White people get a lot of flak, and most of this criticism is unfair and ridiculous. Whether it be 80 IQ hood rats making excuses for their situation, Jews blaming whites for everything under the sun, or the critical race theory crowd claiming that whites created everything but that this is somehow a bad thing, most anti-white blood libels are simply ridiculous copes for the failures of other races. When this vitriol is internalized by the gullible, it can only lead to the suicide of whites — which, of course, is the intention.
Interestingly, the idea that there is no cure for whiteness apart from suicide manifested in popular culture as early as 2013 in Bioshock Infinite, as American Krogan explained in a recent Counter-Currents podcast on the Bioshock series. Appropriately, they throw their feces until something sticks. There is one description of whites which is genuinely something of a problem, however.
When we think of the term “whiteness,” we now think of the pseudo-intellectual screed of some fat, 105 IQ affirmative action graduate student. True whiteness as a caricature of white society is what we must dissect if we are to improve ourselves, however. Unlike the aforementioned midwit, the hood rat sees whites in large part as we are, though obviously in a negative light and in an exaggerated form. To him, the white man has a nasally voice, lives in a soulless suburb, drives a sedan while his wife drives a minivan, has little command of any high culture, is inexplicably incapable of seasoning food correctly or pronouncing exotic words, and has high impulse control. They essentially see us as Glenn Youngkin — or at least the character he portrayed while campaigning.
There is much truth to this. In the same way that organic stereotypes emerge among whites concerning the way blacks are, which are likely seen as exaggerated from a black person’s point of view, blacks come to similar conclusions about whites independent of the fake skintellectual, masochistic fantasies concocted by the establishment’s blacks and their Jewish ghostwriters. Youngkin might not actually be the Ralph Lauren-wearing suburban dad next door, but he did portray himself as such, and the suburban whites, many of them shitlibs, clearly ate this up. Again, stereotypes go both ways.
Whites, even in our dissident circles, often falsely take pride in this bourgeois degeneration of the white man. At the same time, the bourgeoisie is the best we have. The Right’s new tendency to cater to the working classes is misguided, as many of those yokels are not our people, despite the post-Trump misunderstanding that they are. While these types did tip the scales towards our guys in 2016, they are a niche demographic in a few niche industrial states. This is no different from targeting blacks — not because the propaganda will actually work on them, but because the fantasy of a rainbow coalition on the Right sounds nice.
Yes, our base is the white bourgeoisie, despite them being rightly recognized by the brown mass as “cringe” and “whack.” Images of white boomers in MAGA hats signing “YMCA” should be flashing in your mind. It is no wonder, then, that for decades young whites have attempted to escape from this spiritual dungeon to no avail.
Irvine, California illustrates this trend perfectly. It is perhaps the most soulless city in the country, run by a multibillion-dollar corporation in Blade Runner dystopian fashion, yet is often ranked among the top cities in the United States to live in. By analytics — a very “white” metric –, this is true. And yet, the angst bred in this city has birthed more than one famous anarchist punk band. Irvine is a great place to raise kids, if by that you mean low crime and schools that produce high test scores — and only high test scores. It is a terrible place to raise kids if you want them to develop a personality and have basic social skills. To be young in Irvine is to be an unspoken undesirable. There is no open space to claim for adventure, as Bronze Age Pervert discusses, and this is necessary for healthy child — especially male children’s — development. There is only conformity, comfort, and consumption. And it can be no coincidence that the Chinese, who have long since renounced the subtle, have now colonized this cookie-cutter suburb.
The forced defense of this white-bread whiteness has led the angsty youth to be led astray by the very forces which caused the problem. Thus, the system manipulates their rebellious tendencies into fodder for the system, as Ted Kaczynski recognized in his famous essay, “The System’s Neatest Trick.” How can we counter the Leftist’s subversive contention that whites or Americans have no culture when the average European-American is a deracinated burgher with no deeper roots than his adversary?
This modern drabness is not exemplary of the Faustian spirit but of a degeneration brought about by comfort and abundance. Whites’ ideals have become bourgeois and cosmopolitan — an “assimilated” Jewish ideal, essentially. Indeed, the characteristics of supposed “whiteness” are actually those of a half-baked Jewishness. Jews can’t dance, they have very low time preference and are thus very careful, they aren’t exactly known for their cooking skills, and they are typically boring, bourgeois people with no real roots in their host nations. It is no surprise that they blend in so easily in the white world, as they have molded society in an alien way, making it so that the white man’s only ambition is to be a failed Jew.
It is incredible that this way of life has been internalized in even the most “based” white people. The Left has mastered the frame game. In the same way that the Jewish globohomo empire based out of DC and New York was able to frame conservative rednecks as being responsible for the Iraq War, the Judeo-New England consensus monoculture has framed whites as being responsible for the spiritual buck-breaking of non-whites, which has in fact affected not only blacks but whites as well.
