I am not in the least bit susceptible to depression, but I have to admit that as Tuesday night wore on, I found I was getting depressed, and on Wednesday I was really down. If you watch conservative media, you were expecting a red wave, and there was even talk of a paradigm shift as the GOP was projected to attract new constituencies: suburban whites, blacks, and Latinos were supposedly gravitating to the GOP. It would be a landslide, a paradigm shift that would ensure sweeping electoral victories for the Republicans for years to come.
Certainly, anyone paying attention could understand why there would be a GOP tsunami: rampant inflation and a weak economy that may well slide into a deep recession; crime, especially by blacks, in the big cities, moreover with its perpetrators being protected by radical, Soros-backed district attorneys (conservative media was full of videos depicting horrible crimes, almost all committed by black men, which emphasized the weak or non-existent punishment they are receiving); a completely open southern border (also prominently featured in conservative media, along with some discussion of the Great Replacement, the problem itself resulting in ~5 million additional illegals since Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas got in, not to mention untold numbers of fentanyl deaths), a war in far-off Ukraine (intensively pursued by the administration and resulting in pressure on energy and food prices); gender indoctrination in the schools; repeated examples of anti-white hate and statements of overt anti-white discrimination by prominent Leftist activists as well as in the liberal-Left media (often highlighted on conservative media, so this was not a secret); and a doddering, senile President whose personal popularity is in the tank and who would presumably be a drag on the rest of the Democrat candidates.
But why should I be depressed given that the Republican Party is hopeless — at best a palliative that makes the patient more comfortable as he awaits certain death from an incurable disease? I think the reason I was depressed is because I was expecting some signs of a white awakening. If whites ever needed cover for voting for a party that is repeatedly accused of being racist, misogynist, and generally evil, this would be a golden opportunity given all the Biden administration’s negatives. What white person in their right mind could possibly vote Democrat? Isn’t it obvious to even the most casual observer that we need a change of direction?
But it didn’t happen. The narrative held. The media in general is still all in for the Democrats, so a great many people likely never heard about the southern border, or the many examples of anti-white discrimination and hate, or the huge spike in black criminality; and they never heard about Biden’s senility. They heard a lot about abortion and the GOP’s “war on women,” and pro-abortion ballot measures won in several states, probably helping Democrats overall, as in Michigan, where it probably helped the evil Gretchen Whitmer.
I should also mention that, even assuming there was no fraud, the Democrats obviously know how to game the current system, often with the help of laws they put in place to make it super-easy to vote. And they even engaged in dirty tricks like funding Republicans they thought — correctly, as it turns out — would be weak candidates.
They heard a lot about endangered democracy, which is supposedly threatened when Republicans win elections (!). But this was likely an effective message because it’s a moral one (as were so many other messages during this cycle — Trumpian evil [fascist! insurrectionist!] being an obvious favorite). And if it’s one thing white people, and especially white women, resonate with, it’s the feeling that they are an upstanding part of a moral community (I try to explain it here, in Chapter 8). It’s so comforting to know you are on the same page with the New York Times, NPR, and the college professors the liberal media trots out to give their talking points. White people won’t act unless they think it’s the morally right thing to do, and as always in the media age, the people who control the media create the moral communities. Jewish control of much of the media allows them to create the moral high ground that is absolutely compelling to a great many whites.
Another factor was that Trump endorsed some marginal candidates as long as they went along with the 2020 election fraud narrative — as emphasized by Ann Coulter. I agree the Democrats cheated (with a lot of help from the likes of Google biasing the news that people see). But let’s face it: It’s a losing issue now. Every news article in the liberal media and much of the conservative media that I have read over the last two years has claimed that election fraud is an outright lie, a point that is often repeated several times in the same article. I’m not even talking about op-eds, but about “news” articles. It’s never phrased tentatively, but as an absolute, undeniable fact.
The general consensus seems to be that Trump-endorsed candidates went down in winnable seats, but this is likely because of the media’s success in promoting the idea that only crazy people think the election was stolen. The liberal media likewise continued to spew hatred toward Trump as evil incarnate, given that the President allegedly fomented an “insurrection” to avoid his much-deserved electoral defeat.
