A month into the 2023 Israel-Palestine war, the Zionists maintain control of the media but the anti-Zionists control the Internet and the streets. The Zionists have lost the sympathies of vast segments of the Left who are now turning the Jews’ anti-white indoctrination back on them. Their grip on the mainstream Right is likewise slipping as white people become more nationalist and isolationist. Massive pro-Palestine marches have taken place all over the world; one in London drew 100,000 people. With the wind at the pro-Palestine movement’s back, preparations are being made for an even bigger protest in London on November 11 — Armistice Day.
In the midst of all this, controlled opposition Right-wing figure Tommy Robinson, who is one of the few Zionists capable of getting a large number of people on the London streets on short notice, was reinstated on Twitter/X on November 5 after being banned in 2018. What timing! But wait, it gets better. The first thing Robinson does is call on his fans to go to London to counter-protest the November 11 pro-Palestine protest. One cannot help but sense the hand of the Zionists at work.
I’m hesitant to automatically say that anything that is convenient for the establishment is an op. Sometimes the establishment just gets a lucky break. Many years ago, there was a major Alt Right figure who was exposed by the media as having lied about serving in military in the Iraq War. There were many people coping by claiming that the media was making it up. “The Jewish media lies about everything!” While this is true, sometimes the establishment gets a lucky break and something falls in their lap. Dylann Roof was such a lucky break. Liberals had waited for decades for a white supremacist terrorist to come along, but all they ever got was Muslim after Muslim. Roof was a propaganda dream come true, as he fit all their stereotypes and flattered all their biases, but no one seriously believes that Dylann Roof was an agent just because he was convenient for the establishment. We get our lucky breaks as well. Elon Musk buying Twitter was a lucky break.
Tommy Robinson getting his Twitter back, especially now when conservatives are scrambling to keep the Right on the Zionist plantation, is quite convenient for the Zionists. But then again, a lot of people have been getting their suspended accounts back. I think there is a general assumption that Twitter has a blacklist of people who are never, ever getting their accounts back, and anyone who has not already must be on that list. Although I know of people who our /OurGuys/ who got their old accounts reinstated as recently as last week. Reinstatements are apparently still ongoing. After all, since there are now people such as Lucas Gage and Keith Woods who are going viral talking about the Talmud and Jewish involvement in white genocide, Tommy Robinson could argue that he is less inflammatory than some others who are active on Twitter.
The argument against Robinson’s reinstatement being a lucky break is the fact that Katie Hopkins, who some see as a female version of him, was unbanned at the same time. For those who don’t know, Katie Hopkins was a mainstream British TV and radio personality who was fired from the London Broadcasting Company after saying that Britain needed a “final solution” to the Muslim problem. She would later follow Robinson’s path of becoming a professional pro-Zionist Islamophobe.
That said, I feel the need to defend Katie Hopkins for a moment as I feel comparisons to Robinson are a bit unfair. I cut her some slack because she comes from the mainstream, and it’s possible that she hadn’t heard all the White Nationalist talking points concerning Zionism. On the other hand, Robinson comes from the world of fringe politics and has encountered enough British National Party types that I have no doubt he is aware of all the counter-arguments, but still chooses to be a Zionist shill.
Yes, Katie Hopkins is a Zionist who used to work for Rebel Media, but there have also been occasions where she touched on certain dangerous subjects that Robinson would never go anear. For example, after the 2019 Tree of Life synagogue shooting, Katie Hopkins suggested that it was a backlash against Jewish support for mass migration:
Elsewhere, Katie Hopkins has commented on Jewish ethnocentricism:
During the 2020 George Floyd riots, when there was a trend of white people kneeling before black people, Hopkins compared it to the indignities forced on Jews by the Nazis, adding that “the sands of time are moving fast against white people” — a veiled reference to white genocide.
