Translated by F. Roger Devlin
On Saturday, Vienna witnessed the largest demonstration yet against Coronavirus regulations.
The number of demonstrators at a protest is hard to estimate. Usually the protesters themselves exaggerate and the media underestimate, so when the latter speak “officially” of 38,000 participants, one may presume that the true figure was significantly higher. Protests of the same magnitude occurred on the same day in Rome, London, Melbourne, Paris, and Zagreb.
But I do not have a great deal to say about the demonstrations. Since the government bombshell Friday, I feel like the paralyzed viewer of a grim, surreal movie. When I was standing on the Ring Road [around downtown Vienna] to take pictures, I perceived the human masses flowing by as if through a cloudy filter: “I see crowds of people, walking around in a ring.” [T. S. Eliot, “The Wasteland”]
On the way to the demo I passed the Christmas market by the town hall, where masked agents checked the vaccination passes of contented sheep. When I finally proceeded towards the opera house, I dove into another world, sharply separate from the dystopian pseudo-idyll of the Christmas market: walls of masked police, whistles, loud music, chanted slogans, a sea of Austrian flags.
The police were remaining noticeably inert and after a certain time could hardly be seen anymore. I did not observe any sort of obstacles, provocations, or harassment from their side. Paradoxically, this troubled me a little. Had Nehammer learned from his disaster in February? [Karl Nehammer is the Minister of Interior who in February tried to make the protests illegal and break them up using police force, but this failed because there were so many people.] This resulted in very bad optics for him and the State. Or do the powerful, nine months later, feel so certain of victory that they can afford to let such a large mass of people spin their wheels?
What struck me immediately was the large number of “normies” of all ages and income levels. The usual eccentrics appeared only here and there, submerged in the mass. Slogans on signs and banners were clear and clever and largely avoided apocalyptic rhetoric. I was not mistaken, for later on I saw that the editor of Falter [a local Left-liberal weekly] and supporter of mandatory vaccination Florian Klenk made the same observation. This obviously struck him with a considerable case of cognitive dissonance. He tweeted:
In the end, an enormous number of people showed up. And what bothered me the most: there were very many quite normal people: young, old, Left- and Right-wing, Greens, and conservative types. [Austrian Chancellor Alexander] Schallenberg had better not rile these people up anymore. We must act with greater political intelligence.
Characteristically, he does not doubt that all these people must be “directed,” only with rather more “intelligence” than previously. But it is too late for this. Trust cannot be forced. It has long since been forfeited. The state will now have to resort to compulsion and violence.
Besides, “politics” has done everything humanly possible in the last two weeks to sow hatred and dissension between “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” (in itself an absurd way of dividing people) in order to soften up the population for the radical step of a vaccination mandate.
First it degraded the “unvaccinated” to second-class citizens, then it also ordered the “vaccinated,” who have so far obeyed obediently, to “lockdown,” and at the same time told them that the “unvaccinated” were to blame, because without them we would not have the current record number of infections which forced this lockdown upon us.
The government surely knew what it was doing in dropping the vaccination mandate bombshell on the day before the long since announced demonstration, no doubt in the hope of provoking ugly escalation by throwing gasoline on the fire. The demonstrators did not gratify them. Nevertheless, the next day the usual news reports appeared as if to create the impression that thousands of jackbooted “neo-Nazis” had marched through Vienna.
On Friday I called around my circle of friends and acquaintances to get an impression of the prevailing sense of mood. They reported unanimously that a certain type of vaccinated normie was long since in the mood for a pogrom. Within this bubble, by Friday, the fuses had long since burned all the way to the end. The government has taken care to stir up both bubbles at the same time: one with the lockdown, the other with the mandate.
If anyone who remembers the Green lady professor and mandate supporter “X” mentioned in my last column: On Friday she sent me a snotty text message as follows: “Are you happy now that we must all stay home, that some of us must now endure our lectures being canceled and not being able to get jobs?” I sent her a no less snotty reply, that her side could blame it on their own stupidity, blind obedience, and conformism.
