Jack Cashill
Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities
Nashville: Post Hill Press, 2023
Everyone with whom I’d spoke knew exactly why they left. It’s just that no one bothered to ask them. — Jack Cashill
Jack Cashill, who worked for both the Newark, New Jersey and Kansas City, Missouri housing authorities, has written an excellent book about white flight from the great cities of the North from the perspective of the “ethnic” whites: Roman Catholic Italians and the Irish, in particular.
Cashill’s background is mostly Irish with some German, and he grew up in a Roman Catholic neighborhood in Newark. He was working class — his father was a Newark policeman. All the parents in his neighborhood knew each other, and the kids were free to range as they pleased. Cashill grew up watching Leave It to Beaver and felt it was an accurate representation of society at the time. Newark in the 1950s was idyllic. The neighborhood was safe, the economy functioned, and there was a real community.
That civilization has gone with the wind, however — destroyed in the 1960s. Cashill looks at how the neighborhoods of ethic whites in the big cities of the North became crime-ridden ghettos. He examines the various myths surrounding “white flight,” such as the idea — popularly propagated by the sub-Saharan, Michelle Obama – which held that the moment Africans showed up in white neighborhoods, the whites fled due to their innate racism.
Another myth is that real estate agents practiced block busting — playing on alleged white racism by deliberately bring in a family of sub-Saharans to create panic selling among the whites. The agents would then reap the commissions as the white sold their homes and bought new properties in the suburbs. Others are that the interstate highway system was deliberately put in place to segregate sub-Saharans from the rest, and that urban renewal projects were “negro removal” schemes.
Cashill looks at the data and draws on his experience as a white man who was part of “white flight” — and determines that the myths are wrong. First, the arrival of sub-Saharan settler-colonists from the South didn’t initially cause a wave of panic home sales. The whites of Newark, especially ethnic Catholics, were deeply anchored to their parochial schools and local churches, so a few black faces didn’t scare them away. Second, Cashill could not find a single person from any Northern city who claimed to have been involved in block busting. Neither has any sub-Saharan ever come forward and claimed that he worked with a real estate agent as a fake homebuyer.
The interstate highways that bisected neighborhoods and cities were not built with a specific racial intent, either. Rather, their builders only made use of the right of eminent domain to pave over houses, churches, schools, and other buildings based on ease-of-travel. In Newark and Kansas City, those displaced by the coming of the freeways were entirely white. Slum removal as a form of negro removal is also a myth — at least in the 1950s and ‘60s. In the 1950s there was an effort to improve America’s cities, one of the last flickers of the Progressive Era before the darkness of “civil rights” and Negro Worship enveloped America.
In fact, slum clearances in Newark had nothing to do with race. Such programs usually ended up as rackets. Cities would receive money to demolish “slums,” but exactly what constituted a “slum” remained undefined. Any neighborhood could therefore be declared a slum and its residents moved out via the right of eminent domain. In Newark in the 1960s, it was in fact safe and orderly white neighborhoods that were bulldozed to make way for public housing projects. Those in local government and politically-favored contractors became wealthy through this program. It was the sub-Saharans in these projects who eventually destroyed them themselves.
This corruption of progressive ideas shows that any progressive ideology that does not favor a particular people ends up as a swindle. But moving whites into any area leads to positive outcomes. Gay white men turned around many inner-city dumps in the late 1990s, for example.
The most pressing reason for white flight was and is sub-Saharan crime. The turning point came for in 1961. Cashill offers no explanation for it, but that was the year the Kennedy administration took office, and they were politically in debt politically to sub-Saharan activists. A large part of Kennedy’s base likewise supported “civil rights.” This connection to real power emboldened petty sub-Saharan criminals.
Cashill’s first experience with Afro-crime was as a nine-year-old. He was returning from an errand when an 11-year-old sub-Saharan covered his eyes while two others made off with the three dollars he had had in his pocket. Cashill told his parents. Police Detective Cashill then went to the nearest school with his son in tow, and after a hostile discussion with the Principal — a Jewish woman — the thieves were identified, and one confessed on the spot. The children were released into the custody of their parents.
This incident highlights some important truths. The Jewish Principal initially defended the sub-Saharan children despite the fact that she undoubtedly knew from personal experience of their disruptions in class that they were likely guilty. Liberal idealism led to policies that were soft on crime, and helped create the crime wave that started in the 1960s and didn’t end until Bill Clinton’s Crime Bill ended the low-level insurgency. Every white person in Newark had been personally victimized by sub-Saharan crime. It made living in the neighborhoods they had built untenable.
As the sub-Saharan enrollment in the schools increased, the resulting problems became uncontrollable. For a time, the Catholic whites were protected from this menace because their children attended the parochial schools. By contrast, white Protestants and Jews attended the public schools, and they were soon pushed out by the troubles.
