Tag: Hellstorm
From the desk of Thomas Goodrich . . .
I am extremely proud to announce that an audio book is now available for Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (click for link). Since the paperback was first published in 2012, people have constantly asked if an audio book would soon be available. Unfortunately, although I wanted very much to say “Yes!” my answer was always, “No.” That has now changed. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is the transcript by V. S. of the Counter-Currents Radio interview with Tom Goodrich. To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target as.”
Greg Johnson: I’m Greg Johnson. Welcome to Counter-Currents Radio! I’m joined today by Matt Parrott and author Tom Goodrich.
Kyle Hunt is an American broadcaster and founder of Renegade Broadcasting, a documentary filmmaker, and a White advocacy activist. His newly-released documentary, Hellstorm (based on historian Thomas Goodrich’s book, Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947) presents in graphic detail the many heretofore rarely mentioned horrors inflicted upon the German people during and after the Second World War. (more…)
A documentary is being made of Thomas Goodrich’s harrowing Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, which exposes Allied atrocities against Germans in the closing months and aftermath of the Second World War. For excerpts, a review, and an interview on Hellstorm, click here.
Thomas Goodrich and the director of the documentary are looking for volunteers to translate the script for subtitles in the following languages: (more…)
3,283 words
Editor’s Note:
I am delighted to announce that Thomas Goodrich’s Hellstorm, his harrowing saga of Allied atrocities against civilians, especially women, children, and the aged, in the final months and aftermath of World War II is now available in paperback
and Kindle
. The following excerpt, on the mass rape of German women and girls, reminds us that such rape was a deliberate policy of Jewish/Communist ethnic warfare — something that needs to be borne in mind as today’s mass rape of English girls by Muslim invaders is being spun as just a ghastly oversight (more…)
Editor’s Note:
The following is an excerpt from chapter 10 of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947
(Sheridan, Colorado: Aberdeen Books, 2010), which deals primarily with the fate of innocent Germans, primarily women, children, the old, and infirm in the last year and aftermath of World War II. (more…)
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Greg Johnson and Matt Parrott interview historian Thomas Goodrich about his book Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947
(Sheridan, Colorado: Aberdeen Books, 2010). (more…)
Thomas Goodrich
Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944–1947
Sheridan, Colorado: Aberdeen Books, 2010What is hell?
I’ve often pondered what the concept “hell” entailed; what it means to be living in the absence of “God,” the supreme creative force behind all life. (more…)