I really felt no malicious glee. I had lost that since I figured out that the State would make use of reciprocal malice to achieve its goals. I don’t want to see anyone trapped in a lockdown, for in contrast to Prof. X, I have long since understood that they exclusively serve the purpose of political repression and have no effect on the process of infection.
At the beginning of the campaign, we were told that the vaccine would free us from lockdown; now a lockdown is being declared to force the vaccine upon us.
The true goal of the lockdown is seen clearly in the message from the pro-government papers, especially the Kronenzeitung tabloid, which makes Der Stürmer sound like the Reader’s Digest. “This must be absolutely the last time,” ran its headline Saturday, and that goal can only be reached through vaccinating everyone.
The paper never tires of emphasizing how terribly unwillingly our fine political leaders have taken this momentous and avoidable step, “but there is no alternative.” Those guys over there, the vaccine refuseniks — it’s their fault for not wanting to listen to us. All of us must suffer because of them. People must die because of them. Christmas is ruined because of them. They are our misfortune. Our patience is gradually wearing thin.
A couple of hours after our first testy text exchange, X suddenly dropped a half-dozen random links clearly intended to “enlighten” me. One dealt with the question: “How SARS-Covid-2 damages the brain.” What was going on in her own brain? It was childish and simply bonkers. Did she think I would click on these links, read them, and cry out: “Oh Lord, I hadn’t known this until now! From now on I believe that the mRNA vaccine is safe and effective, my own vaccination protects other people, lockdowns are effective, and my government always speaks the pure, scientific truth about Covid!”
She revealed not only limitless naïveté but also reproduced the government’s behavior: the provocation of fear to trigger obedience and pliability which overrides one’s own critical thinking. If we think back to the infamous German “panic paper” [a leaked paper of the German government from March 2020 which suggested spreading fear to scare people into accepting the lockdown], we see that this strategy has from the very beginning been seen as a legitimate epidemiological method. There was a twofold message of intimidation: anyone who does not obey the experts must die himself, and is responsible for the death of others.
Fundamentally, our government, in cooperation with the news media, have from the very beginning of this scare done nothing but produce fear, rage, and stress uninterruptedly, as if on an assembly line, sweetened occasionally with false promises. They have been conducting an abusive relationship with the population, producing what psychologists call “trauma bonding.”
When Chancellor Schallenberg complains there is “a group of people” who have insolently shown themselves “relatively immune to the government’s and the media’s information and vaccination campaigns for almost a year,” and thereby justified selective measures against themselves, he has let the cat out of the bag: No one is to have the right to a free individual choice concerning his own body. If he claims this, he is to be considered a criminal and a danger to society who must be rejected. The State shall from now on take the power of decision from him, for his own good as well as that of others. The “adult citizen” is told to remain within his bounds, if not abolished outright.
The information given by the “information campaign” was not meant to encourage critical debate and individual decision-making, but is in reality a directive to obey so that punishment and blackmail do not have to be brought to bear. Deviant perceptions and opinions are answered with gaslighting and appeals to authority. Like a mafia godfather, the state is making an “offer you can’t refuse.”
Dispassionately considered — and according to the information the government and newspapers have put forward — the Covid vaccine can only be justified as a means of self-protection. It does not protect one from infection, but at best from “severe cases.” Since the risk of Covid is heavily stratified (even now it is mainly the elderly who die), vaccination can be justified at a collective level at most for the high-risk groups (and even these should not occur against the patients’ will). The protection declines sharply (as revealed only long after the campaign began), is not especially effective, and involves a few serious health risks.
What the vaccine cannot provide is “herd immunity,” a lowering in the number of cases, or the “extermination” of the virus. But the authorities are clinging stubbornly to this lie, and it is the basis of the argument for universal compulsory vaccination.
