The ongoing conflict between Conservative Inc. and the America First wing of the Right has escalated. Whereas previously Conservative Inc. has been getting it good and hard from the intrepid groypers, this recent engagement at North Carolina State University has seen Conservative Inc. improvising and adapting to, if not quite overcoming, the amphibian opposition. (more…)
Tag: fourth generation warfare
Editor’s Note:
This is a very important essay. Please read, comment, and share. — Greg Johnson
There’s no sense in mincing words anymore: The Alt Right has hit a wall and is presently faced with the hard task of pulling back and searching for a new course. The enemy media are (prematurely) claiming victory. (more…)
“White Nationalism” is doomed.
And that’s okay.
As Vox Day and many others have pointed out over the years, the concept of “white nationalism” is a distinctly American notion. (more…)
3,282 words
English original here
Introduction et études de cas
Le but de cet article est de tenter de définir les caractéristiques de la 4GW (guerre de quatrième génération) puisqu’elles s’appliquent à l’intersection du conflit ethnique et des Etats faillis, et ensuite d’extrapoler à partir de cela pour peindre une image hypothétique de ce à quoi un tel scénario pourrait ressembler en Europe. (more…)
2,868 words
French translation here
Introduction and Case Studies
The purpose of this article is to attempt to define the characteristics of modern day 4GW (4th Generation Warfare) as they apply to the intersection of ethnic conflict and failed states, and then extrapolate from that to paint a hypothetical picture of what such a scenario could look like in Europe. (more…)
So far in 2015 the issue of racialized political violence has been front and center. The White Preservation movement specifically has been thrust into the headlines in the aftermath of the Charleston massacre committed by Dylann Roof.
4,585 words
John Robb
The American Way: The Lost Secret to American Prosperity and How to Get it Back
HomeFree America, 2014I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. Everybody’s out of work, or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel’s worth. (more…)
January 29, 2015 Christopher Pankhurst
Posthumanistické vyhlídky:
Umělá inteligence, válka páté generace a archeofuturismus3,924 words
English original here
Z tempa technologického pokroku se nám může snadno zatočit hlava a navykli jsme si očekávat nekonečný proud rychlejších a výkonnějších zařízení. Budoucí vývoj takových technologií slibuje stále sofistikovanější stroje, které zpochybní základní premisu lidské nadřazenosti. Je vynakládáno velké úsilí na dosažení dystopické budoucnosti strojů, nadaných úžasnými schopnostmi, jejichž samotná existence možná způsobí nahrazení lidstva. (more…)
4,884 words
Czech translation here
The speed of technological development can be dizzying, and it has become natural for us to expect a never-ending stream of faster, more powerful devices. The future development of such technologies promises increasingly sophisticated machines that will challenge the very notion of man’s supremacy. (more…)
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In today’s edition of Attack the System, Keith Preston offers his views on emerging radicalism in American society. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
The following text by Michael O’Meara is the title essay of his book Toward the White Republic.
“Breathes there the man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!”
—Sir Walter Scott (more…) -
March 27, 2012 Christopher Pankhurst
Kony 2012 & Guerra de Quinta Geração
March 15, 2012 Christopher Pankhurst
Kony 2012 i “wojna piątej generacji”