Greg Johnson welcomed Endeavour (Substack, Telegram, YouTube), Horus, Millennial Woes (official website), and Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube) to last weekend’s broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss the sudden return of Tommy Robinson to Twitter/X and his counter-demonstration against pro-Palestinian protesters in London on Saturday, as well as other issues. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Tag: Alt Lite
A month into the 2023 Israel-Palestine war, the Zionists maintain control of the media but the anti-Zionists control the Internet and the streets. The Zionists have lost the sympathies of vast segments of the Left who are now turning the Jews’ anti-white indoctrination back on them. (more…)
1,267 words
Donald Trump is winning! He’s scoring wins against the Do-Nothing Democrats, Shifty Schiff, Nasty Nancy and Schmuck Chumer! And not just him, but supporters of our beautiful Second Amendment are winning in Virginia — even the venerable Robert Hampton (more…)
By now, the Groyper War is old news, and I’m just now getting around to writing about it. But there are several reasons for that.
First of all, if you want to make some groyper-related content, you have to be pretty quick on the draw (more…)
Andrew Marantz
Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation
New York: Viking, 2019For the past five years, New Yorker scribe Andrew Marantz has been working a steady beat, writing about Internet trolls and dank memes on the Far Right (which in his mind is still the “Alt Right”). Antisocial is a compilation of some of those writings, strung together with some outtakes and new material.
Stefan Molyneux has not had a good year. In fact, he says it’s been a brutal year. The world’s most popular philosophy show is in dire straits. He’s losing subscribers, he’s losing views. He’s got a bone to pick with YouTube and its bosses, and he needs more money to make more unprofitable documentaries into which he inserts his own experiences. Now, I’m not against inserting onself into reporting; indeed, I’ve been known to engage in wacky gonzo myself, but really, Molymemes, if you’re reporting on Polish nationalism, report on Polish nationalism, not your feelings qua Polish nationalism.
To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Greg, John, and Frodi reconvene the weekly podcast with a round table on recent events: our latest deplatforming, the Alt-Lite civil war, YouTube censorship, YouTube “victim” Caleb Cain, apostate Derek Black, legislative paths to roll back censorship and deplatforming, etc. (more…)
Carl Benjamin, aka Sargon of Akkad, is a guy who everyone loves to hate. Or rather, everyone would hate Sargon of Akkad if they could. (more…)
1,150 words
The memes are in, boys. It has been decided that we’ll enjoy our thousand monthly NEETbucks and government-mandated Chinese waifus while playing Fortnite; in the meantime the world’s unpleasant tasks will be handled by robots. Sound nice? That’s what our new utopia will look like under the wise guidance of Chairman Andrew Yang.
1,275 words
The Proud Boys could only have arisen in the Trump era. A multi-racial fraternity dedicated to “Western chauvinism” and brawling with the Antifa is not something the Tea Party could have produced.
There’s always been an element of the ridiculous in the Proud Boys. (more…)
March 22, 2018 Claus Brinker
Smrt normálům
English original here
Angela Nagleová
Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right
(Smrt normálům: Online kulturní války od 4chanu a Tumbleru po Trumpa a alternativní pravici)
Winchester, UK: Zero Books, 2017Zvolení Donalda Trumpa prezidentem šokovalo mnohé, především na levici, tak skálopevně přesvědčené, že nenáviděný magnát nemá sebemenší šanci zvítězit. (more…)
Czech translation here
Angela Nagle
Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right
Winchester, UK: Zero Books, 2017The election of Donald Trump came as a shock to many and to Leftists in particular who were certain that Trump had no possible chance of winning. Since November those on the Left who were once so sure of their perspective have been forced to reevaluate their understanding of American politics. (more…)