474 words
North Korea is perhaps more than any other nation on Earth, completely out of step with our global cosmopolitan overlords. On some level, the fascination in racialist circles is understandable, as the regime is defiantly rejecting foreign influence, celebrating their shared identity, and (most importantly for us) embracing their racial heritage. It’s certainly presented in a distorted light by our government and media.
But North Korea really sucks. Kim Jong-il is hardly a fascist ruler in the Western tradition, with habits and hobbies more reminiscent of Mugabe than Mussolini. He’s a terrible steward of his people, indulging in the sort of material excess that Puff Daddy’s entourage would find embarrassing. For instance, when traveling through Russia on his own private train, he takes breaks for airlifted lobster dinners.
For all the talk of rejecting modernity, he’s a basketball fanboy who delighted in receiving a basketball signed by Michael Jordan on a state visit from Madeleine Albright. He’s seen more mainstream American movies than any of us have. His family’s attempt to replace his country’s traditional beliefs with a bizarre “cult of personality” is about as far from any Tradition as one can get.
However, as awful as North Korea is, and it’s about as awful as it gets, it has managed to retain its ethnic identity intact. It’s hard to say how much of this is actually due to ideology (his cultural tastes leave me skeptical). I suspect it’s for the same reason that my hometown has remained ethnically homogeneous: poverty.
Just as God strikes his favored females with ugliness to protect their virginity, he strikes his favored communities with poverty to protect their racial purity. Had the good people of Michigan chased Henry Ford out of the state with pitchforks and burned their factories to the ground, the state would still be a safe and solvent replica of its original settlers’ Nordic homeland.
South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China are increasingly under pressure to solve their “demographic problem” of growing old by swallowing the spider of third world immigration. North Korea has been under no such pressure. Even African war refugees would rather starve in a tent city in a tropical climate among their own than starve in North Korea.
As awful as North Korea is, the rising tide of color will part like the Red Sea around it. As awful as North Korea is and as maniacal as Kim Jong-il is, a nation that doesn’t do away with itself can redeem itself later. It can have a future. Fortunately, there’s no dichotomy here. We can borrow the one thing that North Korea’s doing right, then abandon our colonial holdings in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan so the Chinese won’t feel the need to prop up this madman and his buffer state.
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South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China are increasingly under pressure to solve their “demographic problem” of growing old by swallowing the spider of third world immigration.
Under pressure by whom? Do I even need to ask the question?
The leaders of these countries need to break out the gallows right now for any agitators within their lands calling for increased third world immigration.
An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Few of us know much about North Korea–even those who have read one book about it. (By the way, it is perfectly valid to read, review, and comment upon one book in that fashion. Such a review imparts useful information and perspectives.)
It is clear that Jews are currently demonizing the country because they claim the present government is inimical to Jewish (Israeli) interests.
These people lie so consistently, absurdly and viciously about everyone they hate that total skepticism regarding any alleged evils, eating of dogs, etc., the System spews about the Korean government or its people is warranted.
Because of this warped hatred, governments, media hacks, and academics characteristically are tripping over their shoelaces in a fanatic effort to depict North Korea in a sinister, repulsive, ridiculous light. (The same was true of Iraq and its leader and, today, of Iran and its president.)
Jewish philosopher of science Karl Popper made an astute epistemological observation relevant to this situation. “If you asked me,” he said, “how I know that China exists [Popper never having been there], I suppose I would have to say: ‘Because I’ve read about it.'”
We shouldn’t infer too much about North Korean reality based either upon what is broadcast to us via the mass media, or available for us to read (too much of which is pathologically warped).
We’d have to delve into the subject deeply before we could comment intelligently about it.
Your skepticism is understandable, but misplaced. If you can challenge any of my factual assertions in the article, I will dutifully modify it and make note of the correction. The whole “We should think Y because our enemy wants us to think X” line is reasoning is nonsensical. I don’t think X because they want me to think X, but because X is being reported from a variety of sources with a variety of motivations.
Nobody is even claiming Y…that North Koreans are prospering under his regime.
The Chinese have nothing to gain from portraying North Korea as disastrous, yet they admit it. Last week’s Wikileak regarding the relationship between China and DPRK reinforces this narrative. Unlike with Iran, Iraq, and Nazi Germany, no credible source is refuting the basic assertions.