There must be an attempt to strike back against this clever framing. Ned Flanders-ism without the religious backbone is harmful in and of itself to our culture, but to counter that this foreign and completely inglorious way of life is somehow characteristic of the essence of whiteness will likewise serve as a tool against non-whites’ blood libel against our people. It is all too common that Black Nationalists rave against whites’ supposed actions when in reality the cause of their problems is a Brooklyn Jew. I have no expectation that we can or even should create a coalition with these types; indeed, a simple game theory analysis shows that this alliance could never be profitable for us, as the Black Nationalists truly hate and want to exterminate us, despite getting close to the truth once every blue moon. Despite this, it will surely be a useful weapon against the blacks’ charge that whites are spiritually buck-breaking their people.
If this white picket fence type of whiteness is not a path of glory, spiritual enlightenment, or the reinvigoration of the virile spirit, then we will need a new vision for a positive whiteness — not in terms of the Jewish fantasy of defanging whites, as our enemies dream, but towards a path that will actually lead to the betterment of whites — and one in which our enemies’ interests are irrelevant.
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This is what I mean when I say we need a dissident high culture and a form of dissident punk which rejects conservative respectability. Bourgeois, suburban judeo-whiteness isn’t a life fit for human beings worth the name. I think part of the reason we have the industrial proletariat cargo cult was because it was one of the last authentic and vibrant white cultures, although it is sadly dead and has been dead since some time in the 80s.
In terms of style, I admit to liking aspects of the probably unintentional aesthetic of the 90s militia movement (think William Luther Pierce book covers) which loosely reminds me of the working class vibes put out by the “industrial proletariat cargo cult” as you put it, but this was a far cry from the dissident high culture aesthetic that we need.
I used to play in a band back in the 90’s, early 2000’s. Born and bred in the suburbs of San Francisco, we were the epitome of rejecting conservative respectability but at the same time a far, far cry from any kind of liberal, left wing ideology. Not punk, not metal, just brutally honest hardcore. It is out there but you have to be looking for it to find it. Agents of Satan, check it out.
I have to admit, I’m not sure exactly what is being criticized here. I suspect it’s more than just nice lawns and suburbs, so I don’t want to be hastily critical.
That said, I think suburban “blandness” is too often the baby unjustly thrown out with the bathwater of excess and bad taste a la McMansions. However, frugal, smaller-footprint-home suburban neighborhoods have, in my humble opinion, potential for facilitating a flourishing of white values informed by far more than the last seventy-some-odd years.
I’ll reread the article when I’m not at work and, admittedly, a bit obtuse. 🙂
You’re not alone in wondering what exactly is being criticized here. It might have helped if an alternative – or ‘solution’ – was proposed for ‘the problem’ under consideration.
What is being criticized is the corner in which White America has painted itself with the suburban aesthetic and lifestyle, which is not only lacking, but deeply inimical to the heroic mode of life. No alternative is offered because for the time being, as Aquilonious will admit, there is no alternative. This is part of the tragedy.
‘What is being criticized is the corner in which White America has painted itself with the suburban aesthetic and lifestyle, which is not only lacking, but deeply inimical to the heroic mode of life.’
This statement is a good example of why I don’t think pro-White politics and ‘right-wing’ politics are a good fit, despite their historic association.
The ‘suburban aesthetic and lifestyle’ is just one expression of Whiteness. As is ‘the heroic mode of life’. But, right-wing thinking as it has come to use from the Continent (Evola, Crowley) insists that only it’s version of ‘Whiteness’ is valid.
It’s not.
This is why we don’t need an ‘essential’ view of ‘Whiteness’. We need a view that is as accommodating of the various expressions of Whiteness while not shading too far off into that of the grafted-on cultures of Jews and Negros.
So you, Nick, and Aquillonius want to climb mountains for hunt packs of coyotes bare-handed. Jolly for you. To you is sound ‘heroic’, but it’s not to my tastes at all.
‘Whiteness’ is an aesthetic, an expression of inner states and inner potentialities projected onto the physical, perceptual world. What the New Age folks describe as ‘energy’.
Your ‘energy’ and my ‘energy’ may not be entirely the same, what we share is a recognition that each of our expressions are acceptable expressions of ‘Whiteness’. It’s a shared dream brought about by our shared biological inheritances.
Might some deep data analysis of preferences and behaviors turn up some core bit of things that all Whites seem to share that are not shared by at least some non-Whites? I wouldn’t hold my breath.
‘Whiteness’ is a bit like art. I know it when I see it.
But there is a diversity to ‘Whiteness’ and that diversity is based upon the way in which the White race was historically formed: First the hunter-gatherers, then the agrarians, then the pastoralists. We’re a blended people at this point and the intensity of expression of the peoples who made us is, I suspect, a reason for our adaptability.
This is well put. I like your thinking on this subject, and I agree.
When I was a boy in the seventies I lived in a suburb. No one on the block had fences, everyone’s backyard backed up to or adjoined the other neighbors’ backyards. It was like one big common green. Impromptu get-togethers and conversations were commonplace.
Vacant lots were “colonized” with dirt-bike trails and forts. We’d roam on our bikes all day, hang out at this friend’s house, now this friend’s , now to the ditch to hunt crawdads, etc.