I could definitely believe that the Zionists brought Tommy Robinson back to Twitter/X to rally the goyim, but Hopkins is a loose cannon with a history of going off the script. By the time she was banned in 2020, there were a lot of signs that she was starting to put the pieces together. The Zionists would therefore be taking a gamble by letting her loose again. Also noteworthy is the fact that Hopkins has not tweeted since her reinstatement aside from a single tweet thanking Elon Musk. If she was brought back to help wrangle the goyim back to Zionism, she has not been doing that thus far. Hopkins may have taken the red pill since we last saw her and is choosing to sit out the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Someone else who has definitely taken the red pill since being banned from Twitter is Jayda Fransen, formerly of Britain First and currently head of the British Freedom Party. American readers might remember Fransen from 2017, when President Donald Trump retweeted three of her inflammatory anti-Muslim tweets. Fransen was another professional Zionist Islamophobe, but since breaking with Paul Golding of Britain First, she teamed up with Nick Griffin and has rebranded herself as an anti-Zionist. Thus, Twitter/X is unbanning anti-Zionists as well as Zionists.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.
Bearing all of this in mind, is it that surprising that Tommy Robinson was unbanned? The timing is definitely suspicious, but it could still just be a lucky break for the establishment. Either way, Robinson’s planned counter-protest on Saturday is a disaster in the making, and could end up being the British Charlottesville.
I have nothing against the idea of people organizing pro-Palestine rallies, but to be fair, organizing one for Armistice Day is objectively in poor taste. The day is for remembering the 887,858 British people who lost their lives in the Great War, and the many more who were wounded. The First World War is to the British what the Holocaust is to Jews. More than twice as many British people died in the First World War as died in the second. Thus, even though I wish the pro-Palestine movement well, I understand why native British patriots might be offended by a large demonstration about foreign Muslims on a day that is dedicated to honoring the memory of their ancestors. If the pro-Palestine organizers had asked my opinion, I would have told them to choose another day for their protest.
Alas, the organizers did not ask my opinion, and the protest is going ahead whether we like it or not. The question is now what Tommy Robinson hopes to accomplish by staging a counter-protest. He is not going to debate the anti-Zionists, and even if he were, he would lose. If violence breaks out, the justice system will side with the immigrants against the natives, as they always do. The Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG) doesn’t do gratitude and will not go easy on them just because they are pro-ZOG. It would also give the media an excuse to shift the focus away from immigrants and back to their preferred topic of evil white racists, which they are much more comfortable talking about.
The best-case scenario is that nothing happens. It has been a while since Robinson staged a large-scale demonstration, and it’s unclear how many people he can still draw. How many of his supporters have defected to Patriotic Alternative and other movements since then? How many have lost faith in Robinson after all the scandals and exposes surrounding him? Maybe no one will show up. The replies to Robinson’s tweet announcing the event were mainly from users warning him that the event was an obvious trap.
Thus, violence breaking out at Tommy’s event is likely. Whether it is a little violence or a lot, we can’t say, but given the demonstration’s emotionally-charged nature, the large numbers of people who will be in attendance, and the law of averages, it is surely inevitable that someone is going to take a swing at someone else. All it will take is one good video of a Tommy supporter beating up a Muslim for the media to have a field day. It only took the death of a single person to turn Charlottesville into “the deadly Charlottesville rally.”
Robinson’s event being a disaster would get his name back in the headlines, and that is probably the whole point. Fortunately, on Elon-era Twitter/X Tommy Robinson has been getting bombarded with criticism from anti-Zionists who are wise to his tricks. Keith Woods tweeted a deep dive into Robinson’s financial bankers — spoiler: they are all Zionist Jews. At time of writing, the thread has been viewed by over 1.4 million people.
🇬🇧🇮🇱 Tommy Robinson was reinstated to X at a time when Zionists are trying to win support for Israel among the political right in the West.
Let’s take a look at who has funded Robinson in the past 👇🧵
1/8 pic.twitter.com/t6E8KUUwYy
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) November 8, 2023
Keith apparently struck a nerve, as Robinson seethed about Keith’s thread in an interview with Kate Shemirani wherein he called Keith an “Irish clown”:
🚨🇮🇱 Tommy Robinson is fuming at this thread about him, which is approaching a million views.
