I am not in the least bit susceptible to depression, but I have to admit that as Tuesday night wore on, I found I was getting depressed, and on Wednesday I was really down. If you watch conservative media, you were expecting a red wave, and there was even talk of a paradigm shift as the GOP was projected to attract new constituencies: suburban whites, blacks, and Latinos were supposedly gravitating to the GOP. (more…)
Tag: white awakenings
I don’t know where I first heard this joke:
“How do you keep 5 blacks from raping a white woman?” “Throw them a basketball.” (more…)
3,732 words
In November of 2009, I had been living in St. Louis for nine years, and my apartment complex was in a suburb bordering the city. It had gone through a rough patch before I signed my lease, cleaning out drug dealers and such. My years there were quiet and orderly. The rent was reasonable, the location a ten-minute drive from my downtown job as a security guard, and the apartment was a cozy one-bedroom. (more…)
March 20, 2018 Jack Donovan
Kostel plný
English original here
Zrovna jsem doposlouchal rozhovor Grega Johnsona s Markem Dyalem na rádiu Counter-Currents. Dyalova pouť od samolibého antirasistického skejťáckého pankáče a fanouška Public Enemy, přes studenta černošských studií až k nieztzscheánskému skinheadskému fašistovi je pro mě zároveň fascinující i povědomá. (more…)
Let me tell you a bit about my experiences with the red pill. Drug stories can be fun, in large part because of they provide a transgressive taste of the taboo. This certainly is the case with the effects of this little red pill in the present culture. I will sketch some of my experiences; for many readers this may bring back memories. We can chuckle together about my story, being both in the know, and sharing in the taboo. (more…)
Czech version here
I just finished listening to Greg Johnson’s interview with Mark Dyal on Counter-Currents Radio. Dyal’s journey from smug anti-racist skate punk and Public Enemy fan to Black Studies major to Nietzschean skinhead fascist was at once fascinating and familiar. (more…)
By a child of the Black Sun
I am awakened. I know exactly why I live the life I do and how far it falls short of what could—should—have been.
I was born in England—from a family that was as English as English can be. My granddad saw the decline looming—left the London area he was born in and came across to America. (more…)
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Editor’s Note:
“White Awakenings” is a series of autobiographical reflections on the different paths individuals have taken to racial awareness, whether it was a single event that led to an epiphany or a long process of observation and study. Each author also strives to give us a sense of his or her personality, since the goal of this series is not merely to inform but also to allow readers to form personal connections with our authors.