I certainly supported Trump in 2016 and 2020, even though he was far from ideal, and I would vote for him again if he gets the nomination. But his massive ego is now completely out of control, as seen in his recent comments on Ron DeSantis:
Notice there’s no statement of principle here, but only gratuitous disparagement and basically saying that DeSantis owes him — even though DeSantis has never attacked Trump, as far as I know. If Trump gets the 2024 nomination, the hatred would rise to fever pitch — an even more intense version of 2016 and 2020, when the media was blaring everything from the idea that Trump was the Second Coming of Hitler, to the Russia collusion hoax, to accusations of insurrection incitement and personal corruption. The midterms clearly show that the elite media still has enormous influence, and another Trump candidacy would be seen as an Armageddon moment for them. Pull out all the stops; lying and cheating are completely justified.
But quite possibly another Trump nomination would be good simply because it would further polarize the country, if that’s possible. Trump’s everlasting contribution was to upend the comfortable neocon-Chamber of Commerce Republican establishment that would have given us unending Jeb-vs.-Hillary type elections. We need polarization, hopefully leading to a divorce. White conservatives have to get to the point where they realize that they can’t win elections and that the GOP is a permanent minority party. (If the Republicans did so poorly in these midterms, you have to think it will be far worse in 2024.) At that point, other solutions would have to be considered.
But a couple things from CNN’s exit polls (for whites only).
Whites were overrepresented in the total vote (73%), with 58% going for Republicans, which is about typical for past midterm elections — so there was no awakening. As usual, there was a gender gap among whites, 63%-53%, but with both sexes voting more Republican. There was also an education gap, with white women college grads skewing Democrat (56%-42%) and white male college grads skewing Republican (52%-48). Non-college grad whites of both sexes strongly favored Republicans. And there was the usual age gap, with younger voters aged 18-29 (still influenced by the school system? youthful idealism?) skewing Democrat (58%-40%). All of these percentages should be increased, because there are considerable numbers of people who are classified as white but who do not identify with the European Christian-derived population: Jews (at least 66% Democrat, “animated by democracy and abortion concerns”), Middle Easterners, etc.
For whites, marital status showed a big difference. In general, marriage is linked to voting Republican (63%). Unmarried white men are average white voters (58% GOP), but unmarried white women (20% of the white sample) vote for the GOP at only 41%. One envisions wine ladies, pro-abortion fanatics, and graduates of gender studies programs. It also reinforces the idea that white women are especially prone to the morally-framed messages coming from the media they watch. White women college grads are a big problem.
A third of the white sample identified as born-again or Evangelical Christian, and skewed strongly towards the GOP (83%-15%), but the two-thirds who did not so identify skewed Democrat (54%-44%).
Try to wrap your head around that. The great majority of white people — the ones who aren’t seriously religious — tend to vote Democrat by a substantial margin. This is a good indication of the hopelessness of the cause of getting white people to understand the need to start asserting their interests as whites.
And of course, to make matters worse, the born-agains and Evangelicals are at best implicitly white. Their worldview is foreign to racial thinking, and they strongly support Israel and see Jews in a very positive light.
Therefore, in general these results show that the great majority of whites are still very much under the spell of the narrative being pumped out by the media and the educational system, and have no idea what their long-term interests are. Everything is going to work out wonderfully, and we can all look forward to a harmonious, conflict-free future.
The conclusion is that there aren’t any more signs of a white awakening than have already been evident in the recent past, despite all the reasons for them to further coalesce in the Republican Party. Like I said, depressing. The message of the Dissident Right is not getting through. And of course the demographics and the establishment narrative’s continuing hold on so many whites means that things will just keep getting worse. It’s become blindingly obvious that whites can’t or won’t find salvation in voting.
This limits the options: peaceful secession, civil war (resulting in unthinkable destruction and having to deal with a military that is already inundating their personnel with woke propaganda and purging dissenters), making alliances with some non-white groups that don’t really share our interests, or going out with a whimper (what the establishment wants). I would love to see a successful secession movement, but that’s a long way off by the look of things. Far too many whites still accept the system’s narrative, and even the best talking heads in the media shy away from advocating explicitly for white interests or dealing honestly with Jewish issues.