Actually, the thread isn’t about the Mossad t-shirt Tommy, it’s about you being funded by hawkish Zionists who want Europeans to fight Israel’s wars. https://t.co/xoAoiG3LC9 pic.twitter.com/HQl3tOafXb
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) November 8, 2023
Hopefully we are witnessing the closing of the Tommy Robinson chapter of the British Right. He’s a throwback to a different era, when the Alt Lite held court. But the difference between Robinson and most of the rest of the Alt Lite is that its stars have had to adapt and make concessions to White Nationalism in order to stay relevant. Laura Loomer spoke at American Renaissance, Alex Jones has been naming the Jew, Milo teamed up with Kanye West during his anti-Semitic phase, and Sargon has had to spice up his rhetoric. Alt Liters who have refused to adapt, such as Gavin McInnes, have faded from view and have had resort to publicity stunts — such as McInnes faking his own arrest by the feds — to remind the world that they exist. Now Tommy Robinson is back on Twitter/X, and he’s clearly going the Gavin McInnes route. He’s still using the same civic nationalist script the Alt Lite was using in 2016: “It’s not about race, it’s about an evil religion. I’ll take a black patriot over a white racist. There’s nothing wrong with immigration per se, just not from Muslim countries.” All the greatest hits. The world has moved on, and yet Tommy remains the same. I’m not sure that there is even an audience for Tommy’s 2016-style civic nationalism anymore.
I will keep my fingers crossed on Saturday that Tommy’s counter-protest does not turn into a fiasco. Hopefully it will merely be a bust and no one will show up. That would finally be the end of Tommy Robinson as a figurehead for the controlled opposition.
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In that photo of Jews “taking a knee” I don’t see any knee on the ground.
I dislike Hamas, but they are the lesser evil. The Neocons are much worse.
It’s fun to see massive pro-Palestine demonstrations in the heart of London and other Western cities. But it’s also kinda creepy. Who let all these enemy aliens into our countries in the first place?
However, it’s even more fun to see the usual suspects react with hysteria and vituperation, and their Media accuse Whites of anti-Semitism.
It could get violent tomorrow. The author is right to advise us to avoid any demo on November 11. I hope nothing bad happens in London tomorrow.
Good article, just a few points :
Around early November lots of people, especially mainstream people and minstream politicians, wear a poppy badge because poppies grew in the battlefields after WW1. The 11th November and “poppy appeal” thing in Britain has broadly moved from strictly being about WW1 to being about all war dead, and gradually become a kind of pro-armed forces thing. “Support our boys” and so on. The civnats themselves like Tommy, Nigel Farage and GB News and so on are all really into this ‘bulldog/spitfire nationalism’ which itself is incredibly cringe.
The thing is that’s all becoming less popular with younger generations and their brown+black (muslim) footsoldiers. Not for why it is for me, but the effect is the same. What exactly are the British army doing, they ask. What exactly have they ever done? I’ve heard it said “the cenotaph represents those who died for their freedom to protest”, and I’m not convinced that is true. Whatever the British army ever fought for it isn’t freedom. That’s just becoming more and more obvious to people as time goes by and the mainstream narrative control grip loosens. Especially if these people are either from third world countries, or Whites enthralled by people from third world countries.
Being anti poppy has always been a thing on the far left, who correctly analyse it as glorifying the military.
Some of the young people won’t even know what the poppy appeal is. They won’t even know what world war 1 is, when it was, or what the relevance of it is. Heck, lots of these kids don’t even know what the Holocaust is. It’s possible that many people involved in this protest both organizing and attending simply weren’t aware of the date’s significance. Don’t underestimate how incredibly dumb and ignorant the DikCok (sorry, TikTok) generation really is.
So there’s grounds for why they’ve timed it for the 11th. I feel like the will for a huge (and I mean Iraq war February 2003 or anti cuts March 2011-style huge, 1million strong, maybe even 2 million) demonstration in London has been brewing since this Gaza war started, and they’re doing it now while the issue is still hot but before the weather is too cold.
As for the xenotaph itself, the Gaza demo route doesn’t go past it, so any kind of event there could be a false flag, or goaded into happening by media/Tommy/the muslims/antifa. What a merry bunch that is. Choose your poison!
I also feel that Tommy is a complicated character. He was put in jail for (breaching trespass rules by) protesting at a court sentencing of Muslim rape gang leaders. He was jailed in the high heat of a particularly hot summer, in solitary confinement, to protect him from violent Muslim inmates.
He was aware they were trying to poison him, so he went days without eating. He has continually been hounded by the state and police for various things, some real, some not. Not all of them political. They tried to do him on some kind of tax dodge or financial thing I’m not clear on – the point is the police have been looking for any old reason to do Tommy in, and it is basically them harassing him.
