counter Currents for over 10 years, now know the “nature of the beast” we face today, though I think we have given short-shrift to the Moslems. We need to dig into their worldviews more closely — start with the dear Koran.
Just know that there are approximately 2 billion Moslems — give or take — and only about 800 million of us. Jews are fewer, list only about 14 million Orthodox, and about 10 million more, but no one knows for sure because they keep everything about themselves closely hidden.
But we do know for sure that Jews are tightly intertwined with the banking structure of the entire world, and ‘how to get the best bang for their bucks’ everywhere — even at YOUR corner bank. Head’s up.
Jews also handle the purse strings and reins of most contemporary media outlets, from newspapers, movies, TV, amusement parks, casinos, to the bye ways of the World-Wide Web.
However, Moslems have the oil and its billions to keep Jews at bay. We don’t bother. And finally know that neither of them like us in the least.
This is just to the wary.
Why shouldn’t we support Palestine? Surely we support ethnonationalism for all willing nations, (including non-whites). Also, Why wouldn’t we support the enemy of our enemy? Anything that directs Jewish efforts away from destabilizing white nations is a win for us.
It’s great to see the polarization revealed in comments under this article. I’m siding with the Palestinians against the occupying enemy and their collaborators, and hope they continue to inspire and embolden their neighbors in Egypt, Lebanon and Syria to join in the game while the getting is good. So what if Iran goes nuclear? Israel has had nuclear weapons for decades.
Starving the hapless Gazan refugees, denying them water, fuel and electricity prior to invading them with hundreds of thousands of citizen soldiers is a war crime that will backfire Little Satan and eventually on the Big Satan that supports that “shitty little nation” unconditionally.
One question: Of the alleged dozen Americans who have been killed in Palestine in the past four days how many are Jews/dual citizens? Media know: spit it out. Some may be dimwitted Christian evangelicals who may as well be Jews; it’s doubtful however that any are thoughtful, perceptive Whites who grasp the JQ like some here at C-C do.
I advise all Whites to read William Pierce’s eye-opening “The Big Lie” on (NV), written 22 years ago, for the true history of Palestine and its people during the 20th century, not the Jew version. Learn about the feared Palestinian freedom fighter Abu Nidal. Our resistance movement should have such men. The eloquent David Sims’s “Understanding Hamas vs. Israel,” published today, 10/10, also at NV, should be required reading for every racially conscious White.
The destruction of Israel would be one more step in the ‘return of history’ that the jews have attempted to prevent since WWII with their continual recycling of WWII propaganda.
‘Never again’ is just another way of saying ‘History must stop’.
Any breach in the Spectacle that is irrevocable is good for dissident/transformational politics.
It doesn’t matter where or how such ‘return of history’ occurs only that it does so.
The fact that Israel may be destroyed or badly harmed by the enemies of the jewish state is incidental.
If California fell into the sea, it, too, would kick-start history and I’d observe it with the same level of equanimity.
The BLM supports HAMAS . The same organization that will kill whites .
Dear Spencer Quinn,
I have read the entire article and I have two objections. First, don’t use the word civilized to describe Jewish Supremacists. Their plans from the very beginning was to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from their nation. For 70 years Palestinians have been known nothing but horrific violence. Jewish Supremacists aren’t a civilized or sophisticated race. They are butchers, rapists, child molesters, torturers, gangsters and liars.
Second, Jewish Supremacists are nothing like the English settlers. The Pilgrims didn’t murder, rape or torture Native-Americans. The Pilgrims tried to live in peace but the Native-Americans had other ideas.
I recommend this book for you to read about the experiences English settlers had with Indian tribes.
The links below will provide historical context about how Israeli and Palestinian War started and where it’s headed.
Link#1-The American historian Dr. Kevin Barrett’s article published at The Unz Review
Link#2-The American author Michael Hoffman’s article published at The Unz Review.
Link#3-The American war correspondent and author Christopher Hedges’s article published at Scheer Post.
Link#4-The American political journalist Normon Solmon’s article published at
Link#5-The Palestinian historian Dr. Ramzy Baroud’s article published at
Link#6-A statement from CODEPINK published at
Link#7-The Israeli political journalist Gideon Levy’s article published at
Take your time to read each article. I hope this valuable historical knowledge will help you and your readers understand the origins of the Israeli and Palestinian War.
Governments in the middle east are detached from the societies they represent. The Iranian Leviathan would be excluded from the Trilateral deal between the US, The Saudi’s and Israel. Thus the reestablishment of Iran as an imperial hegemon and global superpower would be no longer . “Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei says ‘we kiss the hands of those who planned’ Israel attacks” . I am not going to conflate the ADL and its ilk or the Western hegemon with punk savages called HAMAS.
Ad When I see videos and photographs of Palestinian fighters slaughtering entire Jewish families …
I asked myself are they real? Why, because it looks like many of they aren’t…
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