The jury is still out as to whether Giorgia Meloni, who may become Italy’s new Prime Minister after Sunday’s elections, is the new Mussolini. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
1,408 words
Look out — here comes Hitler in a bra.
On Sunday, Italian voters are expected to propel a “far-Right” coalition led by a saucy and fetching 45-year-old woman into power.
Almost exactly one hundred years since Benito Mussolini took charge of Italy’s government, headlines for both UPI and the Guardian warn, in the exact same words, that Giorgia Meloni could “become Italy’s first far-Right leader since Mussolini.”
“Giorgia Meloni May Lead Italy, and Europe Is Worried,” reads the headline in The New York Times, and although New York isn’t even in Europe, the Times apparently claims to speak for the entire continent. The Times explains how, after yet another one of Italy’s innately unsustainable coalition governments crumbled earlier in the year, Meloni was able to rise from obscurity:
Ms. Meloni led the only major party, the Brothers of Italy, to stay outside that unity government, allowing her to vacuum up the opposition vote. Her support in polls steadily expanded from 4 percent in 2018 to 25 percent in a country where even moderate voters have grown numb to Fascist-Communist name calling, but remain enthusiastic about new, and potentially providential, leaders.
Pundits warn that Meloni will “send Italy down a dangerous authoritarian path we’ve seen elsewhere in Europe.” They caution that such a hasty “leap into the unknown could well turn out to be a very dark ride.”
Leftist Italian writer Giorgia Serughetti, whose pinched visage has likely never induced an erection, says that Meloni “speaks to a specific population: one where families are composed of ‘men being men’ and ‘women being women’, fathers and mothers, native and white.”
That’s crazy talk!
People seem to think that merely summoning the word “fascism” will result in such a hysterically Pavlovian reaction that people won’t even listen to what Meloni says. Here are some things she has actually said:
You see, political correctness is a shockwave, a cancel culture that tries to upset and remove every single beautiful, honorable and human thing that our civilization has developed. . . . It is a nihilistic wind of unprecedented ugliness that tries to homogenize everything in the name of One World. In short, political correctness — the Gospel that a stateless and rootless elite wants to impose — is the greatest threat to the founding value of identities.
There is no possible mediation. Yes to the natural family. No to the L.G.B.T. lobbies. No to the violence of Islam, yes to safer borders, no to mass immigration, yes to work for our people. No to major international finance.
Apparently not a natural blonde — although to verify according to commonly accepted journalistic standards, one would have to check the carpet to see if it matches the drapes — Giorgia Meloni used to be an overweight and introverted Michael Jackson fan who was raised by a single mom in a working-class Rome neighborhood. At 15, she found what she has since called her “second family” when she joined the Youth Front of the Italian Social Movement. She won her first local election at age 21. Ten years later, she became the youngest minister in Italian history when Berlusconi appointed her a youth minister under his regime.

Already buried under crushing piles of debt, Italy is the main port of call for all those sweaty and desperate huddled African masses heading to Europe from North Africa, and Italians are starting to lose their patience. Boat people from Northern Africa are infringing on the Mafia’s crime monopoly in Sicily. The deeply Catholic country’s citizens aren’t too keen on mosques suddenly appearing across the land, either.
Meloni is against illegal migration and “Islamization.” She recently called for a naval blockade against migrants. She has accused the EU of enabling “the project of ethnic replacement of Europe’s citizens desired by the great capitals and international speculators.”
She’s a woman who allegedly peddles an “anti-women agenda” by pushing the “myth of the ‘migrant rapist,’” at least according to some other woman. In other words, she “exploits sexual violence . . . for racist and xenophobic purposes” by running TV ads saying that illegal migrants shouldn’t be sexually violent toward women.