It reminds me of Ernst Jünger’s famous example from The Forest Passage of elections under a totalitarian regime which have a purely ritual character, and the difficulties of the bold individual who goes to the polls anyway in order to hand in a risky and useless “no” vote — which can then be used by the regime to lend itself respectability:
The election, the voters, the posters are labels for quite different things and procedures. They are puzzles. In his rise, the dictator capitalizes on the impossibility of deciphering them. Then they find their Champollion. He does not bring back the previous freedom, but he does teach you what answers to give.
Similarly, the Arsenal of the Corona brand — mainly masks, tests, and vaccinations — refer to quite different things which must be deciphered. For example, whoever thinks that more traditional vaccines would be more acceptable than the new gene-based vaccines on offer fails to perceive that the act of vaccination is more important to those in power than the vaccine itself.
Their goal is to involve as many as possible in a kind of vaccination subscription system which cannot be canceled. This is henceforward to make the enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms dependent on one’s current vaccination status, and make deprivation of them automatic for the non-cooperative.
Extraordinary dangers lie in such a system, for there is no guarantee that the “pandemic” can ever be declared over. Real or virtual “successors” to the virus and expansions (e.g., “climate passes”) are perfectly possible. Then the totalitarian trap will have been sprung in a way that cannot be undone. Getting the needle along with a certificate of compliance would then be like voting “yes” in Jünger’s election example: an act of submission and acceptance.
Jünger also maintains that a dictatorship tries to give its secret opponent the impression “that he is very much alone. And the majority does not only wish to prevail numerically but arms itself with signs of moral superiority.”
“Probably it is simply part of any plague that everything is full of rats,” writes Lisa Eckhart [a brilliant un-PC stand-up comedian, and this is a line she dropped in a recent set]. But we cannot say that they came crawling out of every hole, for they had been gaily dancing on tables long before the pandemic, quite unembarrassed about being rats. But now they truly seem to have fulfilled the law according to which they first appeared. The German and Austrian journalist is now fully blossoming. All the masks have been discarded, the velvet gloves cast aside. His inclinations and passions have long since been familiar to us, but never before — not even in the “struggle against the far Right” — could they play themselves out as uninhibitedly as they are now doing.
All the Left-liberal, Green Party-voting tender souls and high priests of public opinion have now found their “Jew,” “Negro,” or “kulak” whom they can vociferously hate with full permission from above. There were times when they accused the AfD of wanting to “divide” society — always a projection of their own activities, in any case. But now there is no holding back: Now they can delightedly demand the persecution and extermination of the pesky Untermenschen with full confidence in having all governmental and moral power behind them.
Unanimity of opinion is complete across all German-language newspapers and television programs. They sound as if they were literally possessed, and one is tempted to call in the exorcist.
Care for a sample?
Our sincere thanks to all the unvaccinated. Because of you, we are threatened with a lockdown — in many places with no Christmas markets, perhaps without any holidays with the family . . . All vaccination refuseniks must live with the accusation of being partly responsible for the current situation. They bore partial responsibility for putting society as a whole under pressure.
Forget about “solidarity”! Vaccination opponents send death threats, intensive care wards are overflowing, but politicians are still calling for “solidarity” and warning against the dangers of “social division.” We must put an end to this.
Is there any threat of social division when one deprives the unvaccinated of their childish right not to get the shot? Nonsense. These people are robbing rational men of their freedom — and governments are still coddling them.
Society must be divided! Jobs reserved for the unvaccinated, schools for dissidents, Covid worm cures — if every form of nonsense were listened to, the hesitant would never make up their minds. It is high time to drive a wedge through society. When you say this, people imagine the country would split into two equally large parts. But that is not so. If the wedge is driven properly and deeply, it divides the dangerous from the endangered part of society.
The chairman of the CDU youth group, Tilman Kuban, is demanding a de facto vaccination requirement, writing that the unvaccinated are bringing Germany “to the edge of despair.” We cannot lock down the entire population every winter. “Our lives shall not be dictated by 13 million unvaccinated people.”