Besides crime, the sheer numbers of sub-Saharans who began voting altered the makeup of local politics in these areas. Newark’s politics in the 1950s was ethnic: Power changed between Italians, Jews, and the Irish, with each group reaching out to each other while pretending to be offended by ethnic jokes or those stereotypes that were played up during election season to get out the votes for the various ethnic blocs. Once the sub-Saharan numbers grew too large to oppose, they elected their own into office. African-style corruption and mismanagement followed. Cashill describes that while working as a Newark city employee, he was expected to attend fundraising dinners for the town’s new political leaders — and pay a huge amount for the privilege.
As the 1960s progressed and the disaster of the “civil rights” movement continued to manifest, the very nature of politics in Newark changed. In the 1950s, Newark’s whites were Eisenhower voters. In 1960, they voted for Kennedy because they saw him — however erroneously — as a fellow white who would protect their interests. However, by 1968 Kennedy’s Democratic Party had ceased representing them in any way. The remaining whites in Newark, tough Italians who tried to hold on to their hard-won neighborhoods and churches in Newark, came out to support the pro-Southern segregationist George Wallace.
By the time whites in the North had come around to Wallace’s point of view, however, the situation in Newark and other cities suffering from sub-Saharan settler-colonialism was too far gone. Whites then headed for the new suburbs being built outside the cities, gaining back yards and freestanding houses — but losing their closely-knit communities. The old parish churches had to be rebuilt in the suburbs by the white refugees, or else the whites joined the big box Evangelical churches that came equipped with gyms and entertainment — although they refused to protect their white congregants in any meaningful way.
Cashill writes:
The towns that sprang up in the in the reclaimed pine barrens of the shore provided hosing for the dispossessed but little in the way of community. Many of these new residents had left behind their churches, their neighborhoods, and their extended families only to find themselves in a world without a heartbeat. Lacking sidewalks, front porches, or even stoops, subdivisions did not easily evolve into neighborhoods. People retreated, and community values withered. (p. 195)
The displacement of whites in the great cities of the North is one of the biggest injustices that “civil rights” America inflicted upon any group. It far surpasses the oppression of white Southerners that was going on at the same time. The latter group didn’t lose their community in the same way. Newark’s shifting politics led to Cashill’s father being demoted, and he took his own life. Those whites who voted for Kennedy were drafted in large numbers to fight the Vietnam War. One of Cashill’s childhood friends, SP4 William Swaykos, was killed in that conflict. Meanwhile, the Africanized cities became economic backwaters. Industry didn’t merely flee the new South-Western Townships, they fled the United States entirely — aided by the same sociopathic whites who had pushed for “civil rights” in the first place.
Untenable is the first mainstream book that articulates what has long been universally known about white flight. The system that brought sub-Saharans into the great cities was economically inefficient and untenable. It destroyed great cultural centers, uprooted neighborhoods, and left America with a vast collection of Zimbabwe-like slums.
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Great review. Greg Hood also recommended this book. I’ll have to check it out.
Definitely will be putting this on my list to read. Half of my ancestry is Irish-Catholic, and I have a sneaking suspicion my family left Queens back in the 60s for this very reason (though it was never articulated explicitly to me).
Blacks destroy anything and everything they go to. Not ONE City that’s majority black, or even 15-20% black, is a success story or a desirable place to live, work, and play.
I recently took a trip out to Lexington, Kentucky (75% white, 15% black) and even they’re starting to have 3rd world roads, dirty grocery stores, increased robbery and homicide, and section-8 buildings surrounding the county!
Since Obama, now blacks are fast making their way into the suburbs and even rural areas. There is virtually no shopping mall, movie theater, bar, or grocery store that’s predominantly white anymore. They have completely lost whatever remaining fear they had before 2008 about “ not going to the white area of town!”
What’s even worse? Most whites STILL won’t openly admit anything about race, nor will they call for anything to be done to stop this unconscionable nightmare! Not the Rodney King riots. Not 9/11. Not Obama. Not the BLM riots of 2020. NOTHING! The last 33 years have MORE than proven that this can’t continue!
What in heavens’ name will it take??
I’ve adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards any openly anti-white or even anti-racist commentary in my presence. If someone spouts off racially pejorative or left-warped drek, they’re getting verbally mauled on site*.
Most readers here probably have the verbal, intellectual and presence-based faculties to make such dress downs intensely unpleasant for who volunteer themselves. This creates a strong disincentive and a significant neuronal trench, a microtrauma, that will make most psychologically normal individuals at least think twice before reengaging in it.
Experienced with sufficient regularity, most will cease singing those tunes except in the pure midst of the choir.
*Within reasonable limits ofc. I’m not looking to get in an axefight at the park with Gage Groskruetzbaum or a gunfight with L’Treen at MLK Liquor. In fact, I don’t really care what aliens think or say at all.
Americans of Irish descent are not “ethnic.” They are a founding people, like others from the British Isles. They do not have a separate language or cuisine, like Germans or Italians.