Nevertheless, there are still parts of the country that are very white, very conservative, and very angry about what’s going on. Thus, a secession movement may take off, especially if the system shows signs of collapse. So, being the optimist that I am, I continue to have hope.
This essay was reprinted, with the permission of the author, from The Occidental Observer.
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The Decade of Truth, Reawakening the Old Trump, and the Future of White People in America
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 604:
Friends Stab You in the Front
Can Elon Musk Save Trump’s Campaign?
Can White Nationalists Tank Trump?
Trump’s Great Betrayal on Immigration
The Case for Trump 2024: Anti-Zionism vs. Preserving The First Amendment
The Case for Trump 2024: The Left Is Still The Enemy
There’s a strange dichotomy amongst whites. There are sites like patriots.win, and many pro-Trump Facebook groups, that used to be very civic nationalist and allergic to anything JQ-related that have become “far right” at an amazing pace in just the past two years. White nationalism is now mainstream in many places that used to avoid/ban these topics and the Kanye, Kyrie, SBF stories have people talking about Jewish topics that would have been outright banned on patriots.win until very recently.
And yet, despite “normie” conservative boards clearly moving in our direction, it’s as if 90% of the general public is completely unaware of these trends and continue to behave and vote as if it’s still 2008. I’m encouraged by the progress we’ve made, but most ordinary people are very difficult to reach. Our best hope might be some type of “psychological tipping point” where our ideas suddenly flood into the mainstream.
I found the America First Legal ads that decried anti-white racism highly encouraging and hopefully we will see more like them going forward.
The problem with those ‘anti-white racism’ ads is (a) they were produced by a Jew, Stephen Miller, who should not be trusted and (b) pro-White ‘racism’ is really the only thing that’s going to turn things around for Whites so ‘anti-racism’ of any kind is not in the interest of Whites.
The entire Jew apparatus exists to keep Whites from developing racial awareness and engaging in racial solidarity.
And that includes MAGA Jews like Stephen Miller.
MAGA is simply a different strand of Jewish supremacism.
I’m no fan of Stephen Miller but I guess I fail to understand how they would “keep Whites from developing racial awareness and engaging in racial solidarity” by bringing attention to a subject that has the potential to have normie whites beginning to develop racial awareness and hopefully engaging in racial solidarity.
It’s not White racial awareness if it’s founded on some universal notion of ‘anti-racism’. Anti-racism can never be pro-Whiteism. Anti-racism will always be a denial of White value, White uniqueness and White solidarity because it is an appeal to universal equality.
I’ll simply the problem: You either think racism is good or bad.
If you think racism is bad, you cannot take your own side – the White side – in this racial struggle.
If you think racism is good, you can take tyour own side – the White side – in this racial struggle.
@Hamburger Today wrote: It’s not White racial awareness is it’s founded on some universal notion of ‘anti-racism’. Anti-racism can never be pro-Whiteism. Anti-racism will always be a denial of White value, White uniqueness and White solidarity because it is an appear to universal equality.
I’ll simply the problem: You either think racism is good or bad.
If you think racism is bad, you cannot take your own side – the White side – in this racial struggle.
If you think racism is good, you can take your own side – the White side – in this racial struggle.
^^Get this man two hamburgers — he is absolutely brilliant!
I think we’re reaching the tipping point, but still not there. I’m very hopeful that the dam will break during the 2024 election season thoughq.
“What white person in their right mind could possibly vote Democrat?”
Living in a bright blue city (the place of my birth, alas) has given me nauseating perspective on this phenomenon. Otherwise intelligent and decent people descend into the most rabid and nonsensical virtue signaling, which has become obligatory, to say nothing of reflexive, for goodwhites. The only rational explanation for these demented moral imperatives would be military-grade brainwashing over the course of many decades. Didn’t Yuri Bezmenov say something to the effect that this state of mind, once attained, is incurable?
“I agree the Democrats cheated (with a lot of help from the likes of Google biasing the news that people see). But let’s face it: It’s a losing issue now.”
So you agree that Democrats cheated in 2020, but you draw all your conclusions from the assumption that they didn’t cheat in 2022 (i.e. the reported results reflect the actual opinions of electors)?
