Angelo Plume (Telegram, YouTube) did a solo news roundup on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, discussing the recent French elections as well as other current things, and of course answered listener questions. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Tag: Finland
Czech version here
Like other Nordic countries, Finland has a strong conformist mentality. The Law of Jante is in force to keep too headstrong or conflict-seeking individuals leashed. In this respect, it is strange that one of the modern Finnish cultural icons is a character as extreme as Pentti Linkola. (more…)
2,353 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
In addition to our sporting mission, we Germans also have the major political mission to fulfill. — Luz Long[i]
Carl Ludwig “Luz” Hermann Long (1913-1943) was a world-class German athlete who competed in both high and broad jump competitions and is best known for winning the silver medal in the broad jump at the 1936 Olympics.
He was one of the most visible ambassadors of sports in the Third Reich, sometimes even acting as standard bearer at sports events, and Long really was the ideal Aryan poster boy: tall, blond, and blue-eyed, with both a competitive and chivalrous streak to boot. (more…)
2,032 words
Something remarkable happened in Finland during the First World War: The Finns made their homeland an independent state for the first time in their history when the Russian Empire fell apart in 1917. Then they defeated the Bolshevik government in a bitter civil war, and succeeded in maintaining their independence from the Soviet empire during the Second World War.
The story of Finland’s independence and its rise to the status of First World nation is an uplifting tale, and it is a roadmap for American white advocates to consider as they seek to set their own nation free of the Empire of Nothing and its ideology of Negro Worship, as well as resist a resurgent Russia. (more…)
Czech version here
Like other Nordic countries, Finland has a strong conformist mentality. The Law of Jante is in force to keep too headstrong or conflict-seeking individuals leashed. In this respect, it is strange that one of the modern Finnish cultural icons is a character as extreme as Pentti Linkola. (more…)
August 26, 2022 Timo Hännikäinen
Pentti Linkola, 7. prosince 1932 — 5. dubna 2020
English original here
Podobně jako v dalších severských zemích vládne i ve Finsku silná atmosféra konformismu. Zákony Jante efektivně drží na uzdě příliš konfliktní a svéhlavé jedince. Proto se zdá paradoxní, že se jednou z kulturních ikon moderního Finska stal charakter tak výsostně barvitý jako Pentti Linkola. (more…)
August 3, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 472 Hwitgeard on The Writers’ Bloc
The Writers’ Bloc had their good friend Hwitegeard over for a friendly, low-intensity chinwag with host Nick Jeelvy, where they also answered listener questions, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:07:00 How does one speak Anglo-Saxon and what does it sound like? (more…)
As I have written before, while it is an undeniable truth that NATO and even the European Union, which is much worse than NATO, is preferable to the Russian Federation due to the incontestable fact that pro-white organizations can operate more freely in the former than in the latter, my ideal scenario is Eastern Europe breaking away from NATO and forming its own military alliance with its headquarters in Warsaw, consisting of the following countries in no particular order: (more…)
1,055 words
There are recent reports about Finland strengthening its borders with Russia not just militarily, but with regard to illegal entry. Finland is taking this precaution because they fear Russia will employ the same tactic that Belarus has employed against Poland over the past couple of years. (more…)
Tuuka Kuru, leader of the Sinimusta Liike political party in Finland and organizer of the Awakening series of conferences, was host Nick Jeelvy‘s guest on the latest episode of The Writers’ Bloc to discuss the Finnish perspective on the Russo-Ukrainian War, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
1,183 words
I am a Finnish nationalist who has been following the American Dissident Right for many years. I greatly admire and regularly follow many of the superb writers and sites in this milieu. However, I feel that at least some American dissidents do not fully understand the European point of view on the Russo-Ukrainian war. (more…)
1,440 words
I often find myself rooting for villains.
Villains always seemed more interesting — they discussed certain truths about life that heroes could not accept or admit. Tony “Ludvig Borga” Halme was a wrestler who played one of these villains that got me interested in wrestling in the 90s. Halme lived an exciting but inevitably tragic life — but his memory lives on and continues to inspire those willing to play the role of the outsider, the rebel, and the dissident. (more…)
Czech version here
Like other Nordic countries, Finland has a strong conformist mentality. The Law of Jante is in force to keep too headstrong or conflict-seeking individuals leashed. In this respect, it is strange that one of the modern Finnish cultural icons is a character as extreme as Pentti Linkola. (more…)