All of this says to me he is genuine. The level of harassment and abuse the man has had to endure would break most people. If he really was a state asset, I don’t believe they would’ve hounded him quite this badly. He has attracted a lot of attention to his cause and frankly I admire him. However! At some point along the way he got so obsessed with Muslims that he got in bed with the Jews, and that’s where he’s mistaken. Your enemy’s enemy is NOT always your friend. The Jews may well reward him now but as soon as he’s no longer useful to them they will pump and dump him.
It’s also fair to say a lot of alt Lite figures came around at a time when you really just couldn’t say many things you can now. It’s well known now that many of these people said much more “robust” things in private than they did publicly, because it would’ve been suicide to do so, for both them personally and for the movement.
To call them cucks is just purity-spiralling. There’s a case that them continuing to cuck now is lame, but by now they’ve shot their proverbial bolt. They were the first chisels to chip away at the grand edifice of modern liberalism, and I respect them for that. Even if only that.
I think Tommy and his followers would’ve been very closely monitored by MI5, and so he had to develop a culture of “we’re not racist, but….” and continually keep his own people in check. He knew he had to be very careful with what he said and tip toe around the issues. That’s not his fault, and it’s a wise srrategy to not go full retard and instead wait until the time is right.
For example, Tommy and Lucy Brown’s takedown of the completely odious BBC hack John Sweeney was just brilliant. I have to applaud them for that. It was glorious. It was a big win.
Tommy is from Luton. There are 5 main London airports, the only one of which is actually in London is City of London Airport, a tiny airport for smaller planes used mostly by wealthy businessmen.
There’s obviously Heathrow which is the biggest one. It used to just be called London Airport in the 60s, but it should be noted it is quite a while away from London itself like most big city airports.
Then there’s Gatwick and Stanstead, and also Luton which are all a bit smaller. These are further away than even Heathrow and do take some shorter international flights like to Europe but also many inter UK flights.
Luton is a town north of London which has a huge proportion of Muslims. Some areas of Luton are entirely Muslim. Tommy was a baggage handler at the airport, which is a big employer to the town.
After 9/11, many new restrictions were put in place for airports and staff. (You didn’t always have a maximum of 100ml of liquid on a flight, obviously) Tommy had some minor incident on his criminal record which disqualified him from having his job. Theres a lot of white people like him who aren’t bad people committing serious crimes, but do kind of live on the wrong side of the law, so to speak. Interesting how Petty white criminals are hounded by the cops but Muslims can run rape and murder gangs with impunity. Losing his job basically made him anti Muslim. The changing demographics of his hometown probably also a redpill for him.
I fully understand where he’s come from. I wish he’d realize that he’s being used by the Jews, who will throw him under the bus the moment he’s no longer useful. But it is what it is. I would be tepid in my criticism of him now because I feel that he’s got the right intentions but the context makes him act like this. I don’t feel he is a snake oil salesman. Snake oil salesmen don’t get bunged in prison on a technicality to starve among their worst enemies who are literally trying to kill them. They also don’t take down long standing BBC journalists in a clever ruse.
Consider if a leftist did what Tommy did: let’s say broke court reporting rules by livestreaming from a court sentencing a white person for thinking an offensive thought or whatever. Would they bung them in prison, on that same day (he didn’t even get a sentencing) in the company of white power skinheads?
Hmm. I think not. And I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that was all a stunt by MI5 to long term gather sympathy for Tommy. I know for a fact that liberal leftists hate the man’s guts. So I think he is genuine. Up until the Jewish support came in, at least.
I wouldn’t attack Tommy the man himself. Put yourself in his position : the one guy the entire police, media and Left want to do in. Not a pleasant place to be. That goes for many of our people too but Robinson was much higher profile. “Well, he should’ve gone full redpill!” If he’d done that they would’ve just taken him to an army black site and really fucked him over. That sounds like a dumb move to me.
Remember, none of this would have even happened, Tommy would just be a random bloke in England, had it not been for the Jews who did 9/11 and the Jews and Jew-enablers who flooded Luton and other places with huge numbers of Muslims.