The famous concern of the genuine German, dressed up sometimes as disgust with foreigners and sometimes as hatred of vaccination, is constantly being valued more highly than science and research. And once again, this country has been paralyzed for nearly two years by an extreme minority. And there is always at least one Prime Minister who does not merely half-heartedly, but with no heart at all what he was elected to do: Make decisions for the benefit and security of the population and carry them through despite an impudent and completely shameless radical movement.
You who want to swim against the current and never bow to the opinion of the majority, or who are even fighting a “vaccination dictatorship” — welcome to the whiney wellness-resistance where you may heroically rise up against an imaginary “unnecessary oppression.”
This journalistic caste is surely doing what it has always done: spewing venom at dissidents without any platform in the mainstream media, and calling for their greater marginalization and suppression.
Do not be deceived about where this monster is headed. In conclusion, let me cite one more article which the [Austrian tabloid] Kronenzeitung published and has since taken down. Probably it was too plain-spoken, but the internet never forgets. In the article, a new concept is introduced into our vernacular: “protective duty,” reminiscent of Karl Kraus’ “protective custody.”
In the article, two “experts” — the word induces physical pain in me by now — both of whom are constitutional scholars, sketch out what the implementation of mandatory vaccination might concretely look like:
The Chancellor is considering fines. But what if someone “buys himself out” of the requirement? [Bernd-Christian] Funk says: “This would create further problems. Can we carry out the measures with physical force?” His colleague [Heinz] Mayer says: “The SWAT team stands at the door as the doctor delivers the vaccination; this is unimaginable and also unfeasible.” Rather, say the experts, the unwilling could be forcibly isolated. Mayer: “Vaccinate everyone who represents a danger; anything else is pointless. Children get vaccinated for smallpox, after all.” That has been true since 1948. Before that, there were mandatory vaccinations under National Socialism. Funk says: “This doesn’t look good, but that does not mean it is impermissible per se.” The President of the World Medical Association isn’t mincing words, either: “Carrots do not work, now the unvaccinated need to get the stick.”
Vaccinate everyone who represents a danger. Even children. Anything else is pointless. If necessary, forcibly isolate the unwilling. It doesn’t look good, but it’s not impermissible.
The tone is unmistakable. Our descent into the maelstrom has begun. The highly contagious virus of totalitarianism is gathering strength with all its classic symptoms and much innovative devilry, just waiting to be implemented. Prognosis: grim.
Walpurgis night is in full swing: “Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.”
This article originally appeared in German at Sezession.
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“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
Indeed. The fight continues and rises in pitch. Mandate the VAX regardless of people’s concerns or reservations; We–the government–know best and hold only the security and safety of our people.
“Death to the Unvaxxed!!!” Screams the ardent mouthpiece of totalitarianism; the vitriolic journalist.
Watching the world descend into Anarcho-Tyranny is both freeing and terrifying. Freeing because I can now consider any and all authority to be illegitimate or false; and terrifying because there are no guarantees.
Glad to see on of our greatest luminaries, F. Roger Devlin, firmly on the anti-vax side.
For another recent statement by Martin Lichmesz, and in general, vaccine news from Austria & Germany, CC readers should subscribe to Eugyppius on Substack ==
People Like Us should should flock to Substack, where the comments sections are up for grabs. We should infiltrate our views into the larger anti-vax conversation.
Eugyppius is part of an effort to control and misdirect dissident energies. Do not give him money and do not willingly imbibe his propaganda.
Nick — I hate to break it to you, but most scientists are not white nationalists. However, as a person who values truth, I follow the journalism of scientists and other experts who have the courage to speak the truth about all things Covid. It’s a rare commodity this day and age. And don’t worry, I quit my job to flee the vax mandate, moved to a red state, and am taking steps to embark on a new career, god willing. So fear not, I ain’t got $$$ to give anybody.
If the likes of Eugyppius, Alex Berenson (Jewish), Boriqua Gato (obviously), Del Bigtree, RFK Jr, etc, would never endorse our cause, many of their readers, the people who comment on their articles & videos, are ripe for the taking. Like us, they are staunchly anti-globalist and have come to realize that the elite definitely do not have our best interests at heart, nay, are working to destroy us.
