Counter-Currents presents a new video of Greg Johnson’s classic essay “Restoring White Homelands,” on how the slow ethnic cleanse is the path to establishing white homelands.
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Very well done!
Do you plan to do a video that documents the who, how and when of the inentional/planned genocide of the European (white) people in our homelands? I think that would be fantastic, and I think it would be a good companion piece to this video. It would substantiate the claim made in this video and it would be a great thing to send along to friends and family.
If we Whites have had to move often to avoid the negative effects of diversity we should not shed a single tear for when non-Whites are repatriated.
We’ve been pushed out of every major US city with underhanded methods and violence. There is nothing wrong with taking our lands back peacefully and honestly.
Well put. Being honest, most of them came here not as genuine refugees, but as pretend-refugee opportunists; with the right incentives especially, they can be compelled to pack up and move out.
As the bartender’s wont to say, “I don’t care where you go, but you can’t stay here.”
That’s right with the right incentives we can do it, We replace bad policy no borders and endless immigration with good policy such as secure borders financial incentives to leave and pro Natalist policies for our own people.
Simply put we are inviting them with financial incentives So we can do the opposite in time.
Former POTUS Trump posted:
We believed him when elected but he did not deliver; as Commander-in-Chief POTUS Trump required zero permission, already had the manpower & they r called the Army Corps of Engineers, &, has virtually unlimited money by just placing a tax on the tens of billions of dollars that leaves USA every year called remittances. Again, he did not build the wall, deport ALL illegals, & cancel birthright citizenship. The sheeple believed him (still do) while the invasion continues & the bodies r piling up.
If we need the labour of any of these people then we can simply wait and ask them to leave as soon as we have their native replacement.
Superb video and narrative.
In your analysis do not be surprised to discover that the undermining of white homelands has been going on for millennia.
Let me give you an example:
“Black” King James Of Scotland (House Of Stewart)
The Beginning Of The Whitewash Of HIStory (King James & The “Black” Stuart Dynasty)
Do you think that the Stewarts/Stuarts, Stanleys, etc have just disappeared in the mist of history ? Think again. They are running the show in the UK, USA, and
many other places. And they have similar counterparts (cousins or otherwise) in other countries too.
As the saying goes: “The rot starts at the head”.
The overlords, past and present, base their status on maintaining control over white populations. They detest a class warfare by marxists, communists, and
socialists, but at the same time they practice a class warfare between themselves (old aristocrats, bankers, merchants) and all against the middle class (you saw what happened during COVID “pandemic” to the class that provides 48% of private employment in the US, for example; I have not seen anything similar that showed so much disrespect for them and the “deplorables”).
The truth is the Republic and the Constitution is becoming a joke. People are talking openly about next civil war and breakup of the USA, for example.
Your plan of “nice and easy” corrections will not work. The “elites” and others will make sure it does not. It is a wishful thinking.
The popular will will not materialize without “crash and burn” event(s). It is a historical truth. There is no other way to activate the populace and reverse the damage done to white people.
The “elites” overplayed their hands. They know it. They try old tricks like
a regional or global war to misdirect and control the situation.
We will face a prospect of a change of government systems in many countries, big and small, during and after that. We will have to decide: revitalized Republic, direct or indirect Democracy, or even Feudalism if the crazies of World Economic Forum (Schwab, Gates, Soros) have their say, or something else (hopefully not a return to some kind of a disgrace from the past).
The WEF wants to do the Great Reset after 2030. It looks like their wish will be granted.
This will be the time to reorganize OUR societies, including the problem of non-white invasions and our own treasonous “elites”.
Well, nothing is possible until the so-called “elites” either 1) are persuaded to see reason, or 2) ejected from power. Since they’re too arrogant for 1 to work, then we’ll have to get them off our backs one way or another. After that, we can implement whatever we want, such as repatriating Third Worlders.
A Greg Johnson Classic.
Someone should design an attractive flyer for Counter Currents that we can share in upper middle class white neighbourhoods.
What a quality production. Forwarded to friends and family.
Thanks. We have a very talented video creator.
Definitely. The footage chosen, along with the editing, is very affective.
What do we do about partially white people in our homeland?
This is like asking George Washington in 1777 what he plans to do about the pro-Brits in the 13 colonies.
Waaaay too early an issue. Not relevant.
I will get on my knees with thanks to the Creator if we get to the point where your question is a live one.
“What do we do about partially white people in our homeland?” To preserve what took Nature tens if not hundreds of thousands of years to create must b protected period. A European is a European, half or partial is not a European. These ‘partials’ cannot reside in our European Homelands. Remember, these globalists destroy by increments, bit by bit over a long period of time hoping we do not notice &/or will lose the will to defend its identity.
Bravo to GJ and all who had a hand in this.
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