Isn’t your position on the lines of “my solution to electoral fraud is to vote the fraudster out at the next election”? Problem here?
I believe his point was to say that bringing up the subject of electoral fraud as a campaign talking point is strategically unproductive.
I think that a remark by George Carlin provides part of the explanation: “Have you ever noticed how stupid the average person is? And then you realize that half the people are stupider than that?”
But even given that, it defies explanation to think that blatant problems, attributable to policies, would not create a backlash against the perpetrators of those policies, no matter what the propaganda media is saying, especially when some of the problems are causing economic pain, which slaps people in the face. Whatever is going on in elections now is anomalous with respect to patterns that have existed in past elections.
I wonder if at some point way back in the history of baseball, a guy on first base just decided to run to second while the pitcher was winding up, and when the team on the field complained to the umpire, he couldn’t find anything in the rules to prohibit it, and so stealing bases just became part of the game. Maybe Republicans are going to have to learn how to steal elections.
Conservatives and Republicans are deeply anti-racist and spent the year signalling a desire to side with America’s enemies and return the country to some kind of bizarro-world Christian theology. Has KMac forgotten Trump’s boast that he would bring immigrants to the US in the “Largest possible numbers”?
Perhaps it is out of the grasp of the DR to understand that whites voting Democrat ARE voting in their own interest.
Couple thoughts: I do think that normie cons/evangelicals are starting to understand that Jews aren’t our friends. I personally have made some ground here by taking some risks in even mentioning the JQ. The best argument you can make to an evangelical is that the true ‘Israel’ of the Bible is Christendom, not the modern nation-state of Israel. Also I share my personal experience doing business with Jews and how they lack honor and conscientiousness.
Second, I wouldn’t give up hope on secession movements entirely. I suppose a more likely scenario is people voting with their feet (I know several who have done this—including myself) and the deep red areas becoming more red and deep blue more blue. This will accelerate the desire for more autonomy in the south— the only true home for whites in the USA imo. Idk where it will lead, but a lot of people down here are pissed off and don’t support or trust the federal gov for obvious reasons.
Third, I think it’s unavoidable we’ll have to ally with minorities who share some interests —- Asians and conservative blacks and Hispanics. And increasingly we’ll have to make it very uncomfortable for shitlib whites and ethnocentric minorities in our areas. Most will leave eventually, just as I left the big city.
Last, without a return to pro-natal policies and culture, it doesn’t matter what we do anyhow. Family formation is extremely low and most young white women want nothing to do with kids until they’re 30+, by which time many are badly damaged. F Roger Devlin has written much on this and in my experience he is spot on. This seems to not get enough attention in pro-white spaces. Most men are willing to settle for a woman in their league and have children and care for them. It’s our women that have embraced the religion of the self and false promise of transcending our biology. They need to be put in their place because they damn sure aren’t going to figure it out in their own. They aren’t very good at being accountable—the average American woman is narcissistic and solipsistic beyond a harmless degree. Self-correction isn’t their strong suit.
‘Secession’ exists on a spectrum. Secession first occurs in the heart. Lots of Whites are at this point. Then comes nullification, or tactical assertions of sovereignty on specific matters where the local population does not feel that the policies promulgated by remote authorities are legitimate. Recent examples of nullification are marijuana legalization as well as immigration and firearm ‘sanctuary’ locales. The 10th Amendment Center is a good source for understanding the history, theory and practice of nullification (https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/nullification-overview/). More than 61% of US counties are Second Amendment Sanctuaries.
I would caution you to not equate ‘red’ with pro-White. Some of the most adamant adherents to Negro worship are ‘conservatives’ in ‘red’ states.
As far as the South being a haven for Whites, I don’t see it. The South has the largest concentration of American Negros and among the most aggressive at destroying White history.
White America will be sea-to-shining-sea and North and South. Most Whites – even liberal Whites – do not want to be the whipping boy for every other race.