You will need to do better than simply claim that Eugyppius is part of an effort to misdirect dissident energies. To my mind, resisting the vaccine mandate has eclipsed white nationalism as the most *urgent* question of our time, though the two issues are part and parcel of the same struggle. Is this what you mean by “misdirection”? Or do you mean something more?
What I mean is that Eugyppius is part of the so-called trough gang – a group of people maintaining social media presences financed by Peter Thiel and other American intelligence operatives for the purpose of misdirecting right-wing dissent, controlling it, steering it in directions which do not threaten the system and monitoring it (including everyone who participates in it).
I agree with you that covid tyranny is the preeminent issue of the day, I’m just warning you that the guy whom you are promoting is an infiltrator and an enemy.
Ok. I will heed your warning.
I still have a bone to pick with you on Albanian genetics, but let’s take that one up some other time. Don’t worry, I’m not Albanian. I just think they’re one of the “oldest” European populations, largely isolated from Bronze Age and Slavic population shifts, if regrettably Islamized. Again, a debate for another day.
Sorry, but this is absolute, utter, ridiculous nonsense, especially the part about being part of a “group of people maintaining social media presences financed by Peter Thiel and other American intelligence operatives for the purpose of misdirecting right-wing dissent, controlling it, steering it in directions which do not threaten the system and monitoring it”.
Eugyppius is one of the best writers on the Covid regime on the net, and any dissident energies you may thing you have will certainly not be stopped by his very focused work.
I see someone being promoted by obvious infiltrators and controlled opposition actors on twitter, I see him promoting them in turn, I draw the conclusion that he is an infiltrator, regardless on how focused he is on the Covid question. Feds will often employ limited hangout tactics, offering a truth mixed with lies or framed in a way amenable to manipulation.
I’m neither convinced about the obviousness nor about the infiltration, and I am hereby strongly promoting Eugyppius because of the quality of content, so you can count me in in your paranoia scheme as well. Also, this whole made-up backstory about the Thiel funding is extremely silly.
Virology is fraud: viruses do not exist and do not cause disease
Pasteur was a charlatan
Beauchamp was right: terrain theory is reality
Rockerfeller brainwashed the masses into the allopathic model by buying out all the med schools
It may be true what you say about viruses. However, if you wish to convince someone that vaccines are poison, and that they are actually responsible for their own acute “infectious” illnesses, you can still do so while pretending to go along with the “germ” theory. It’s easy enough to do. I bite my tongue and do it all the time.
99% of people simply can’t make the leap into the terrain reality – they need to believe in enemies, in this case invisible ones lurking in most people’s bodies, just waiting for the right opportunity to jump into some innocent person’s lungs, killing them dead. Pardon the corny expression but we have to “meet people where they are”.
The truth is in the middle, both the virus and the terrain play a role, with terrain the greater factor.
But it goes too far to say that viruses do not exist and have no role in causing disease.
How else to account for Native American populations collapsing in the face of European newcomers, not by bullet, but by evident disease? Were these not healthy but “epidemiologically naive” groups?
Not sure what your authority might be for this arrant nonsense. The ‘viruses aren’t real’ narrative smells like a virological ‘Flat Earth’ misinformation campaign.
A plethora of diseases have been first identified as being caused by viruses and then had successful small molecule therapies developed to treat them. As a result Hepatitis C has gone from untreatable in the the early 1990s, when it was first identified as the causative agent of transfusion and IV-drug-use-associated non A/non B hepatitis, to treatable with prolonged and difficult interferon-based therapy to now readily curable with treatment with sofosbuvir and similar agents. Oral, genital and systemic herpes virus infections are suppressed readily, albeit not eradicated from the body, with aciclovir and its derivatives. That’s without mentioning Hepatitis B and HIV which are also now largely treatable if ineradicable chronic infections.
I am surprised to see this kind of argument being posted at Counter-Currents.
