Earlier in 2024, Counter-Currents conducted the first ever internal poll of the movement with 540 respondents. This is the first in a series of reports detailing the findings, some of which will be published, others which will be reserved only for select movement leaders. The purpose of this report is to identify what types of people are most open to our ideas, how our ideas spread, what tactics work best on different types of people, and what are the most common barriers which need to be surmounted. (more…)
Tag: the red pill
2,030 words
What are my Saturdays like? Quite dull. After my weekly pizza, I settle down to read, perhaps write and revise, pig out on a podcast, and go out sometimes if there is a play, concert, opera, or movie to get my interest. I don’t mind a nice sunset walk (more so now that I have skin cancer). I never watch TV. (more…)
1,749 words
What would become known as the Alt Right began to crystalize by the mid-2010s. The Alt Right introduced a style of White Nationalism that was so radically different than what came before that it was necessary to invent some terms to differentiate the two. Pre-Alt Right White Nationalism came to be referred to as White Nationalism 1.0 (WN 1.0). This encompassed groups such as the Klan, skinheads, the militia movement, and the efforts of individuals such as George Lincoln Rockwell, David Duke, William Pierce, and Tom Metzger. (more…)
1,077 words
Winston Churchill once said that when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, he knew that Britain would not lose the war, and that when Germany declared war on the United States, the Allies would win. Well, when it comes to the whole “saving the white race” thing, I have arrived at a point where I am confident that we will not lose. By that I mean that I am now confident that we will be able to red-pill enough people in time to stave off complete racial annihilation.
Now, will we win? Will we able to take back our countries and banish the non-white hordes from our midst? Eh . . . Honestly, I don’t know. (more…)
Greg Johnson floated the idea of my writing an essay on Candace Owens being the Non-White Ally of 2023. I said no, because I think she is a snake. Has Candace Owens been saying good things lately? Has she been dabbling in Jewish-question territory, helping to bring some of our basic talking points to the mainstream and shifting the Overton window? I don’t deny that she has. (more…)
Greg Johnson welcomed The Ayatollah (Odysee, Telegram), Morgoth (Substack, Odysee), Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube), Karl Thorburn (Telegram), and David Zsutty on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss Elon Musk’s recent tweetstorm, as well as Candace Owens’ conflict with Ben Shapiro, Con Inc.’s response to Zionism, and of course they answered listener questions. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
It’s always nice when the stars align for a particular film, even when the planets and everything else in the sky do not, and the stars in question are hard to see. Regarding the 2013 Tom Cruise science fiction film Oblivion, one telescope reveals 4D levels of Eurocentric defiance against the modern world, while another tells us that such conclusions are probably the signs of an overzealous critic. The film could also be seen as a subtle allegory for the Jewish Question — one profound enough to even provide an answer. In any event, Oblivion offers two hours of inspiring — if somewhat uneven — entertainment, which will be hard to forget once one connects all the twinkling dots in the sky, regardless if the filmmakers had put them there on purpose. (more…)
Marcus “The Golden One” Follin is a young star of the European New Right (see his previous appearances at Counter-Currents here). He has already published two books, written countless reviews, and is an entrepreneur, managing a line of clothing, nutrition, and other products through Legio Gloria. He is dedicated to the development of his body and spirit. (more…)
There has been a Mr. Bond-shaped hole in the National Socialist rap scene ever since ZOG sent the Austrian troubadour up the river for the crime of being a genius. But fear not, for I see from perusing the still-active Mr. Bond fan pages that the white race is continuing to produce lyrical machete-men vying to become Mr. Hassler’s successor as the King of White Nationalist rap. No-Face Nate, a rapper associated with the Will 2 Rise movement, is one such contender. (more…)
1,094 words
Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. So far this year, we’ve raised $63,955.84 of our $300,000 goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!) But first, Thomas Steuben offers a few words on how to decide what level of involvement in our movement is right for you.
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The term “red pill” has become common parlance and has spawned numerous variations. While some lament that its meaning has become diluted, I prefer to see this as a testament to the dissident Right’s cultural dynamism. (more…)
February 14, 2023 Émile Durand
Faustovská civilizace a nový patriarchát
1.764 slov
English original here
Pravda o ženách o vztazích mezi pohlavími bývá zpravidla pro muže tou poslední, nejtvrdší a emocionálně nejobtížněji stravitelnou ze všech „red pills“: zatímco pochopení genetických a biologických rasových odlišností, pravda o Hitlerovi a 2. světové válce či židovské otázce u lidí obdařených jistou dávkou intelektuální otevřenosti a kritické myšlení obvykle přichází bez větších zádrhelů, prozření o ženách obvykle kráčí ruku v ruce s koňskou dávkou popírání. (more…)
October 11, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 493 Sarah Dye of Above Time Coffee Roasters
Greg Johnson welcomed Sarah Dye of Above Time Coffee Roasters, a recently-established nationalist-owned business, to the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download or online listening. (more…)
Greg Johnson did a new solo Ask Me Anything on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)