I don’t know how any other region could possibly be suitable other than the south. There are a lot of rebellious whites here who are race realists and already see themselves as being a separate nation, and still revere the confederacy and hate the federal government. No other region is anywhere near this far along in the secession spectrum. The angry race realist whites from other regions move here—I meet them every day. Contrast the values and history here with say 90+% white Portland (which dominates Oregon like Seattle dominates Washington) where there are relatively less blacks but the white population is racially utopian and have no idea how blacks actually are. If I’m white in Oregon living amongst blacks and feminists and shitlibs I’m moving to the southeast or maybe Idaho because you’re fighting a losing battle trying to convince communist degenerates to return to tradition and start having kids and stop doing drugs etc. The momentum and human capital is here, the right mindset is here, the history is here. Leave Portland and settle and California and New England to the utopians we’ve already lost it, as sad as that is.
My view is that anywhere there’s a super-majority of Whites in 2022, there’s a chance for renewal and resistance. Any mostly White county without a university. Just look at the election results on a county level and you’ll see the places where Whites could de facto secede without the need for de jure secession. Or look at the county-level map of Second Amendment sanctuaries. These places are already seceding via nullification.
The rural areas and small towns in the south are nice in terms of being pro white. Once you get to the big cities like Memphis, Birmingham, and Jackson, things begin to change. Whites have abandoned these cities for the most part. Jackson, MS is good example of what happens in a black run city. We are already starting to see some push back from whites. This includes resistance against critical race theory in schools and the fact that whites are starting to abandon not only cities, but law enforcement and the military as well. If these trends continue, it will have negative consequences that we could take advantage of. The U.S. might not have the manpower to successfully deploy the military, if it tries to. We should also try to use our collective will against woke sports, entertainment, and corporations. It will be difficult, but not impossible. Ratings for the Oscars has gone down every year and the latest ratings for the Olympics was low. It’s a start.
“…whites are starting to abandon … law enforcement…”
I suspect that anti-White forces keep promoting the fantasy that there is an epidemic of white cops murdering black men (with the resulting over-prosecution of white cops) specifically to discourage white men from joining law enforcement. Any white cops who remain will have to look the other way when POC’s commit crime and corruption against whites.
Are you Lew Rockwell?
He’s the founder of the Mises Institute and lives in Alabama and is at times quite nationalistic.
I think Kevin is depressed because he’s looking for White awakening someplace it isn’t: At the polls.
The White awakening is who doesn’t show up at the polls and why.
This NPR article is from 2020, but I’d say that there’s no reason to believe the reasons and demographics of non-voters (working class Whites and ‘Hispanics’) is likely to have changed much.
In 2016, Trump brought White people who had never voted to the polls as well as Whites who had not voted in so long they were considered ‘off the rolls’.
Those votes turned a number of close races.
If the White working class don’t show at the polls, the GOP does not win.
And Whites not turning up at the polls for a party that hates them and treats their concerns as irrelevant simply is what ‘White awakening’ looks like for those good, decent, normal White people at this stage of the process of racial awakening.
These people have already seceded in their hearts.
It’s up to us to give them a homeland of the heart in which they can invest their faith.
This is an interesting and perceptive point, as is the one above about the noticeable turn in sentiment, (not scientifically measured but by casual observation), and rhetoric sounding like WN points of discussion.
Our best hope is the ongoing DIE aggression in the higher end fields in combination with the debt reckoning accelerating in speed of onset and in size of its impact. You combine those two, and you get the makings of a hornet’s nest. Combine that with the scale of the crime that has and is occurring against them, and they may finally kick the nest themselves. We are a ways off, but as sad as the coming economic calamity is, that is really our only hope/alternative to going out with a whimper.
I also agree that seeing the messages in the mainstream and the West/Irving reactions are positives. I also agree that speaking out against anti-whiteism must be done by a white European. The problem with politicians is they will do anything to avoid any negative hits. Perhaps an upper middle class or upper class white person who gets whacked in a DIE initiative or whose son does will be the catalyst.
There are positive signs. It is a bleak prospect we face, and it feels like we face it mostly alone. If we feel discouraged, that is the moment to have a laugh with a loved one, then take some small action that moves . The biggest thing right now is atomization. If you have even one fellow traveler, you should consider yourself lucky. Many whose eyes are open are facing it alone. Think about how discouraging that feels. Maybe connect one of those dots and expand the circle. Despair is normal – this is after all an existential matter. Giving up is not an option. Chin up everyone.
Thank you.
