484 words
The idea of a “Borean” Alliance — like the ideas of Eurosiberia and Septentrion — is a recurring theme in European New Right geopolitics. Like “Septentrion,” from the Latin term for the Big Dipper, “Borean” means “Northern,” after Boreas, the Greek personification of the North Wind. Both concepts refer to a political union of the white peoples of North America, Europe, and Russia, as a geopolitical bloc that can stand against the demographic and political challenges of the non-white world.
The passages below on the Borean Alliance are translated to supplement to quotes I translated under the title “Project Septentrion: The Last Line of Defense.” I wish to thank a French comrade for making these quotes available and for suggesting the title. The French originals are here.
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Against the prodigious onslaught of exotic peoples and the birth of anti-white racism, we may well one day need to reconfigure the unity of the civilized world [sic], from Alaska to Siberia. Then European Europe could not define herself against the other white continents. She will, on the contrary, have to become the most solid bond between European Russia and European America.—Jean Mabire, 1965
We are witnessing (and can see it on the map) a rapid retraction of the “white,” i.e., Europeanized, world. Europeans are in the process of falling back to their native territories, which are all located in the North of the terrestrial sphere. . . . We can then orient ourselves toward a “Borean Alliance,” a Triplicity of three large blocs: North America (including Canada and the northern part of the United States), Europe (with or without the Ukraine, which is an unanswered question), and Russia (including at least part of Siberia, if Russia manages to preserve it). In this coherent geopolitical point of view, “Americans,” Europeans, and Russians can preserve their names and distinct identities, while being closely united in a great “Borean Alliance” with three heads (arriving, as if by chance, on the number three, the sacred number of the Indo-Europeans) down as by chance on the figure three, crowned figure of the Indo-Europeans: the North and the number three, two beneficial forces for the Indo-Europeans). . . . This Borean Alliance will, of course, be possible only when the United States gives up its “secession” (because, ontologically, the foundation of the United States really was a secession) with respect to the Mother civilization (Europe) and its biblical capitalist and multiracial Utopia. As long as the American Empire will not give up its multiracialist Utopia and its hostility towards Europe (the Mother civilization), the concept of Euro-Russian alliance (Euro-Russia) will remain valid (and necessary).
All whites of the Northern Hemisphere united in a triple Borean Alliance: here finally is a hope on the horizon, and a perspective that is simultaneously exciting and realistic, integrating ethnopolitics, geopolitics, and chronopolitics. — “Volchok,” 2010–2011
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I love Big Ideas, but is there even the slightest tracery of tendencies in this direction? Do we have anything at hand to suggest this might happen, even over the next century?
If the White race survives, something like this will probably come about. One thing we know for sure: it is much more likely to happen if people conceive it and discuss it. That’s really all that is my power right now.
I think Jean Thiriart cited Albert Camus to the effect that all great things have derisory beginnings.
These things tend to happen quickly….
China is the greatest unacknowledged threat to the White race once we expel the Jews. The Chinese can sustain the missile and nuclear weapon technology the betrayal of the West gave them even after we stop trading with them, making them the only existential and external threat to our people.
A Borean Alliance would have the strength to withstand the deadly Yellow Peril, a term that should be brought back into fashion.
@ J.Winthrop ll.
{“The Yellow Peril”}
There is no greater “threat” to the white race than the white man himself!Neither China nor India (the two rising Asian ECONOMICAL superpowers) is interested in “conquering the world”,let alone invading white countries and subjugating or even genociding their populations.That is a typical form of “white” paranoia perhaps caused by the projection of historical “white guilt”.If you look at China you see that it is pretty “conservative” in its foreign policy,being only intersted in keeping the world stable and save for their own economic development.India has still its hands full of feeding its hundreds of millions of poor to think of conquering the world.
What really threatens the White World is mass non-White immigration.And who allows,even encourages that?Right!The white man himself!This doesn’t mean that something like a World Federation of all white peoples is not desirable.But in order to achieve that, the same white elite (whether it is being manipulated by Jews or not) plus the brainwashing of the public in “multiculturalism” have to go.
As for the idea of a “Borean Alliance”,only uniting the white peoples of the North is not enough.Australia and New Zealand should also be included.And what about Argentina and Uruguay? (both “whiter” than the present USA), not to speak about our brothers in South Africa, now being slowly genocided? Ideally such a White World Federation for which I would suggest the name EUROSPHERE should include: Europe,Russia+Siberia, North America (Canada and the USA),those parts of South America that are predominantly white (Argentina,Uruguay,South Brasil, part of Chili,Costa Rica),Australia and New Zealand and South Africa south of the Orange River (exclusively reserved for Whites).Nato should be abolished and be replaced by a Eurospheric Alliance,a purely defensive militairy alliance for the protection of the Eurosphere.There is no reason why the Eurosphere could not have friendly relations with the rest of the world (for which I suggest the term ALLOSPHERE).
Eurosphere and Allosphere could share the planet in peace.
This is of course at present wishful thinking but one should have an ideal to strife for.Anyway the Russians would love to see an end to the hostile policy of the USA (missiles on its European border,militairy bases in Central Asia) and would welcome closer relations with Europe and even the USA.Australia and New Zealand would like to join, as would the Boers of South Africa for whom it literally would mean salvation.The potential is surely there.This idea has to be propagated together with the idea of a total stop of non-White immigration and a policy of remigration.
The main problem is not non-Whites,not even the scheming Jews,but the mentality of Whites themselves.
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