Do you have evidence for this claim? There were relatively few Irish in America in 1776 (certainly compared to their percentage of the population in, say, 1950). There were already more Germans, and, of course, the True Founders were Anglo-Saxons, along with some Scots (and Scotch-Irish). I suspect there were also more French living in the future America at that time than Irish. The vast Irish immigrant waves came after the potato famine of the 1840s-50s.
Anyway, while the term “ethnic” is imprecise, in the context of the history of American demography, esp in the 20th century when “ethnic” gained greater currency, it generally connoted citizens who a) were descended from Europe, but were not Anglo-Saxons or racial “Nordics”, and b) had a strong sense of Old Country self-identification, as opposed to identifying as plain “Americans”. In The Dispossessed Majority (about which you’ve written extensively), Wilmot Robertson classifies the Irish under the heading of “Assimilable White Minorities” (starting p.127 in my copy). He also notes their longstanding liberalism (and the damage it did to the American Majority).
In my own anecdotal (but long-running experience), I’ve noticed that, among whites, only two ethnic groups are ever much represented among militant pro-immigrationists: Jews (by far the main “white” group supporting a “generous” immigration policy), and Irish-Americans. Indeed, nearly any time I hear someone who is not nonwhite but is aggressively defending the invasion, I notice that that person is invariably either Jewish or Irish-surnamed. It’s uncanny. (Also, like Jews, Irish politicians were big backers of the “civil rights movement”.)
Speaking from a continent to which the Irish arrived in 1788 on the same boats as the English, Scots and a couple of stray Jews, and have ever since made up a large minority of the ‘British’ population, they never would have been considered ethnically distinct per se, albeit many viewed them as rebels and troublemakers, for which crimes in fact, quite a few were transported hence. There was great animosity between Protestants and Catholics though, which still exists somewhat but is greatly muted from the 1950s when the Protestant British feared Catholic ( very largely Irish) infiltration of government bureaucracy and there were almost two separate nations, living alongside each other and taught resentment on one side, fear and loathing on the other. Whatever the cause of all this, the general demise of religious bigotry, perhaps augmented by the alien influx, seem to have brought us much closer together.
Nonsense, I had ancestors from Country Cork here before the Revolution.
Most Irish did not come over because of a Potato Famine. That’s a convenient fairy tale.
“Nonsense”? I referenced a book that you yourself have extolled on many occasions on this website. It is not debatable that the large US Irish presence developed after the potato famine (I’m not thereby asserting that the famine was the sole or even main instigator of Irish emigration).
I’m delighted to hear that you are, like me, a true Old Stock (pre-Revolutionary) American. But the vast majority of Irish-Americans are the product of 19th (continuing a bit into the 20th) century immigrant ancestors.
Naah, most immigration from the UK as a whole came after 1800. English as well as Irish. And I can name quite a few Scots.
There were no “Scotch-Irish.” That’s a latter-day neologism.
At primary school when my age was in single digits, too many years ago to mention, we would tell each other jokes that began with, “There was an Irishman, a Scotsman and an Englishman” (only occasionally a bright spark would work in a Welshman). The Micks are British. Always have been, always will be.
This incident highlights some important truths. The Jewish Principal initially defended the sub-Saharan children despite the fact that she undoubtedly knew from personal experience of their disruptions in class that they were likely guilty.
Toronto is now, where these American cities were back in the late 1960’s-‘70’s..! Crime is skyrocketing, white ethnics are fleeing. Once their houses are put out for sale, they are no longer purchased by whites…ethnic or old line WASP..!
“ Given demographic and immigration trends, Canada to become a majority Muslim country by 2050” …
”American Thinker…16March 2016”
Why is there White Flight? Well…
…High rates of African-American crime and welfare dependency making cities unlivable.
…Affirmative action and every other form of discrimination against White people.
…Non-stop agitprop bashing White people and White civilization.
…Trashing of education standards to accommodate African-American academic failure.
…Rioting because one of their thugs is offed by a cop.
…Rewriting of history along Afro-centric lines.
…The suppression of the scientific approach to race.
…The constant refrain of “Racism-Racism-Racism” with ensuing race hustling agitation.
…More censorship under speech codes and prohibitions on White people organizing for their own interests.
…The invention of absurdist theories such as “systemic racism” and “micro-aggressions” to justify even more social engineering.
…Hoax crimes.
…More taxes to pay for rackets such as “reparations” for slavery.
…And last but certainly not least, the destruction of statues to great White people because they are suddenly discovered to be “offensive.”
So yeah, there are reasons for White Flight.
Now at this point someone is going to say: “Yes, but what about segregation, lynchings, redlining, over-policing of African-Americans, etc?”
Well, the response ought to be: “If you are so ‘oppressed’ by the presence of White people, then perhaps the solution is in a National Divorce. Some sort of partition where Whites and African-Americans each get their own separate and sovereign countries. Freed of White ‘oppression’ the path will be open for you to build Wakanda ™.”
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