A couple of months have passed since a five-year-old boy, Landen, was thrown off a third floor balcony in the Mall of America by an individual named Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda. Emmanuel had pre-planned a murder that day, stating at his sentencing that he had been angered by his string of rejections by women at the mall. He is now serving nineteen years in jail; a clear example of an unjust punishment, especially when viewed alongside the plight of our own political prisoners serving sentences for the crime of wrongthink.
Tag: Tyler Hamilton
2,230 words
Just a few months ago, I set off on a trip with some members of The People’s Party of Canada (PPC) to attend a rally for Maxime Bernier and the founding of the party. The individuals I shared the ride with were full of excitement and renewed vigor for democratic participation in the political process. The motto to distill the mood can be summarized as, “Finally we can vote on our values and not on cynical strategy!”
George Grant
Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism
Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2005One of the oddities we find in the history of political philosophy is that the foundational text of Canadian nationalism is a work lamenting the end of Canada. The 1965 work of philosopher and theologian George Grant, Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism, set off a wave of nationalism throughout the country. (more…)