She virulently opposes abortion and multiculturalism. She said in a TV interview that she would “rather not have a gay child,” which is a much softer sentiment than Alessandra Mussolini’s fabled “better a fascist than a faggot.” Unlike Mussolini’s granddaughter, who just happens to be Sophia Loren’s niece and is also the first Italian woman to lead her own political party, Meloni has never posed topless for Playboy or recorded an album of love songs. And despite her surname literally meaning “melons,” Meloni isn’t even toting a pair of decent-sized peaches.
Ah, well. We men of culture can’t have it all, can we?
Italy is third behind Malta and Spain as far as having the lowest live births per woman amid all European countries. Meloni says native Italian women should start churning out more babies lest they face an “ethnic substitution” by migrants. Benito Mussolini also saw demography as destiny and helped to pass laws criminalizing even the act of passing along information about contraception.
Meloni’s party is, in a loose sense, apostolically descended from Mussolini’s brand of Italian fascism. Brothers of Italy (Fratella d’Italia), the party which Meloni helped found in 2012, was cobbled together from the pieces of Silvio Berlusconi’s short-lived People of Freedom Party, which itself was descended from the National Alliance (1995-2009), which succeeded the Italian Social Movement (1946-1995), which was formed amid the smoldering embers of World War II after Mussolini’s corpse was hanged upside-down in a village square.

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In a 1996 interview with French TV, Meloni referred to Mussolini as “a good politician, the best the last 50 years.” In 2020 she praised Giorgio Almirante, co-founder of the Italian Social Movement who oversaw the publication of Mussolini’s Manifesto of Race in 1938.
A Brothers of Italy election manifesto from 2019 labeled George Soros as a “usurer,” and whether or not this is true, George Soros is Jewish, so it is automatically “anti-Semitic.”
Rachele Mussolini, another granddaughter of Il Duce, is a member of Brothers of Italy who was reelected to the Council of Rome last October with more votes than any other candidate.
Enrico Michetti, who was Brothers of Italy’s mayoral candidate last year, suggested swapping out handshakes for the Roman Salute to help battle transmission of COVID-19, so these obstreperous Dagos are making it difficult, if not impossible, to shake off the Mussolini/fascist associations entirely.
Over the years, Meloni has been very careful to declare that fascism is unequivocally dead and that she “unambiguously condemns the suppression of democracy and the ignominious anti-Jewish laws.” Just this week, the Brothers of Italy suspended a local candidate after news emerged that he’d referred to Hitler as a “great statesman” eight years ago.
Benito Mussolini, cursed by history into being a player-hater of Adolf Hitler in perpetuity, was himself a serial flip-flopper. He went from hardcore class-conscious Marxist to the father of modern fascism. He didn’t blame the Jews, then he blamed them, then he stopped blaming them again. He rejected racial essentialism, then embraced it, then discarded it again. He made several virulently anti-Christian statements, yet still cozied up to the Catholic Church because they had a tight grip on the nation’s majority.
The New York Times — which seems to be more worried about Meloni than Europe is — is terrified that once she’s elected, she’ll ditch all the half-stepping and start goose-stepping:
There remains concern that, once in power, Ms. Meloni would toss off her pro-European sheep’s wool and reveal her nationalist fangs — reverting to protectionism, caving in to her Putin-adoring coalition partners, rolling back gay rights and eroding liberal E.U. norms.
Electing her would be the only way to find out, right?
Yet another article whose headline suggests, word-for-fucking-word, that Meloni may become “Italy’s first far-right leader since Mussolini,” marvels at her party’s sudden rise to power:
In the course of the past four years, the party’s polling numbers have been steadily growing from a little over 4% in 2018 to over 25% in 2022. The trajectory suggests that the party has either shrugged off its historical links to fascism or that many Italians simply don’t care.
And that appears to be what The New York Times, the mainstream Western press, and all the dead-eyed suits at the European Union seem to fear the most: the day when they’ve made things so bad for ordinary citizens, the peasants “simply don’t care” about being called fascists. They simply want someone to clean up the mess.