Magnificent! This is doubtless the most brilliant comment I have ever seen on the Internet, period. Thank you, Hamburger, for being you and surviving with your integrity intact. You understand. You are not alone. We salute you.
Thank you.
I can’t feel that this election is as bad as claimed. There’s a lot of media hype to say otherwise, but hype will only last until the new Congress starts to work. I wish to point out the following:
1. The 1994 midterms ended with the Republican Party holding 230 seats. If the Republicans win all the remaining seats yet to be called, they will get 229 seats, this is unlikely, but winning 218 is almost certain and they will probably get more. The GOP pulled off a respectable victory in the House.
2. In the Senate the situation was always more competitive, but the likelihood of a major shift was not likely in the first place. Go to various news outlets and one can get the details there. Mark Levin on Fox has some good points to make on this.
3. Despite media gloating, the political “far-right” had a very good showing. The race for governor in Arizona was very close and there was probably election fraud.
4a. With Arizona’s close race in mind, we can see that there is a large, animated set of voters that are impervious to media hype and continued to vote Republican despite being called “racists” etc. This is a big force that cannot be suppressed forever.
4b. In 1964, the conservative activists were happy that their radical (for the time) ideas gained something like 40% of the vote. 1964 was a wipeout for the Republicans, but conservatives became a real force in that election.
5. 2022 might be the year that white advocates made a real showing. The media hype painted every Republican a radical right-wing racist, and many Republicans won.
This situation isn’t a splashy victory as with the Tea Party in 2010, but the election shows solid gains for pro-white ideas.
Isn’t the important question that affects any White Identity Nationalist analysis of the election this: What is the GOP going to do for Whites if it wins?
As far as I can tell, the GOP hates White people.
Name a single, identifiable pro-White policy equivalent to the Platinum Plan. Or name an ‘get-out-the-vote’ effort direct at Whites that is equivalent to that directed toward darkies.
You can’t.
The GOP is all about ‘racial market discipline’ for Whites, but ‘socialism’ for darkies.
The DNC offers self-loathing and self-abnegation to DNC Whites.
The GOP does the same for GOP Whites.
The White vote is split because both parties offer the same racial policies toward Whites. In such a situation, people fall back on other factors, such as cultural or class factors to make their decision.
The problem is not Mr Trump nor is it the message of the republican party. White voters are the problem.
Looking into statistics shown to me by a great forum contributor on a different thread it is estimated that in the 2020 election that 87% of blacks voted democrat/biden as did 76% jews while 58% whites voted republican/trump. If 68% whites voted republican then and last week there would be no need for this column.
The reason the GOP lost is because it hates its most loyal voting constituency – working-class White males – and does everything in its power to hurt this constituency when in power. The GOP is good at making enemies and abusive to it’s friends. The rank-and-file GOP has, consequently, adopted a siege mentality that goes out of its way to repel Whites on the other side.
The problem isn’t White people, even the White people who vote against their own racial interests.
The problem is the GOP brand has become toxic with this group of White people and the adherents to the GOP’s ‘Working-class Whites are the enemy’ mentality – you know, the people who actually run the GOP – make it clear that its a party of treacherous scum and not to be trusted. Why should the Whites currently not loyal to the party start doing so?
I don’t know how the GOP ran in other states, but in my state it was all about abortion or milquetoast ‘lower taxes’, ‘business climate’ and ‘fiscal restraint’ jibber-jabber.
It’s not the fault of liberal or progressive Whites that they reject this crap.
It’s the fault of the GOP for not changing its playbook – except to become more anti-White – since Ronald Reagan.
The GOP is party without ideas for dealing with the 21st century.
The GOP has become the political equivalent of the buggy-whip manufacturer.
Talks of secession sound like throwing in the towel and inviting military action against all the remaining good white folks corraled in one place. Make no mistake, they will nuke you if they must.
White advocacy is not catching on because nobody is pushing the messages on the general public with vigor and positivity.
There is a definite lack of White Nationalist propaganda aimed at John/Jane White Normie.
A couple years back a European nationalist made a comment to this effect: “We already have the people on our side. We just have to get them mobilized.”
So why does this mobilization, a “White Awakening,” not happen?