That said, his Norf FC counter demo thing sounds totally fake and very gay. I hope nobody redpilled gets lured into this trap.
Good comment.
A lot of European nationalists do seem to make common cause with the Zionists. I’m not sure why. Perhaps they don’t fully understand the broader issues, or they think they can win them over, idk. Geert wilders and anders breivic are two other prominent examples. I hardly think breivic was a “state asset,” lol. Or at least I hope not.
I don’t remember all the details of what Tommy did to get in jail as it was a long time ago and it’s kind of technical but once it was explained to me, there was more to it than “They arrested me for doing journalism”,
Is he genuine? I mean, maybe he is a true believing Jew-loving anti-racist patriot and he found common cause with some Zionist money men. I’ll agree that he is to a certain degree genuinely persecuted by the system. The media lies about him and I’m sure he has to worry about antifa loons who make no distinction between Sean Hannity and Atomwaffen. I realize that Tommy is “hardcore” by a lot of people’s standards.
But there is a lot of shady financial stuff behind the scenes. He uses his supporters like an ATM and fundraises for things that never materialize. He’s squandered donations on cocaine and gambling. He appears to be high in many of his video. He promised a documentary on grooming gangs and then delivered a documentary about a Jew. I don’t know all the lore but I’ve seen enough.
You’re right about the financial stuff. Milo also grifted money for a poor white boy scholarship fund that never materialised. Anita Sarkeesian was being found out by Margaret MacLennan for a similar grift.
I guess i hadn’t considered that stuff because i haven’t considered Tommy in a while. All is quiet on the Alt Lite front as they fade into obscurity. Stealing off your own supporters is low. He also has had some dodgy dealings in his personal life as far as I know. But a lot of white people of Tommy’s background are like that. Maybe they employ their cousin cash in hand and don’t pay National Insurance on his earnings, or maybe they have 2nd job they don’t declare and don’t pay tax on, or write things off as business expenses that aren’t, or whatever. I’m sure many people do things like that. I don’t want to roast the guy for that. When you factor in the cash grab and the documentary thing though, that is pretty low. He could have done a powerful propaganda piece on the grooming. The only other people missing open goals that badly are Luton Town in the Premier League this season.
The court was sentencing some Muslim grooming gang men and Tommy livestreamed from outside the court. I cant remember if it’s just a law that anyone is not allowed to interfere on the course of justice, or that Tommy personally had a restraining order from going near any courts sentencing Muslim groomers, but whatever. Technically he shouldn’t have done it but they definitely wouldn’t lock up say a BLM guy in reversed circumstances. The groomers in question got fairly light sentences if I recall. They bunged him straight into prison. No temporary police station holding cell, no lawyer, no phone call, no sentencing. I have been arrested and I know how it works. What they did to him is how they’d deal with a serious terrorist, not just a dickhead breaking a minor law. It says to me the state speed prioritised jailing him because they seem to be hell bent on stopping any kind of street ruckus between Whites and Muslims. Weird now they are semi encouraging that exact scenario because it would suit the Jews who run this forsaken country.
I guess what I’m saying is that he didn’t start out completely fake and there is a reason why he’s a shill. In hindsight he is dodgier than I gave him credit for when I take into account all the financial stuff, but I guess he’s had his uses and is yesterday’s news now. While he has done some dodgy stuff the moral of the story is more “don’t get hoodwinked by jews” and less “ha ha fuck this chav white trash con artist”. I can look over some personal foibles if someone is a net positive. I do believe he at least started out honestly wanting a whiter country. His example is just a bit more complicated than some people who were either compromised from the start (like say Charlie Kirk) or who have brought massive reputational damage to the cause (like say Richard Spencer). He has stood up in person to angry Muslims at Speaker’s Corner and stuff like that. That takes guts. Unless it was all staged. I can’t tell what’s real anymore. All im saying is I wouldn’t completely eviscerate the guy. His origin story is interesting.
I have heard people who have been following Tommy Robinson for longer than I have say that they think he had good intentions in the beginning but has since either sold out and/or “gone Hollywood”.
It happens on our side as well. People will rise to a high level of prominence and suddenly, it feels like they are beating the system and being carried by the forces of history. Ego goes through the roof. They attract hangers-on who enable their worst instincts. They become some combination of complacent, reckless and/or self-indulgent believing that they can get away with anything.