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Sadly, much of the perception of Italians in the USA has been shaped by mobsters, actors, politicians, Jersey Shore and Fauci…. not Fermi, Don DeLillo, Federico Faggin or Mario Capecchi (none of whom makes for a good guido). I’m sure a fair number of Italians have seen the effect of immigration elsewhere. Once there were to be a critical mass in Italy, how long until Michelangelo, Da Vinci, various architectural marvels and sculptures would be defrocked for allegations of sexism, verbal abuse or engendering a toxic workplace. What, ancient Romans had slaves, too? Oh boy. And isn’t there some history of blackface in Verdi operas? Ban that shit and post to twitter anyone you might espy humming an aria. And the ancient Greeks and Romans had plenty of homosexuality without going overboard with rainbows and demanding everyone conjugate their pronouns differently. A sure sign of media horseshit is use of words like this ‘feels like’, ‘seems’, ‘worries’, ‘anxious’… Let me translate that as “We don’t have any actual proof of anything, but if there is a potential right wing policy on the horizon, let’s quote someone to say it makes them ‘uncomfortable’”.
It heartens me because nationalist parties everywhere are the logical choice for all Europeans. We are threatened, threatened by Russia, China, Latin America, the Muslim World. We must have leaders who will protect us. The story of the European right-wing coming of age is an inspiring one.
It takes a special kind of stupid to become a minority in one’s own nation. We will see on election night September 25, 2022 if the Italians are as dumb & stupid as the British, French, Swedes, etc. Italy has some 5 parties that are nationalists. Italians will receive no mercy from me should they fail. Why? Because Italians already know the problems, the crime, & eventually the extermination of the Italian People if they allow non-Italians into Italy, the homeland of Italians. And no, Asians, Arabs, Africans are not Italian period. If I were born in Japan I would not be Japanese. Only us stupid Europeans think that if a Chinese couple had their baby in Italy then that baby is Italian. The Japanese would rightly laugh at me if I told them I was Japanese because I was born in Japan.
Believe it or not, honor killings (delitto d’onore) carried very little repercussions in Italy until 1981. Amazing how based Italy once was, primarily in the South. Perhaps there is some truth to the rumored origins theorized in True Romance. This issue surfaces every few years when a Pakistani immigrant executes his daughter for snogging white guys because white guys and westernization are conquering nonwhite women faster than they are migrating to our lands.
On broaching this topic, honor killings was the first thing that crossed your mind? I’m reminded of Elaine Benes writing copy for the J. Peterman catalog and her combat fatigue wearing employee is coming up with a good description of bedtime clothes:
“It’s a hot night. The mind races. You think about your knife: the only friend who hasn’t betrayed you, the only friend who won’t be dead by sunup. Sleep tight mates, in your quilted chambray night shirts.”
“Fascist” is a word that’s thrown around in Italy the way “racist” is thrown around in America. Completely meangless now. Italy is a very divided country, though, as they were under Mussolini. Let’s hope these ‘Brothers of Italy’ can save the country. It used to be a nice place to visit.
Giorgia Meloni, Fratelli d’Italia, would “deport immigrants who commit serious crimes”. This is controlled opposition talk; they ALL have to be repatriated to their own homelands. Italians are being deceived, the globalists are giving people enough just to make them think there is a course correction, however, the trajectory (replacement, extermination, genocide) is unchanged.
Reminds me of Trump, did not build the wall, did not deport ALL illegals, did not cancel birthright citizenship.
Donald John Trump, YOU’RE FIRED.
Many believe that POTUS Trump’s hands were tied from completing The Wall, but, the truth is – he needed zero permission.
As Commander in Chief, the POTUS has the manpower (Army Corps of Engineers & the Navy Seabees) & the money (over 25 billion dollars leaves US every year & POTUS needs only to slap a tax on it) to build THE WALL & needs NO permission. POTUS Trump duped us, deceived us, made it look like he was doing something, his purpose was to let out some steam, but, the trajectory did not change. POTUS Trump helped to release some pressure from us Europeans aka White people & provided our enemies an idea of how many millions of us Europeans were out there. Trump acted as a pressure relief valve. And it worked perfectly, no wall, no deportations, no borders & people believed in Trump because they continued to attend his rallies.