Well, there is waaaaay too much blackpilling on Dissident Right (DR) websites. John/Jane Normie opens up a DR page and what do they find?
Too often it is pearl clutching over the latest anti-White crime stats, latest anti-White discrimination, latest anti-White riot, latest anti-White great big conspiracy which can not be resisted, latest anti-White ad nauseam. Not very encouraging, is it?
How about something positive which the Normie family can latch onto? Like:
Victories won by pro-White activists (such as Patriotic Alternative, Patriot Front, Generation Identity, etc).
Examples of successful pro-White underground economic enterprises (coffee or tea, anyone?).
Examples of pro-White lawfare (like fighting against anti-White discrimination and against wrongful termination for political speech).
Snappy rejoinders to the anti-White agitprop in the classroom, workplace, media.
A laundry list of low risk actions: cancelling cable telescreen, sending money to pro-White groups, providing a pro-White reading list (especially for young people), boycotting sportsball, sending more money to pro-White groups, etc.
Promotion of alt-technologies and alt-media and how you too can program your own pro-White video game.
Networking with national-populists in other countries for international days of action.
And yeah, even a list of useful candidates for whom to work and vote.
The DR does not have to win over the majority of White people. The DR needs only gain a cadre of key leaders and key communicators who will bring along their followers. It could be an Elon Musk, a shop steward, a disgruntled veteran, the cool kid on the block, the programmer who is fed up with the anti-White narrative and has some brilliant new technology which will revolutionize the IT world (and now it belongs to the Nationalist cause!).
Remember, White Nationalism is inevitable. Give White people something useful to do, they will wake up.
An excellent post, could not have said it better myself. White Nationalism is a celebration of whiteness, let it appear as such. And there’s a lot to celebrate about whites, their achievements, their cultures and their history.
‘Secession’ exists on a spectrum. The ‘sovereign secession’ – the kind exemplified by the Confederate States of America – is only one part (the most extreme part) of the spectrum. Can you honestly say you haven’t seceded in your heart from the fiends in DC or the milquetoast GOP?
I, too, was depressed about the election, though I had no hopes whatsoever for California where I live. And I am still thinking it is probably a good thing I don’t have money, because I was ready to leave the United States and all of North America for good, to move to a small village somewhere in Bavaria or another such alpine setting, even in Central or Eastern Europe.
I simply cannot understand the stupidity of the America people, all of them. What shattered me the most was the horrid ‘Fetterman’ episode — and he WON! Good grief! He looks like a refugee from a homeless camp! His optics alone should disqualify him from any public office, but for God’s sake — The United States Senate?! I think that was the final straw, a drift away from ‘my people’, but then I remember the people I’ve met through Counter Currents, which gives me hope. So, let’s keep working on it.
What I find most solid in our fight for our existence is the overwhelming population statistics planetwide for the past 80 years, which I’ve researched. and count from then, since I was born in 1943. There were 2.3 billion people then, and just today we officially hit 8 billion. The population of the entire continent of Africa alone has quadrupled since the 1960s when they began ‘getting rid of the White colonialists and achieving self-rule’.
I seriously think that studying the overpopulation statistics and demographics of ‘The Third World’ — a nomenclature we are never(!) to use, you know — will help us get our mojo back. Cold, hard facts have to be thrown in the faces of the ‘do-gooders’ and their ‘better-than-thou’ moral crusades. For me, it’s the only way, since I’ve lost all my former friends and am getting a little lonely.
The mid-term polling and pre-election media coverage seems like it could have been a conspiratorial psyop involving the Democrats and the Cheney/Bush/McCain/Romney/McConnel wing of the Republican party.
The Republican leadership does not like having Donald Trump as their leader. They’ve made that abundantly clear. By getting Trumps supporters hopes high for victory then pulling the rug out from under them, then quickly shifting all the blame to Trump, they figure they can drive a wedge between Trump and his supporters.
I wouldn’t doubt if they went so far as to organize and recruit anti-Trump Republican supporters to vote Democrat in those states and swing districts with a pro-Trump candidate.
