Tag: Travis McMichael
3,098 words
Black Writer: Kyle Rittenhouse was Birthed Raw & Bloody from His Mother’s Hateful Klangina
Stacey Patton is a balding black woman who writes for a pro-black-woman website named MadameNoire that purports to fight racism and sexism despite, well, openly flaunting its racial and sexual biases by being openly and idiotically pro-black and pro-woman. (more…)
Czech version here
Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges after the highly-publicized trial regarding the shooting of three antifa terrorists in Kenosha, Wisconsin during last year’s riot season. Here’s a good place to get the facts. (more…)
Kyle Rittenhouse now stands as a folk hero to many Americans, particularly conservatives. Any person with a functioning brain is astounded by how much of a farce the whole case is. The prosecution is essentially arguing that you have no right to defend yourself against a violent mob and you must allow them to beat or even shoot you. The right to self-defense apparently doesn’t apply in this situation. (more…)