As to Herr Lichtmesz arguments, my only quibble with his position would be his insistence on ‘mentioning the war’. Infectious disease was still an ever-present cause of death in the pre-antibiotic 1930s and by then immunization against smallpox, whooping cough and diphtheria were well-established as saving the lives of many especially infants and toddlers. The same can not be said for the current crop of injections, and yet the drive to experiment on our children and young adults. There is no credible explanation other than the establishment of a mechanism of control.
“A plethora of diseases have been first identified as being caused by viruses and then had successful small molecule therapies developed to treat them”.
For those who got contaminated.
But for those who got exposed to the virus, but did not get sick at all, the virus caused very little, and modern medicine offers no explanation of value.
A strong immune system has withstood the various plagues throughout history. And here we are at the core of todays covid madness. The official narrative is that you cannot get by without the shot, and they rely heavily on the idea that when you’re exposed to the virus, it gets very dangerous. A true child of Pasteur.
Why should it be dangerous?
Where I live, a small white ethnostate, virtually everyone has been vaccinated. As a result, we have the lowest death rate, the lowest rate of hospitalizations, a healthy economy, and we are more nationalistic now than ever, thanks to the pandemic. Those who refuse the vax are publicly shamed and verbally accosted for not pulling their weight during the crisis. The majority of those that refused to get vaccinated and refused to follow the rules of quarantine were foreigners, hence attitudes towards immigration are at an all-time low.
I am happy to see that due to the low prevalence rate of disease we, unlike other countries, are facing the coming decades with greater solidarity and healthier than most other nations.
I think the spike in death rate during Covid-19 should be the least of our concerns. What concerns me is “long covid”. The prevalence rate of debilitating sequelae of Covid-19 ranges from 20-60% – so if you refuse the vax, be prepared to tackle a severe disease and a substantial reduction in fitness due to the debilitating after-effects of contracting Covid-19 unvaccinated.
But that doesn’t matter if you deny germ theory and are willing to confess openly that you believe nonsense like “viruses are fake”. That simply means you are a high mutation rate individual and that you are already dealing with issues of mental illness due to genetic defects. Your refusal to participate in a benign immunization process then comes under negative selection and is, therefore, a good thing for white society at large. Your reduction in fitness is just the thing we need. My only disappointment was to see that necessary reduction of fitness radiating from CC and other, former, reputable sites of the dissident right.
I approved this comment because it is such artfully constructed bait.
Hahaha thank you Greg.
These sorts of trolls have been working overtime for the last 18 months trying to gaslight readers of sites like this into thinking that if you question the vaccines, boosters or the vaccine passport you are some sort of outcaste and no longer true to the cause.
There are no questions in this article. The author believes he has the definitive answer for every aspect of this crisis, from virology to governance.
By the way. In Hungary, at the recent anti-vaxx rally of Mi Hazánk (the László Toroczkai party) we were told by a lead speaker that we should stop worrying about “imaginary migrants”, and the days of ideological struggle against the left are over. The only thing that matters now is resisting evil Orbán’s covid measures. (Mandatory vaccination in state health care, armed services, critical infrastructure — and employers can decide to make vaccination mandatory in their own competence, though very few did so far. Complaints are in front of the Constitutional Court, awaiting decision.)
He’s not necessarily a troll. There are many on our side who are at least somewhat in favor of the vaccines, and many happily vaccinated little countries.
I doubt you’ll find anyone agreeing to mandates, but that germ theory denying nutter is an equally unsavory type. Hope he’s just a troll trying to make us look bad
Well, that tiny ethnostate certainly isn’t Iceland, Ireland or Israel, nor cosmopolitan Gibraltar.
And terrain theory is closer to the truth than germ theory. Exercise; avoid processed foods, sugars, starches; cut down on the alcohol; try to get sunlight; supplement with Vitamin D3-K2 and Nigella Sativa.
