2,243 words
Being as I am a creature of little judgement and less discrimination, I have friends both woke and White Nationalist. These being hypergolic, I have to keep them separated so they don’t leave each other’s body parts on my rug. (more…)
2,243 words
Being as I am a creature of little judgement and less discrimination, I have friends both woke and White Nationalist. These being hypergolic, I have to keep them separated so they don’t leave each other’s body parts on my rug. (more…)
English original here
Pokud existuje dobrý argument proti volebnímu právu žen, jsou jedním zvlášt vynikajícím příkladem aktuální pokusy médií zmocnit se zadního mozku (tj. jeho primitivní, evolučně starší části) žen a znemožnit tak jakékoliv racionální myšlení přehráváním záznamů dětí plačících a dožadujících se svých rodičů z americko-mexických hranic. (more…)
The United States federal government has been fixated for years on far-off conflicts while America’s backyard, especially Mexico, has slid into chaos. Nationalists for years have likewise demanded that our troops be stationed on the Rio Grande instead of the Euphrates. (more…)
1,180 words
On Monday afternoon, amid a stinking-hot San Antonio June where over half the days have already topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit, 53 would-be illegal aliens died from heat exhaustion after being trapped and pressure-cooked in a tractor-trailer where temperatures reportedly reached 150 degrees. It was the largest mass death from human smuggling in American history. (more…)
717 words
Czech version here
If ever there were an argument against giving women the vote, it’s demonstrated in the media’s attempt to hijack women’s hindbrains and override all possibility of rational thought by playing literal audio of children crying for their parents at the US-Mexico border.
1,676 words
After hearing a recent rant by Adam Carolla – the one about how Los Angeles is turning into Mexico – I feel the need to address what I call the “Jock Right.” As we all know, people tend to cluster into ideological niches, and the Right is no different than any other collective body that shares broad goals. There’s the Alt Lite, the Gun Right, Men Going Their Own Way, the manosphere, white advocates, (more…)
1,239 words
Late last month, something entirely expected happened: Hispanic Democrats, on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives, revealed their contempt for the law and for the country in which they live through acts of bullying and violence. (more…)
1,695 words
Editor’s Note:
Just as the Coincidence Detector makes (((Jewish))) names (((echo))) the Bean Counter puts <<<La Raza>>> supporters in <<<taco shells>>> to call out anti-white bias and Hispanic privilege. (more…)