Tag: vanguardism
February 15, 2024 Greg Johnson
Nueva Derecha vs. Vieja Derecha
Capítulo 20: Peor es Mejor -
2,958 words
Mike Maxwell has posed some questions to me on sovereignty and international order on the Imperium Press Substack.
Ethnonationalists envision a world of sovereign homelands for all distinct peoples who aspire to autonomy. Thus we are opposed to multinational empires as well as global government schemes, all of which involve the denial of sovereignty to particular peoples or, in the case of global governance, to all peoples. (more…)
October 8, 2021 Greg Johnson
Contre le sectarisme de droite
English original here
Il est important pour les Nationalistes Blancs de visualiser ce à quoi la victoire ressemblerait. Il y a en réalité deux réponses à cette question. La réponse ultime est notre vision de l’Utopie Blanche, la société que nous voulons créer. Mais avant de construire l’Utopie Blanche, nous devons remporter la victoire sur le présent système politique. Cette victoire nous donnera le pouvoir de créer notre société idéale, et elle pourrait survenir plusieurs décennies avant que l’Utopie Blanche soit réalisée. (more…)
October 1, 2021 Greg Johnson
Pour faire l’éloge des extrémistes
English original here
Ce bref discours a été prononcé à Londres le vendredi 26 mai 2017 au premier Dîner Jonathan Bowden annuel.
Je suis actuellement en train de préparer un nouveau recueil des écrits de Jonathan Bowden intitulée Les extrémistes : études en métapolitique [1]. J’ai préparé de nombreuses heures de transcriptions des discours de Jonathan, et maintenant quand je lis n’importe lequel de ses discours, j’entends sa voix dans ma tête. (more…)
1,776 words
1,776 words
Right-wingers often say they want to create an “elite” revolutionary vanguard.
This would supposedly attract the best and brightest of our society in order to overthrow it. This elite would be smarter, more dedicated, more athletic, and possibly better-looking than the cattle they wish to rule. “We’re attracting quality, not quantity! Elites, not the masses!” is the eternal response to those who doubt this strategy. (more…)
Jonathan Bowden
Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics
Edited by Greg Johnson
San Francisco: Counter-Currents Publishing, 2016Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics is a highly original book that contains the transcripts of nine of Jonathan Bowden’s orations: one on vanguardism followed by profiles of Thomas Carlyle, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Charles Maurras, Martin Heidegger, Savitri Devi, Julius Evola, Yukio Mishima, and Maurice Cowling. (more…)
French version here
To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.
It is important for White Nationalists to visualize what victory would look like. There are really two answers to this question. The ultimate answer is our vision of Whitopia, the society we want to create. But before we build Whitopia, we need to achieve a victory over the present political system. (more…)
French translation here
Author’s Note:
This brief talk was given in London on Friday, May 26, 2017 at the first annual Jonathan Bowden Dinner. I want to thank Stead Steadman and the other organizers of the dinner, as well as the nearly 80 people who attended.
I am currently editing a new collection of Jonathan Bowden’s writings called Extremists! Studies in Metapolitics. (more…)
There is a lot of confusion about the relationship of White Nationalism, the Alt Right, and the so-called Alt Light.
The “Alt Right” is a vague category that encompasses different tendencies of thought united by their rejection of mainstream conservatism. White Nationalism is one such tendency, and the Alt Light is another.
The Alt Light is defined by civic nationalism as opposed to racial nationalism. (more…)
English original here
Ramzpaul está básicamente en lo correcto al quejarse sobre el ala “1488” del Nacionalismo Blanco. Él esta obviamente frustrado con las señalizaciones puritanas y el LARPing[1]. Creo que se equivoca al acusar a los 1488s de ser plantados por el enemigo, aunque algunos probablemente si sean. Pienso, sin embargo, (more…)
It is hard not to like Milo Yiannopoulos. Watching him is like watching Firing Line if it were being hosted by Noël Coward. He is unquestionably a witty, bright-eyed, and charming individual. Politically, he inhabits the intellectual space in which White Nationalism and conservatism sometimes overlap. That is to say, he is a vocal opponent of feminism in its most flawed manifestations, opposes Muslim immigration, supports Donald Trump, and so on. (more…)