The spotlight is a powerful drug.
That was interesting, I never knew who Robinson was. May I ask who was the alt right figure who faked his Iraq record? He was simply turning into a real politician, up there with McCain and Kerry!
I believe he is referring to Eli Mosley(Kline), who claimed he served in Iraq. In reality he never saw combat and never left Pennsylvania.
Eli Mosely. His rise to prominence in the Alt Right was remarkable because he didn’t seem to do anything. He never made any content. Didn’t write. Didn’t make videos. Didn’t have a podcast at a time when everyone had a podcast. He was just a message board shitposter who was friends with all the big names and managed to network his way up to a very high position of prominence despite not actually doing anything.
Hey now! John McCain was a war hero and a maverick and stuff!
Good one! 🙂
It was pretty maverick of John McCain to keep those photos on his laptop of an ISIS execution being filmed against a fake desert background.
I’m gonna write one reply cos I don’t want to clog it up too much.
To myself : Having listened to the Counter Currents Radio broadcast yesterday, I stand corrected on just how slimy Tommy is. I genuinely did not know most of the facts discussed on the program, and I admit I haven’t followed anything to do with Tommy in a while, so i was quite naive on this issue. I certainly wouldn’t say I admire him now. I try not to “punch Right” but duplicity must be called out, especially when it’s as bad as his. A certain quote from a certain Romanian captain springs to mind.
I will still say that bringing down John Sweeney was a good thing, and if Tommy is genuinely controlled opposition I find it hard to believe the police/state would harass him quite as much as they have. But I was blissfully unaware of many things discussed yesterday and I very much stand corrected. His funders for example, his background, the extent of the swindling, etc. I admit I just didn’t have these facts and the last I even thought about Tommy Robinson was maybe 2018/19.
To Andrew : I feel that race realism is just different in the UK than it is in the USA. I think being white in the USA they are aware of race. You can’t really be white and be unaware of race in America. Also, US has about 5% Jewish population, who control a lot of its media. In Britain there’s maybe 300k Jews. They still have disproportionate power, but it’s just not on the level of Weimerica. Therefore its easy for a Brit to completely miss, or deny that Jews are an issue.
What is noticeable in the UK is Muslims. I guess Muslims are to UK what blacks are to USA, so to speak. Although there is now a lot of blacks in the UK too, but the Muslim thing is more widespread and noticeable.
I also think people might underestimate how ingrained the whole WW2 myth is in the UK. We speak of spitfire nationalism and dismiss it as cringe etc but it’s worth remarking just how subversive it is. It really is drilled in to UK people that we “saved the world” as if it were a James Bond film and Hitler/Blofeld was about to destroy the earth. The subversive element is that they take the British flag and “what it is to be British” and build it up on the WW2 mythos.
Being as racially aware as Americans or South Africans involves living around blacks for a long time. That legacy isn’t here in the UK and its easy to see someone who doesn’t really know what Jews are to simply see their situation and conclude that the same bearded brown guys blowing us up also blowing these other ‘fellow white people’ up. Combine that with deep seated [Protestant] obsession with Jews/the Holy Land. That is the level of these people. They obviously aren’t very bright but they’re also just going on what they have, and 80 years of indoctrination. The UK is so cucked, it is kind of mind blowing how bad it really is.
As an example of this take Ulster Unionist Protestants and contrast to Irish Catholic Republicans in Northern Ireland. The IRA types use Gaza and Palestine flags as a symbol of joint resistance against colonial oppression. This is a sort of understandable symmetry. The UDA guys, however, actually take Israeli imagery and promote that side – simply because the Irish don’t. It is oppositionalism in the extreme. I guess there is some Protestant Jew loving going on there but the UDA guys really have no skin in that game, they really would cut off their noses to spite their faces just to get at the IRA. And this is coming from someone who fully understands and is aware that the Ulster Loyalist community is probably the single biggest group of based white people in the UK. There’s lots of good things about the Unionists. They’re anti abortion, they’re very racially aware (aka “racist”), and local community police volunteers nipped any kind of Muslim grooming gangs there in the bud – the old fashioned way, no official police force involved, just local lads and 2x4s. (These communities self-police with vigilante citizens) So I’d love to shit all over the UDA guys but I’m aware that they’re based and the IRA guys are the very worst kind of antifaggot who want the Brits out and Pakis in. Despite being ethnonationalists who are (semi-)Jew woke.