It’s mostly conjecture but the anti-Trump forces sure seemed organized to me. Look at the split votes in those pro-Trump candidate states and districts. The several I looked at showed a consistent approx. 4-5 % shortfall between a pro-Trump Rep candidate and a neutral or Anti-Trump Rep candidate within the same state. The Dem running against the pro-Trump candidate in the state also shows a corresponding approx 4-5% windfall. Which means the Republican voter has split his vote. Georgia is a good example:
The anti-Trump Republicans are willing to hand victories to the Democrats if they think they can get rid of Trump in the long run. The Republicans should weed these guys out and remove them from power or it’s only going to get worse.
I don’t see any reason to help the GOP save itself. It’s been anti-populist and anti-White since its conception. For over 100 years, the GOP elite has used every penny raised and every trick in the book to make sure that the GOP does not represent the interests of a sizable number of GOP voters.
Trump is a symbol of the GOP populist base, but he’s just a distraction. When elected, he didn’t accomplish – or even make significant effort to accomplish – any of his signature populist proposals.
I remember how Trump started in 2015. I look at him now and there’s a complete disconnect. He has no policies of interest. The GOP elite don’t fear Trump – he’s an incompetent gasbag – but they fear the people who voted for him because they have always hated the people who voted for him, White people with self-respect and a desire to live White in a White land.
Trump isn’t particularly pro-White or conservative but for the media and the power elite he represents those forces. So, the GOP leadership’s anti-Trump stance is really an anti-White stance. I wasn’t suggesting anyone help the GOP save itself. I was suggesting a purge of the GOP leadership and a full take over of the party.
Fair enough. I over-interpreted you. Still, it is my understanding that the GOP is a membership organization and primary organization is the state GOP. There’s a process by which elections for officers are made. It seems to me that, a concerted effort could be made to gain control of these state GOP, but, for some reason, this hasn’t been done. Or, if it has been done, there are means for preventing this from occurring (or having any effect if it does occur). Here’s the corporate rules for the RNC: https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/2016-Republican-Rules-FINAL.pdf It’s worth reading the section on the selection of delegates (page 23). It’s so politically-correct, it’s laughable.
The GOP was taken over by the Dixiecrats back in the 70’s. They made it a much more conservative party.
I had in mind something like what happened in Wyoming with Liz Cheney when boot was put to ass. Like that but on a larger scale.
That GOP delegate selection process is embarrassingly woke. I like that they try to soften the blow at the end of it all with this clause:
(e) The provisions of these rules are not intended to be the basis of any kind of quota system.
If the SCOTUS ends affirmative action and the ruling is applied broadly then the GOP may have to rewrite that whole selection process or face massive lawsuits.
Wow, this is wonderful analysis, it basically gives you the whole picture of what’s going on in Weimarica.
Great wars are not won in landslides, but by being mobile, flexible and persistent. A few weeks back Ann Coulter cautioned against overconfidence about this election and she was spot on. But at least the right is coming out ahead. And even if Herschel Walker is an appalling candidate, so long as he tends to vote right, tis better than someone who is always voting left. Even if Trump was a giant disappointment, he and Mitch McConnell did wonders for the Supreme Court, who will soon weigh in on affirmative action.
Trump is so hated by the left and middle, he will mightily lose the next election. If he runs as a 3rd party candidate he will split the vote and still make for a “Loser!”. Hillary Clinton inspires much animus from the right and the Dems are smart enough to know not to run her again. Will the right come to a sensible opinion of Trump and get behind someone like DeSantis in full? I do not see what is left of the Trump base being in a position to create a good divorce. If there is even a slight chance of divorce, that side will be shafted and lucky to wind up as Trasnistria. More likely is a near-permanent democratic majority if he doesn’t split.
They’re going to run a Brown. It’s their turn.
It’s also depressing in the meta sense in that Republicans don’t actually conserve anything, they just slow down what the other side ends up getting. 12 Republicans just joined Democrats to enshrine gay marriage into law.
Republicans are more the problem than Democrats for whites. In reality, they are both the problem.
On the election fraud thing, I think it really points out the significance of demographic change. Does it matter if we are down to 70% or 60% or 40, of the voting population? As there are less whites involved at every level of the election process, the less white integrity is present. Manipulations of the way votes are cast, who counts them, when the election is decided, end up being done in ways a super-majority white society would not consider. Demographic change is structural and ethical transformation we will not recover from.
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