There is an old joke in the UK about the premiership of Margaret Thatcher, between 1979 and 1990, and it runs something like this. When the Iron Lady took power, she found a country with an ailing economy. Fortunately, she reinvigorated that country in just ten years. Unfortunately, that country was Japan. (more…)
2,588 words
If a civil war breaks out, the French native population will be somewhat defenseless, even if they are (still) a majority. The country’s armed forces have been shrinking in size over the years, down to a little over 200,000 military personnel in total in 2023. Creating a territorial defense force like the one that has been set up in Poland recently would be a much better solution. (more…)
See also, Senile Joe and the Loss of American Deterrence, A Jeremiad to the Empire of Nothing, The Deep State’s War on Russia, & Red Flags in Ukraine
What’s going on here is that the West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path and the end result is that Ukraine is going to get wrecked. — John Mearsheimer at a talk given on September 25, 2015 (more…)
1,914 words
Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Scandza Forum in Tallinn, Estonia. In his opening address to the conference, organizer Frodi Midjord stated that he had chosen Tallinn as the venue because it showcases the best of Europe architecturally, culturally, and demographically. (more…)
April 25, 2023 Greg Johnson
Ce qui est vraiment en jeu en Ukraine
English original here
Traduit par Ulrich Duca
Dans mon débat avec E. Michael Jones sur la guerre en Ukraine, ma déclaration d’ouverture affirmait que les nationalistes en Occident — et en fait, à travers le monde — devraient soutenir l’Ukraine contre son envahisseur, la Russie. E. Michael Jones a affirmé que les Occidentaux ne devraient pas soutenir l’Ukraine. (more…)
3,305 words
Teša Tešanović is one of the most famous vloggers in Serbia and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. On the occasion of a trip to Budapest, he gave an interview to the Hungarian Right-wing website Magyar Jelen. The Visegrád Post here offers you the English version of this interview. (more…)
March 2, 2023 Greg Johnson
La Russie et l’Ukraine, à nouveau
1,335 words
Rasmus Paludan, the Danish-born leader of the Swedish Stram Kurs (Hard Line) party, burned a copy of the Qur’an in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm on January 21. The act, which was permitted and protected by the Swedish police, prompted Turkey to withdraw its support for Sweden’s accession to NATO. (more…)
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
This is intended as a response to Dr. Greg Johnson’s essay, “Against Imperialism.” (more…)
3,060 words
See also: A European View on the War in Ukraine, The Correct White Nationalist View of the Ukraine War, The Truth About the Euromaidan
Part of the ongoing narrative about the ongoing Ukraine War is the idea that it is analogous to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Believing this analogy means one thinks this conflict can be resolved by hard thinking, a bit of compromise, and several diplomatic cables. (more…)
December 16, 2022 Greg Johnson
Nacionalismus pro všechny
1.139 slov
English original here
Mike Maxwell z nakladatelství Imperium Press přišel na substackovém účtu Imperium Press s dobře promyšleným protiargumentem mých postojů k válce na Ukrajině. Bílí nacionalisté by podle něj měli podporovat ruský vpád na Ukrajinu, jelikož Ukrajince podporují Spojené státy i drtivá většina členských zemí NATO, porážka Ukrajinců tudíž znamená porážku i pro naše vlády, což usnadní činnosti disentu. (more…)
Czech version here
Mike Maxwell of Imperium Press has written a thoughtful response to my position on the Ukraine War on the Imperium Press Substack account. Maxwell thinks that it is appropriate for White Nationalists to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because the Ukrainians are being supported by the United States and most other NATO members, so a defeat for Ukraine will be a defeat for our own governments, which will make our own work as dissidents easier. (more…)