A picture says a thousand words…
The lights are out because the country is being grossly mismanaged, but you’re intent on cramming your dichotomy onto this situation: implying that I equate progress with mainstream media garbage and imagining that this state that can’t keep its lights on is doing so because it’s embracing some sort of archaeo-futuristic vision of tradition and simple living.
The points of this article are that: a nation that makes every mistake other than suicide can at least have a future; poverty is as likely a reason for their racial purity and lack of immigration as Kim’s being “one of us” ; and we would do well to try for an orderly and dignified withdrawal from China’s nascent realm while that’s still an option.
Note that I didn’t say a word about his alleged “saber-rattling”, authoritarian excesses, or human rights abuses. Those are all indeed part of the neocon smear template, as you both suggest. The proposition that he’s a huge fan of mainstream American movies seems like an odd thing for the warmongers to throw at him, and it’s thoroughly corroborated by a variety of sources with a variety of interests.
“We can borrow the one thing that North Korea’s doing right, then abandon our colonial holdings in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan so the Chinese won’t feel the need to prop up this madman and his buffer state.”
White Nationalists shouldn’t abandon Japan because they were good allies to Whites during the Axis Alliance!
Just as some view the Japanese as the ‘Aryans of the East’, so on the flip side are the Chinese seen as ‘Jews of the Orient’ (hyper-ethno-centricism and money-grubbing) and White Americans need to prop up the Japanese as a buffer from the Godless Communist Chi-coms.
“so on the flip side are the Chinese seen as ‘Jews of the Orient’ (hyper-ethno-centricism and money-grubbing)”
This is a highly simplistic view of the Chinese and their history.
“White Americans need to prop up the Japanese as a buffer from the Godless Communist Chi-coms.”
White America can’t even prop up its social safety net, how does one expect it to prop up another nation of people?
“This is a highly simplistic view of the Chinese and their history.”
Just because it is simplistic doesn’t mean it is not a good case of similarity!
1.) Chinese are well known to move into other South Asian nations, corner the market in some area, and then hire only other Chinese.
2.) Chinese are now colonizing and abusing Africans IN Africa. Note the similarity to how Chinese are treating Africans and how Jewish slave traders treated them. (refer to ‘The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews’)
3.) Chinese are communist/ Bolshevist. This is the exact same ideology actually created by Jews like Marx and put into practice by Jewish Bolsheviks last Century!
“White America can’t even prop up its social safety net, how does one expect it to prop up another nation of people?”
Looking the new unemployment figures you do seem to have a good point. Perhaps we are further along the Collapse/ Kali Yuga then I had once considered
“Just because it is simplistic doesn’t mean it is not a good case of similarity!”
Some similarity exists between the two people, but to say the Chinese are somehow oriental jews is quite a myopic view and not really true.
As to your first point, almost all races do this to a certain extent. By frequenting this site, I’m sure you’re someone who doesn’t argue against the idea that people are tribal in nature. And that 1st point is an example of the inherent tribalism in humans.
To your second point, some of that is true to a certain extent, though much of it is probably greatly exaggerated by the media in the west.
and to your 3rd point, the Chinese state is communist in name only. Communism/Bolshevism pretty much died when Mao died. Is the modern Chinese state authoritarian? Yes, but that doesn’t mean its still a communist one. In fact, the modern Chinese state is far more closer to the vision of nationalist Chiang Kai-shek’s than Mao’s vision.
The Chinese are no doubt responsible for some of the problems of the modern age (their part in ushering in the reign of quantity in economic exchange by removing a hard value to currency about a half a century or so ago), but so is the case for every race on the planet (to varying degrees). By your reference to the Kali-Yuga, I’m guessing your familiar with the works of Evola and Guenon. If so, you would know from reading Evola that a race is itself primarily responsible for its own decline (the west declined because native europeans let it happen), and you would know from reading both Evola and Guenon that ancient and medieval Chinese civilizations were more or less Traditional in nature (meaning, they were in accordance with the Truth).
“by removing a hard value to currency about a half a century or so ago”
That should have been *by removing a hard value to its currency about a half a millennium or so ago.
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