The recent spate of White Nationalist mass-shootings has been seized upon by the progressive media, who are hard at work recycling every one into grist to the mill of increased surveillance and repression of white men. I imagine they must feel a sense of vindication, even of accomplishment, under the protestations of outraged universal love. (more…)
Author: James Lawrence
The recent online debates between Alt Righters and various classical liberal dissidents have resulted in a a string of victories for our side. In fact, the opposition has at times appeared too flimsy to be taken seriously. Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) has been ridiculed for nitpicking his way through his debate with Richard Spencer, then responding to criticism by placing the paper crown of the ‘liberalists’ upon his head; and even the more erudite Tarl Warwick (Styxhexenhammer666) could do little more than throw ‘what ifs’ at Greg Johnson’s case for an ethnostate. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
Another very important essay. Please read, comment, and share. — Greg Johnson
Late in 2016, the “Hailgate” incident ignited a furious war of words on the Alt Right, centering on the use of Nazi rhetoric and imagery by people in our movement. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is a very important essay. Please read, comment, and share. — Greg Johnson
There’s no sense in mincing words anymore: The Alt Right has hit a wall and is presently faced with the hard task of pulling back and searching for a new course. The enemy media are (prematurely) claiming victory. (more…)