Where is Vienna’s CHAZ zone when you need it? The insanity taking over Austria and the world is breathtaking. Vaccines don’t end the pandemic, they prolong and worsen it. In Africa there is little Covid, partially because they have leaders who have stood up against the vaccine industry (and paid with their lives in the case of the late leader of Tanzania) to keep Big-Corona Pharma out of their countries. If only white leaders showed that much courage! But more so there is no 5G in Africa which was the worldwide Corona trigger when it was first implemented in China two years ago. Africa is also, by and large, a very warm place year round which protects the population from disease.
Viruses do not cause illness, they are a reflection of it. Louis Pasteur was a complete fraud except for his alleged deathbed confession in which he renounced his life’s work by stating “Le microbe n’est rien, le terrain est tout.” We have been chasing imaginary or semi-imaginary “pathogens” for generations now with disastrous results. Toxicity and environmental pollution are the real triggers of mass global illness. Enter Chernobyl, Fukushima, 5G and the spike-protein infused Covid “vaccines” that are radically changing the global environment, making more “Covid” noticeable in PCR tests which means more of the same. It’s insane.
“Africa is also, by and large, a very warm place year round which protects the population from disease.”
The funniest thing I’ve ever read on this site.
Colder temperatures is a factor affecting Covid case loads. Sunlight exposure is another. These are two things much of Africa doesn’t have to worry about.
The anti-vax movement is entirely stupid and counterproductive. Any dissidents who buy into this nonsense deserve nothing but censure.
Any “dissident” who buys into the vaccination campaign or even vaccination mandates ceases to be a dissident in any meaningful way.
That’s not remotely true. It depends upon the meaning attached to “dissident”. To me, that refers to “racial dissidence”, to disapproval of The Great Replacement (and everything arriving in TGR’s wake). One can oppose TGR while also supporting vaccination, and even vaccine mandates. Conservatism – let alone nationalism! – is not libertarianism. One big difference between the classical conservative and classical liberal/libertarian traditions is over the issue of the moral status of mandatory sacrifices for the good of the community/nation/race/future, with the former tradition recognizing the independent value of collectivities – that the whole (people, nation, civilization) is greater than merely the sum of its constituent individuals.
Taking that view, one will tend to support required sacrifices by individuals for the good of the larger community, as well as for its future betterment. We draft individuals to fight wars (not that wars should be entered into lightly). We tax individuals to pay for collective military power (not that we should ever spend tax dollars frivolously). We forbid individuals from despoiling the natural environment so that future generations may enjoy it, too (though we should always do basic cost/benefit analyses: should we destroy 50000 logging jobs and their communities so as to prevent the extinction of an owl species?). If the community is threatened by terrible plague, and vaccines are available, why shouldn’t they be mandated, even if some number of unknowable persons experience worse outcomes from the vaccines than they would from the plague itself? As an old-time American I dislike the trampling of individual rights, but as an ethnonationalist conservative, I hold that public health has to be based upon the greatest good for the largest number.
Of course, this is no excuse for going too far in the other direction. Decisions must be based on the best evidence. Persons who have already defeated Covid should probably be exempted from any vaccine mandate. And the dangers of the vaccines to pre-pubescent youth may well outweigh their value.
But I cannot accept that non-libertarian rightists should have any principled objections to mandatory vaccination policies, at least in the abstract.
Your comment is written as if we are already living in your ideal world. We aren’t.
We can’t trust governments to do what’s best for our health. We can’t trust large corporations to do what’s best for our health. In fact, we have a large amount of evidence that governments and some large corporations actively do what’s NOT in the best interests of our health.
If there are readers that have been vaccinated, I recommend having a good think before taking the 3rd and 4th shots.
This is a really ignorant comment. How can people apply critical thinking to politics, history and corrupt corporations, but not apply critical thinking to the ‘pandemic’ and its highly politicized response. Big Pharma is not a bastion of European scientific excellence. Look at the opioid and Adderall epidemics. Big pharma routinely works against the best interests of our people. Stop treating covid vaccines as if they are a taboo that nobody can dare question – don’t you see the similarity with the JQ and other issues?