We were as quintessentially white as we could be. I fail to see how a suburban setting like this could be seen as precluding an expression of healthy white living, or how an urban setting (which seems to be implied) has a better chance of fostering one.
Heroic, by the way, is necessary and good, when needed. And to be able to act heroically, one does, obviously, need to have “trained.” But there comes a point where it gets to be a bit much, this supposed Faustian drive to hitch up the horses to the chariot. I dare say, such a thing does not come naturally to me (more domesticated dog than wolf). In fact, every time I try to contrive it, it ends up feeling like a giant LARP.
Sometimes it’s best not to raid the neighboring village, best to look at, instead of climb, the mount. You certainly create a lot more art that way.
Suburbs exist because whites have to continually cede their metropolitan areas to black violent criminals. In white parts of europe, a woman can travel downtown at night, then take the train home alone safely. Worst case scenario she encounters a pick pocket. In America, going through a downtown black neighborhood increases her likelihood of being murdered by about 16X. Until we can forcibly separate, god bless the suburbs.
I have no idea if Aquilonius is advocating for this and I realize how far-fetched this sounds, but I’ve routinely fantasized about some sort of urban setting where like-minded Dissident Right types could congregate and freely discuss ideas; the way so many Leftist cliques have over the past century, whether it be Viennese Jews, San Fran Beatniks, or New York New Left assholes.
The zeitgeist obviously allowed for them to do so throughout history and rarely for us, but I feel like the isolation produced by suburban living (and its important to stress suburbs, not towns), makes this more difficult… That being said, I do agree with your point that the suburbs are frequently used as some type of deus ex machina to explain the woes of the modern condition.
Just take over a town in Iowa like the Jews and Transcendental Meditation folks did. Print your own money, run your own (subtle) checkpoints and maintain your own police/militia. You could do an Orania, have a corporation buy it and set up as a White Power Disneyland. You’d probably make a fortune in tourism. Just sayin’.
“I’ve routinely fantasized about some sort of urban setting where like-minded Dissident Right types could congregate and freely discuss ideas”
Same here. I think HT’s idea is a good one. The truth is, it seems like it would be relatively simply for a handful of WNs to “colonize” a small town. Go in, meet people, get jobs, socialize, live within your means, be respectable, get involved in local politics, feel the pulse, read the room, induct….
Scout out towns first, to see which ones would be potentially receptive, then just make a move. I moved all over the place when I was younger.
Interpreting this essay would be advanced some if the author were to articulate their understanding of ‘bourgeoisie’ and ‘proletariat’.
‘If this white picket fence type of whiteness is not a path of glory, spiritual enlightenment, or the reinvigoration of the virile spirit, then we will need a new vision for a positive whiteness….’
What if ‘glory’, ‘spiritual enlightenment’ and ‘reinvigoration of the virile spirit’ isn’t the point of pro-White politics?
What if I really do think the Shire is better than Gondor?
What many on the Right should remember is that in hindsight the 1960s was the rational conclusion of the 1950s. Evola talked about how the 60s generation was initially right in rejecting the soulless bourgeois culture, even if their answer to that issue was entirely wrong, and just further degeneration instead of a return to something higher. The white youth must strive to be warriors and mystics, not bank clerks, even if they must be obliged by circumstance to work as one.
We’re going to need bank clerks more than mountain climbers. All of this heroic stuff requires a level of leisure that makes me wonder whose going to be doing all the work while you heroes are out being heroic?
This was an excellent read and I share your woes of suburban living. His views on race aside, I recently read E. Michael Jones’ The Slaughter of Cities, the thesis of which states ethnic Europeans (Italians, Germans, Irish, Poles, etc.), all overwhelming Catholic, were intentionally routed to the suburbs by secular WASP oligarchs using Jewish money and influence. So yea, the suburbs were more or less created to blend ethnically distinct European peoples into a vaguely white consumer class.
The following quote hit me like a cannonball the first time I read it, “The practices of suburban life are not productive of Christian virtue. They were designed to serve a different God.” – Fr. Stephen Freeman
The title of this article is inappropriate. Would better “A Critique of Whiteness”.
As for a New Vision of Whiteness, like with many other things, we have to return to tradition to move forward. We must reject post-1945 numb suburbia and embrace agrarian frontier heritage. The Confederate Flag must be divorced from its popular revisionist association with trucks ‘n’ beer and reclaimed as a symbol of the old aristocracy of the South (the Southern Agrarians are very useful to us in this regard and C-C would do well to highlight them). The farmer must be divorced from his popular Hee Haw image and reclaimed as virtuous in the Virgilian, Jeffersonian sense. The cowboy must be divorced from his skinny jean neo-country commodification and re-asserted as courageous, overcoming, a master of the land. Even the alluded to “Judeo-New England consensus” which in some respects is quite old can be ours; the Second New England School of composers is an untapped legacy of elite American art, as is the broader American Renaissance of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Our heritage, our birthright, our American “Whiteness,” is a well-spring. If we would only drink.
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