Tag: Alt-Right
August 16, 2021 Greg Johnson
Au-delà de l’Alt Right : vers un Nouveau Nationalisme
Alexandra Minna Stern
Proud Boys and the White Ethnostate: How the Alt-Right is Warping the American Imagination
New York: Beacon Press, 2019I never really saw the wisdom in how the Left typically ignores Dissident Right ideas until reading Alexandra Minna Stern’s Proud Boys and the White Ethnostate: How the Alt-Right is Warping the American Imagination. (more…)
Based on a few clips, I was certain that Alt-Right: Age of Rage (2018) would lead to permanent physical damage from sheer cringiness. But I was delighted to have been proven wrong. This is a remarkably fair-minded documentary. On balance, though, I think it will be good for white identity politics. Age of Rage was directed by Adam Bhala Lough, an American of partial South Asian descent.
Jonathan Weisman
(((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the Age of Trump
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2018One finds a dilemma within White Nationalist criticism of Jewish literature: how to reconcile Jewish hysteria concerning imminent pogroms whenever a Jew isn’t treated with reverence with the actual White Nationalist goal of a society non-violently freed of Jews and Jewish influence. (more…)
2019 is almost here.
As everyone knows, 2019 is the year when the dystopian sci-fi movie Blade Runner takes place. 2019 will also be the ten year anniversary of the release of John Derbyshire’s paradigm-shifting bestseller We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism, a book which paints a dystopian future for America even more disturbing and unsettling than the one portrayed in Blade Runner. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is a very important essay. Please read, comment, and share. — Greg Johnson
There’s no sense in mincing words anymore: The Alt Right has hit a wall and is presently faced with the hard task of pulling back and searching for a new course. The enemy media are (prematurely) claiming victory. (more…)
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Gary Lachman
Dark Star Rising: Magick & Power in the Age of Trump
New York: TarcherPerigree, 2018I’m only a few pages into your pathetic Alt-Right cash-in book and already regard it as an instant camp classic. Thanks for the unintentional laughs, sir. https://t.co/r941q6zcEt
— R. Chlodwig von K. (@icareviews) June 2, 2018
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If we go back in time – not far, mind you, just barely over a decade ago – we see a political landscape that looks almost nothing like the one we have today. It is unbelievable how rapidly everything changed in such a short period of time. (more…)
Counter-Currents Book Editor John Morgan recently spoke to the team at the Australian podcast, The Convict Report, about his long intellectual and personal journey into this milieu and his assessment of the Dissident Right as it stands today. John thanks the Dingoes for a great conversation and enjoyed speaking with his Anglo comrades and brethren in the land Down Under! To listen, click here.
The following is a response to a pleb-tier YouTube video entitled “Why The [sic] ‘Alt Right’ Movement Will Fail” which has over 60,000 views as of me writing this. [It now has over 113k views. — Ed.] In it, a snarky young nonwhite man attempts to give several reasons why the Alt Right has no future. (more…)
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In the wake of Charlottesville, there has been much discussion about optics and the most effective aesthetic strategies for the growing White Nationalist movement. Andrew Anglin recently pronounced the Alt Right “dead” and implied that American symbology was the best path forward. He received instant blowback from many in the movement. (more…)