Now that we are wallowing in a major war in Ukraine and are caught in the throes of a cultural and political revolution in the United States, I recall an interesting arthouse film I discovered some years ago when I lived in Boston at one of the queens of arthouse theaters: Memorias del Subdesarrollo, or Memories of Underdevelopment, (more…)
Tag: bourgeois man
White people get a lot of flak, and most of this criticism is unfair and ridiculous. Whether it be 80 IQ hood rats making excuses for their situation, Jews blaming whites for everything under the sun, or the critical race theory crowd claiming that whites created everything but that this is somehow a bad thing, most anti-white blood libels are simply ridiculous copes for the failures of other races. (more…)
5,476 words
It’s ill to loose the bands that God decreed to bind;
Still we be the children of the heather and the wind.
Far away from home, O it’s still for you and me
That the broom is blowing bonnie in the north countrie. [1]Even below the Missouri-Compromise Line, the mornings now have a delicious coolness, faltering on the edge of a “chill,” and I found myself yearning for an old-fashioned, nineteenth-century ghost story. (more…)
November 22, 2019 Greg Johnson
Bojovný duch Evropanů
1,607 slov
English original here
Poznámka autora:
Následuje text mého projevu na první konferenci Probuzení (Awakening-konferenssin), pořádané v Helsinkách 8. dubna 2018. (more…) -
November 20, 2019 Greg Johnson
Proč se tu setkáváme:
úvahy nad všeobecným vzděláváním2,226 slov
English original here
Poznámka autora: Následuje text části přednášky z 15. srpna 1996 z kurzu pro dospělé v Atlantě, který jsem vedl během svého doktorského studia. Celá přednáška byla podstatně delší a mluvil jsem při ní mj. o Rousseauovi, Kantovi, Schillerovi nebo Hegelovi.
Proč jsme se tu dnes večer sešli? (more…)
March 19, 2019 Counter-Currents Radio
Guide to Kulchur, Episode 13
EquusIn the latest installment of Guide to Kulchur, John Morgan and Survive the Jive again join Fróði Midjord to talk about Sidney Lumet’s film Equus (1977), about a psychiatrist (played by Sir Richard Burton) questioning a seventeen-year-old stable boy who savagely blinded six horses with a metal spike, to find out the reason for his bizarre act. He discovers that the young man has been worshipping horses as an expression of a particularly pagan longing for the primordial forces of vitality. (more…)
August 9, 2018 Greg Johnson
L’Esprit Combatif Européen
Traduction de l’anglais : Pia Chantre; English original here
Précisions de l’auteur :
Il s’agit ici du texte de mon discours à la première Conférence du Réveil (The Awakening Conference), qui s’est tenue à Helsinki (en Finlande) le 8 avril 2018. Le sujet qui m’avait été donné de présenter était l’Esprit combatif européen. Comme à mon habitude, j’ai un peu improvisé à partir du texte que j’avais préparé. (more…)
August 9, 2018 Greg Johnson
Eurooppalainen taisteluhenki
Suomentanut Timo Hännikäinen, English original here
Puhe Awakening-konferenssissa Helsingissä 8.4.2018
”Laulaos, oi runotar, viha Peleun poian Akhilleun / turmiokas, mi akhaijeja löi lukemattomin tuskin, monta mi Hadeen luo väkivoipaa sielua syöksi / sankarien, heist’ itsestään teki koirien riistan, / lintujen eineen”. Näin alkaa Homeroksen Ilias, länsimaisen sivilisaation ensimmäinen kirja. (more…)
May 12, 2018 Greg Johnson
Az európai harci szellem
1,613 words
A szerző megjegyzése
Az alábbi beszédet 2018. április 8-án Helsinkiben az első alkalommal megrendezett Ébredés Konferencián adtam elő. A szervezők arra kértek, hogy az európai harci szellemről beszéljek. Szokás szerint kicsit improvizáltam, és eltértem az előkészített szövegtől. Szeretnék köszönetet mondani a szervezőknek, a találkozó mintegy 200 résztvevőjének, és annak a Counter-Currents olvasónak, akinek az adománya lehetővé tette, hogy a konferenciára utazzak. (more…)
2,031 words
Translations: Finnish, French, Hungarian, Czech
Author’s Note:
This is the text of my talk from the first Awakening Conference, which was held in Helsinki on April 8, 2018. The topic I was asked to speak on was the European fighting spirit. As usual, I improvised a bit and departed from my prepared text. I wish to thank the organizers of the Awakening Conference, the approximately 200 people who attended the meeting, and the Counter-Currents reader whose gift made this trip possible. (more…)
1,793 words
Translated by Charles Jansen
Translator’s Note:
Ernest Renan (1823–1892) is famous for his 1882 essay Qu’est-ce qu’une nation? (What is a Nation?), in which he upholds the idea that a nation is founded upon a social contract or a voluntary association of individuals rather than ties of blood or a common history. His statement that “a nation is a plebiscite of each day” has been a pillar of French civic education for decades. (more…)
2,730 words
English original here
Nota del editor:
Este es el texto de una charla que di el 15 de agosto de 1996, a una clase de educación adulta que yo llevaba adelante en Atlanta hace tiempo cuando estaba estudiando. Recuerdo que la lección original era más extensa, incluyendo discusiones sobre Rousseau, Kant, Schiller, y Hegel. Si aparece una cinta, la doblaré y pondré a disposición. (more…)
2,731 words
Spanish translation here, Czech translation here
Editor’s Note:
This is the text of a talk that I gave on August 15, 1996 to an adult education class that I used to run in Atlanta, way back when I was in graduate school. I recall that the actual lecture was much longer and involved discussions of Rousseau, Kant, Schiller, and Hegel. If a tape comes to light, I will dub it and make it available.
Why do we meet as we do? (more…)