As I am a critic of the reigning universalist egalitarian liberal consensus, I will attempt to answer the question as to whether or not America’s Thermidorian Reaction, if successful, would be a good thing or not. Before I do that, I need to make it clear that this hasn’t happened yet, and it still remains to be seen if this move by Trump’s Thermidorians will be successful or not. (more…)
Tag: accelerationism
There has been increasing chatter and murmurings in right-wing circles denouncing the candidacy of Donald Trump, advocating for either abstention from voting or even voting for Kamala Harris. This commentary runs the gambit, from commentators I actually like and respect, such as the far-right commentator Devon Stack (aka Black Pilled), to more dubious figures, notably Nick Fuentes, whose number of personal shortcomings and bizarre mannerisms raise the question whether he is “black propaganda” (if he is not, he might as well be). All of this is incredibly misguided. (more…)
This year, the Trump train has been more like an emotional roller-coaster. My decision to vote for Trump has flip-flopped almost as much as Trump has. Recently, I re-read my endorsement of Trump from four years ago, “Trump: Without Illusions or Apologies.” I feared that I would want to eat my words. But, much to my surprise, I ended up convincing myself to vote once again for Orange Man. (more…)
The following is reprinted from Endeavour‘s Substack. Check out his Telegram and YouTube channels as well.
Author’s Note: I’m going to put the word “accelerationism” in quotes as to not give the idea more credibility than it deserves.
Probably the most annoying argument I frequently hear from the online Right is that what we need is “accelerationism.” (more…)
Victor Hugo famously said that nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. Unfortunately, that also applies to bad ideas. Daniel Patrick Moynihan reportedly quipped that affirmative action is a bad idea whose time has come. I feel the same way about Donald Trump’s third run for the White House. (more…)
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On Saturday, May 14th, 2022, Payton Gendron, an 18-year-old white man concerned with “the Great Replacement” of whites by non-whites, went to a place frequented by non-whites and started shooting. At this time, ten people are dead, most of them black. You can read his Manifesto here.
Before I go into my standard boilerplate article on such shooting sprees, I need to note several things. (more…)
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The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon
Rudyard KiplingIt was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate. (more…) -
Albertus Pictor, Death Playing Chess, 1480-90.
Albertus Pictor, Death Playing Chess, 1480-90.
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There is something sinister in the springtime this year. Rather than a serving as a yearly reminder of rebirth and natural beauty, the blooming trees and emergent grasses wear the face of some ancient enemy, awoken from its long slumber. The spreading pestilence makes one long for the dormancy and stasis of winter.
This atmosphere of dread has infected every dimension of our lives. (more…)
Accelerationism is the idea that the best way to achieve White Nationalist goals is to accelerate the decline of the present system. This will supposedly have two effects. First, acceleration will weaken the system’s ability to maintain power, including to oppress dissenters. Second, acceleration will anger and awaken the white masses, making them more receptive to our message.