It is a complicated situation. What I’m getting at is that Tommy and his ilk are of the UDA kind of mindset. Tommy himself may be more zealous and have a dodgier background that I was aware of at first, but if you take the bog standard “Ohh, Tommy Tommy!” style “Democratic Football Lad” that will more or less be their mindset. Pro British, Anti Irish, anti Muslim, which plays into being pro Jew. Being pro British also plays nicely into being anti Nazi.
To Josephsus Cato : I don’t know if by “well to do white leftists” you meant the Gaza protestors or the Daily Mail writers, but the Daily Mail is not seen as leftist. The Daily Mail is regarded as a (centre-to-far) right newspaper in the UK. The left literally never stop screeching about the Daily Mail. It is laughable. Again, the UK is so cucked it’s a joke.
This article nails it on the head. The tenor of the Daily Mail article (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12737355/tommy-robinson-supporters-whitehall-pro-palestine-protest-london-armistice-day-march-police-barrier.html) seems to be less concerned about the lack of tact and respect in having a pro-Palestine protest on Armistice Day than about “far-right counter-protestors.” Literally crying out, “don’t inflame and incite!” as Muslims march en masse on this solemn day. Ctrl+f “far-right” shows up 18 times in the article. Well to do white leftists in England would rather poo poo about the far right than notice what amounts to an army of Muslims marching on one of the most solemn days in the British calendar.
It appears that most if not all the arrests have been against the counter-protestors. Credit where credit is due, the police seemed to have done a damn good job of keeping both sides away from each other. Juxtapose that with Charlottesville where the police seemingly did the exact opposite. The two aren’t exactly the same since London has a Muslim mayor who is sympathetic to the million Muslim march whereas the mayor of Charlottesville was a subversive Jew. Either way, the fact of the matter was that the violence at Charlottesville could have been quelled but it wasn’t because it was politically convenient for the leftist anti-white establishment.
“A lot of European nationalists do seem to make common cause with the Zionists. I’m not sure why.”
That’s because they are civic nationalists rather than racial nationalists. A great many of the street-level types that follow Tommy Robinson brag about how their sisters have mixed race children and how their fathers/grandfathers, etc fought the nasty Nazis during the Second World War so that Britain could be a free non-German-speaking country. Their hostility towards “the pakis” is in part based upon material envy rather than a detached and carefully thought through racial awareness. “The pakis” are disliked because they drive fancy German cars, run businesses, stink of curry, wear weird clothes and are thought to be taking the women that these loser whites want for their own. There quite often is very limited racial awareness – if any, among these types of people. They view Jews as fellow whites upholding Western democracy in the face of the stinky, geeky “pakis”
In reply to Dark Plato Nov. 11th; 04.48 am; comment thread No.3
It was apparently reported by UK Column that pro-Palestine demos in England, leading up to November 10th, were largely peaceful. It was the MSM that contradicted this. Mark Collett, leader of Patriotic Alternative, and other responsible observers, emphasized that people should not go to London on that Saturday as it would to be a contrived media fest. And this is what exactly happened. Tommy Robinson, and his band of followers (football lads and, no doubt, undercover cops), were engaged in street altercations that played right into the hands of the MSM, and political system. Today, Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, has been ‘sacked’. The spotlight on her will now show that she was a tough, straight-talker. She’ll return later as a Tory leader contender, a card to be played perhaps? In print and on tv news: Far-Right clash in London! The predicted result that should of been avoided, unless that was the intended outcome.
A relative of mine followed Robinson quite attentively. Went to many of the Brexit era protests that Robinson organized. There were always Jewish speakers on right before him. Levant; that strange exit IDF officer; Geller. I went to one or two in London and up Norf. The crowds meant well but were not Jew aware. It’s almost like a social experiment. Jews support Brexit etc. The street roughs who swarmed around 10 Downing Street one time really were strung out scum. There are a lot of wx soldiers around Tommy and some well meaning people having fun. It’s a very odd brew. It’s mad to be associated with Tommy of you dis/mistrust Jews.
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