I find it hard to take a counter-currents commenter seriously if they have to resort to ‘anti-vax’ labelling.
Even if you somehow thought the covid 19 vaccines were great products, you should be able to understand that in combination with vaccine passports they are leading us into a CCP style social credit system. This time round its a coerced medical treatment in order to be function in society, next time it might be having the correct opinions.
“The act of vaccination is more important to those in power than the vaccine itself.”
Yes, exactly, thank you. Juenger’s perspective on the totalitarian globalist regime — especially as it was deepened, purified and grounded by Heidegger — reveals the truth of our current situation. To understand the latter requires first that one see through the illusory character of all publicly proclaimed “goals.” (See, for example, Heidegger’s Koinon in The History of Beyng.)
I have been recently following This UK medical doctor and his ideas on Vitamin D-3, K-2 levels etc and their benefits. He seems fairly objective and science-based. … Just for information.
I should add, Vitamins A,D & K are all fat soluble. i.e. these will not be absorbed unless taken with fat, for example a teaspoon of butter, cream/milk etc.
Very nice gentleman, thanks for the link.
But honestly, who’s really watching half-hour videos on covid these days? Only the anti-vaxxers.
I recently spent (wasted) an afternoon watching Hungarian internet explode when Orbán announced his latest covid restrictions. 95% of comments came from anti-vaxxers, regardless of the site’s political orientation.
Normies (the “contented sheep”) weighed the available information, took the shots, and moved on with their lives.
I still don’t understand the essential gripe of people. Are anti-vaxxers opposed to 1) vaccination in general; 2) the coercive aspect of mandatory vaccination; or 3) only the Covid vaccines because they don’t believe a) that Covid is a sufficient threat to health to warrant assuming the alleged risks associated with vaccination, or b) that the vaccines are beneficial?
I think there is a lot of dishonesty present in individuals, governments and media who label everyone who doesn’t wish to be vaccinated against covid an ‘anti-vaxxer’. I had covid in 2020 and recovered from it in a few days. I was in the military for 11 years and had many vaccinations over the years, so I’m not an “anti-vaxxer”, I just don’t want what they are selling this time around (for a few reasons).
I prefer to maintain a strong immune system by eating well, exercising and taking vitamins, but if someone else wants to be vaccinated against covid that’s fine, just don’t coerce others to do the same – that’s my only objection.
My objection is I don’t think the shot (and boosters) is really about health. It’s about control. To make you do it whether you want it (or need it) or not. I don’t wish to comply.
If someone else wants to take the vaccination, and wear a mask, go for it.
All of the above except maybe #1, vaccination in general. This vax is basically a glorified flu shot. The median age of people who have died from “covid” is 72 or 73. To mandate children to get the vax is ludicrous and highly disturbing. The fact that even with the vaccine one can still catch and spread the virus tells my simple mind that this whole charade isn’t for the benefit of the people or country as a whole, but rather for the individual to reduce risk of severe illness or possible death. Seems highly logical to me why some people are against any kind of mandate for this vaccine.
And just a rhetorical question, but why all of a sudden does the government care about our “health?” Obesity is one of the main factors in deaths in people under 60. Coca-Cola and McDonald’s should have been locked down, not people. Haven’t heard one single “health official” advise people to stop eating junk, exercise, and get out and get a little sunshine. Sure did see a ton of fast food commercials peddling their cheap excuse for food though.
If U.S. leaders were truly concerned–actually serious– about the spread of contagious disease in this country, and death by infection, then there would be unanimous agreement and action to immediately barricade the entire border with Mexico. We would quarantine the old, the sick, and other vulnerable people. We would initiate a billion-dollar PR campaign to encourage healthier lifestyle choices and eating habits to reduce comorbidity, such as obesity. But this would require criticism and principled discrimination with respect to the anti-social behavior of individuals and even whole groups of people, and it would require personal responsibility by all people. None of this is particularly popular in the current political climate.
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