DJ Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. I remember how, during early March 2017 (that soon!), he was purring that he would give the “Dreamers” an outcome that they would be happy with. He spoke of how “incredible” they were.
I have no recollection of Trump ever, during the 2016 campaign, telling us that if we elected him we would also get (((Jared Kushner))). We got him though – good and hard.
Italy is a bigger country than it seems. The North to the South is almost 800 miles, though it only ranks 10th by land area in Europe (including counting Russia and Ukraine, though larger than the UK). It’s almost as long north-south as Ukraine is wide from east-west. It’s an interesting case in ‘diversity’ and cultural cohesion. The south and Sicily have more darker skinned Italians which may have more to do with proximity to Tunisia than sunlight exposure. While you think of the mob being here, Naples gave us pizza, Neopolitan style, Caravaggio and the baroque. The north extensively shares borders with Switzerland, France, Austria and Slovenia and has cultural touchstones of Florence, Milan and Venice. Large swaths of the Alps are in Italy, which has bred many famous climbers.The unification of Italy was surprisingly recent, around the time of the US Civil war. Prior to that one might view it as the southern Kingdom of Sicily, several northern kingdoms, and a central Papal state surrounding Rome. So Arturo Toscanini and Giuseppe Verdi hail from the north and Pauly D likely does not. But a common language, culture and religion is one succinct way of seeing the glue that has held it together. Will ‘diversity’ make it a better, more perfect Italy, as is often suggested elsewhere? They shall welcome immigrants who will over time claim Italian culture as elements that offend them and should be erased, removed, or have asterisks attached to them? While I don’t really care much about whether a good artist is left or right, Verdi is an interesting nationalist of sorts, though in his time it meant unification of Italy. And either he or his wife gave us a most iconic and manly beard. https://www.kusc.org/culture/staff-blog/night-beard-mountain-investigation-greatest-beards-classical-music/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_area
The south and Sicily have more darker skinned Italians which may have more to do with proximity to Tunisia than sunlight exposure.
No. Ancient North African admixture in Southern Italy is between 2.5-5%. Insignificant. Now, why don’t we start questioning why Jewish Ron Unz, Jamaican Lipton Mathews, Filipino Michelle Malkin, or South Asian mongrel Neil Kumar have prominent roles in the movement. What do you think their non-White admixture percentages are? Perhaps its time for “White Nationalists” to stop obsessing over Southern Italians so much. I blame True Romance. A piece of advice for everyone here, don’t base your racial views around Hollywood movies.
I don’t think I’ve seen the film. Italian has more to do with culture than skin color. And skin color isn’t everything as only 4 genes of 100,000 can make you albino, way less than a fraction of a percent. Italians are more genetically spread than typical Europeans and the North/Central differs from the South. Not joking around now, some say Sicily is 6% N.African and 37% Greek, and that Spain/Iberia has much more N. African than Italy, but most of us seem them as nice white Christian Europeans with a tan. The perception of Italians or the Irish in the modern US is unfortunately shaped more by the antics of guidos, mafioso, and rednecks than by Yeats and Dante. The Jewish population has their own share of failures and embarrassments but they do a better job of quietly sweeping them under the rug and putting forth a good brand. And media anti-whiteness is happy to paint a skewed picture when picking its winners and losers.
“Italian has more to do with culture than skin color.” Firstly, Italians belong to the European Race, &, Europeans are not Asians, Arabs, Africans, etc. This is genetics. And, for example, replacing Italians with Arabs that speak perfect Italian & have embraced Italian culture does not make Italy Italian. It makes Italy an Arab country & exterminated the Italians.
That Alessandra Mussolini album is total fire BTW
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