Interwar Imperial Japan was rife with a phenomenon known as gekokujo. Gekokujo was a form of insurrection unique to the Japanese which was sparked by the ultranationalist feelings of members, often quite young, of the Imperial officer corps. What is fascinating about these idealistic young men is their passion, not to overthrow, but to strengthen the state and the national essence, what they referred to as kokutai. (more…)
Tag: Japan
English original here
Už tak velice nízká porodnost v Jižní Koreji se v roce 2023 dále propadla na pouhých 0,72 dítěte na ženu, což je přibližně jen třetina hodnoty nutné pro zachování velikosti populace (2,1). Na webu BBC se dokonce objevil článek, jehož autorka si klade otázky, proč se tolik Korejek rozhodlo zůstat bezdětných. (more…)
Greg Johnson was once again joined by David Zsutty (Counter-Currents, Telegram, Twitter) of the Homeland Institute (website, Telegram) on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss the Institute’s latest poll, on attitudes toward natalism and proposed pro-natal policies. The recording is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
The following is reprinted from the Homeland Institute (website, Telegram).
Of white Americans aged 18 to 35, 87.3% of Democrats, 85.1% of Independents, and 72.2% of Republicans plan on below-replacement reproduction, meaning two or fewer children.
33.2% of all respondents, 35.9% of Democrats, 38.5% of Independents, and 23.1% of Republicans said that the financial cost of raising children overall was a barrier to having children. (more…)
2,112 words
Japan is considered something of a utopia on the world stage today, standing among the lauded Nordic countries and wealthy microstates in terms of its civilizational level. Japan has virtually eliminated violent crime, has a high standard of living, is technologically advanced, stays out of wars, and remains a top world economy despite having seen better days. Japan even has a homogeneous population. Many on the Right therefore point to Japan as an example of the success of positive nationalism. (more…)
3,828 words
Czech version here
South Korea’s birth rate per woman, which was already low, fell even lower in 2023 to 0.72, which is roughly a mere third of the country’s replacement level of 2.1. The BBC even published an article exploring why women in South Korea are choosing not to have children. (more…)
189 words / 2:10:27
Our latest livestream was the third meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club, where author F. Roger Devlin, Greg Johnson, Travis LeBlanc, and Counter-Currents Program Director Cyan Quinn discussed F. Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power. The stream is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:03:57 Summary of Sexual Utopia in Power
00:14:04 On the superiority of monogamy
00:18:43 On racial differences in breeding patterns
00:27:22 What is “hypergamy”? (more…) -
The 2023 nationalist activist MVP of the year, Keith Woods, recently wrote an article on society and its ideal size and scale. It’s a very good article. Drawing from thinkers such as Aristotle, Rousseau, and Leopold Kohr, Woods — in a studious and methodical manner — showcases the argument in favor of societies and systems of government which maintain a small population. He is primarily, almost exclusively, concerned with the governance of society. (more…)
Spanish translation here
Yukio Mishima was one of the giants of twentieth-century Japanese literature. He has exercised an enduring influence on the post-World War II European and North American New Right. In commemoration of his birth, I wish to draw your attention to the following works on this website:
Patrick J. Buchanan
Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World
New York: Random House, 2008See also: “The Collapse of British Power,” “The Audit of War,” “The Lost Victory,” “The Verdict of Peace,” “The Forced War,” “America First,” “Colonel McCormick,” & “Wind Down the Empire of Nothing” (more…)
Patrick J. Buchanan
A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America’s Destiny
Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1999See also: “The Collapse of British Power,” “The Audit of War,” “The Lost Victory,” & “The Verdict of Peace”
If ever there was a call which went unheeded, it is former presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan’s admonition that once the Cold War ended, the United States should have reduced its military footprint to a size capable of dealing with its own national interests. (more…)
1,898 words
I will be writing this story mostly as an ignorant Occidental. I freely admit there are important nuances of the following events and characters which remain beyond my grasp. After all, the majority of the source material is in Japanese. Regardless, I found this story so riveting, and the pause it gave me so contemplative, that I feel the need to share it. (more…)
June 22, 2023 Jonathan Bowden
British Power & British Glory
Editor’s Note: The following is a transcript by John Morgan of a British National Party stump speech, once thought lost, that Jonathan Bowden gave in Liverpool on November 28, 2008. The title is editorial, and versions of the speech online have also been titled “An Anglosphere Call To Arms” and “Jonathan Bowden ‘We’re Not Ashamed’ Commemoration.” The video this transcript is based upon, which can be viewed at The Jonathan Bowden Archive here, is cut in many places. The cuts are indicated by asterisks in the transcript. If you have a complete audio or video recording of this speech that you are willing to contribute, please contact us. Some unintelligible passages are marked with question marks; please post a comment below if you have corrections or can fill in the gaps. (more…)