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Chauvin Found Guilty — But There’s More Work To Be Done, So Let’s Keep Rioting!
After being found guilty on all three counts last week, Derek Chauvin has become the nation’s white-boy-summer piñata — anyone can feel free to club him with a bat and be showered with candy in return.
But as the white-prostitute-beating sage MLK reminded us, the arc of justice is long, and there’s still much work to be done.
Not merely satisfied to simply take the massive victory and gloat for a while, we are informed that “Derek Chauvin Was Convicted. But The Racist Story Of His Defense Remains.”
Pray tell, what was the racist history of his defense?
From the beginning of the trial, the defense relied on a narrative rife with racist stereotypes that have been recycled over and over about Black people, especially Black men: that they are drug addicts, criminals, loud and angry, and therefore, dangerous. . . . The defense’s argument relied on stereotypes of Black men: George Floyd was big. He was strong. He was on drugs.
Are we talking about the six-foot-four, 223-pound black guy whose autopsy revealed a lethal dose of fentanyl? The same one who served prison time for holding a gun to a woman’s belly during an armed robbery?
Since black people are always committing violent crimes, there will always be shootings of black people — statistically, the shootings come almost exclusively from other black civilians, but let’s not let the truth get in the way of a fairy tale that’s destroying the country.
As luck would have it, right around the time of the Chauvin verdict, an obese black teen named Ma’Khia Bryant was fatally shot by police while she attempted to stab another black woman whose life obviously doesn’t matter to anyone except kind souls such as myself. But we are told that this is the fault of the foster care system in which black children and teens disproportionately find themselves rather than the fault of the black parents who disproportionately dump their spawn into foster-care hellholes.
Leaping to a false conclusion just as nimbly as he leaps toward the basket, NBA superstar LeBron James tweeted what appeared to be a threat to the cop who shot li’l Ma’Khia, then deleted it after the footage of the attempted stabbing emerged. O. J. Simpson, who probably murdered his white wife, chastised caution in such cases, even though he felt the need to also chastise a racist criminal-justice system that probably allowed him to get away with murdering his white wife and some Jewish guy.
When O. J. Simpson is the sanest voice in the room, you know that the country is finished.
Parents Hold Two Separate Funerals for Trans Teen Who Offed Itself Because They Can’t Agree on the Thing’s Gender
In Perth, Australia — which, if memory serves, is the most geographically isolated city with a population of over two million on the planet — a fifteen-year-old “transgender boy,” i.e., a girl, committed suicide in March. You may be aware of the study that found two in five transpeeps attempt suicide at some point in their lives because society is mean to them and NOT because transpeeps are inherently fucked-up.
Apparently, the parents of this unidentified girl who thought she was a boy were “estranged” at the time of the youth’s suicide — so estranged that they actually split the cremated ashes and held two separate funerals because they couldn’t agree on whether their dead child was a boy or a girl.
Quadroon Child Gets a Free Haircut, Associated Press Makes it all About Race
NBCBLK is a subdivision of NBC News that purports to offer “stories, issues, and opinions from the African American perspective.” In this sense, it is the USA’s analog to BBC Pidgin.
NBCBLCK recently reprinted an Associated Press story and slapped on the headline “Michigan family angry after teacher cuts biracial daughter’s hair,” as if is really something worthy of a national headline.
The article relays the tragic saga of little Jurnee Hoffmeyer, a seven-year-old quadroon girl who allegedly had one side of her hair cut by a hostile student on a school bus. Since the hostile student is not identified by race, I will assume that student is as black as the Ace of Spades. Soon thereafter, a teacher at the school — whom I’ll assume was merely trying to even things out and send Jurnee home with a nice haircut rather than contribute to another race-war-inducing national scandal — cut the other side of her hair.
Jurnee’s father Jimmy is half-black and half-white, and he rutted an entirely white woman to produce Jurnee. It’s unclear at press time which parent gave Jurnee her stupid name.
Even Jimmy claims that “I’m not one to try to make things about race. I’ve pretty much grown up with only white people, myself.” Still, he called the cops, and now it’s a news story in the AP, which saw fit to analyze the demographics of Mount Pleasant, Michigan, the town where the racially motivated scalping happened, and declare that it is only 4% black.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.
Jews Still in Pain Months After Congresswoman Said Hitler Was Right About One Thing
More than anyone else on this planet where God chose them as supreme above everyone else, Jews are fantastic at feeling pain — and especially in sharing that pain with other people.
Back on January 5, Illinois Congresswoman Mary Miller said that some guy named Adolf Hitler was “right on one thing: Whoever has the youth has the future.” She was attacked and shamed and belittled and censured and dragged before a Star Chamber-styled Zoom call and she apologized, but the Associated Press — which should keep its initials but rename itself American Pravda — feels the need to inform us that “Months after politician’s Hitler remarks, Jews share pain.”
No one bothered to challenge the accuracy of Hitler’s statement, which seems pretty accurate. And I suspect that if Hitler were to suddenly appear in the clouds on a cloudy day and announce that it was cloudy, Jews would still feel pain.
Touchy people, those Jews.
White Men Shitting on Themselves, Cont.
You must forgive me for taking an almost demonic glee in inflicting you every week with the latest example of an ethnomasochistic white person inflicting their own self-hatred on the world and acting as if it’s some sort of brave breakthrough rather than a cowardly capitulation to the forces that are inflicting anti-whiteness on everyone.
The competition this week was stiff. There’s a lumpy white goofball named Gary Abernathy who writes a syndicated column for the Washington Post and this week flagellated himself with an essay called “All conservatives should support reparations — I do.”
Good for you, Gary. I’ll let you pay my share.
There’s also a piece by John Pavlovitz — whose Wikipedia profile claims he was raised in an Italian family whom I’ll assume shortened their surname from Pavlovitzetti just to pass through Ellis Island — that argues if you say you’re tired of being accused of white privilege, that suggests you are “afflicted” with it. It’s akin to arguing that if you say you’re tired of being falsely accused of murder, that’s proof you’re a murderer.
But this week’s winner in the Self-Hatred Sweepstakes comes from a man with white hair and a pink face named Larry Beck, who vents his spleen about the supposed “shame of white American culture”:
As a privileged white male in American culture, I have been mortified of our history that has inflicted brutal conditions on Native Americans, African Americans along with other cultures of color.
The systemic racism that has become a way of life in this country for millions since white Europeans first set foot on America’s shores has mocked any ideal of equality and brotherly love these discriminatory and life-devaluing acts of white culture pale in comparison to what people of color have testified to with the shedding of their blood, loss of property and even their very lives. . . . Born and raised in North Texas, I experienced the dehumanizing behavior toward Black people and chicano [sic] people by white people.
Very noble of you to “experience” black people being mistreated without stepping in and taking a bullet for them, guy. Larry, judging from your picture alone, I’m going to guess that what you experienced growing up in Texas was mistreatment from all races.
Purging the Culture of Racist Highways, Maps, and Songs
Chris Churchill is a fat white man who is actually paid by a newspaper to wonder in public whether a road that passes through Albany, New York is “a racist highway.” He quotes some gibberish from Transportation Secretary Pete Buttplug that “There is racism physically built into some of our highways” and that architects purposely built roads — which, let’s face it, didn’t exist in sub-Saharan Africa until the white man came along and burdened the natives with inventions — to segregate blacks from whites in an attempt to suppress blacks from reaching the glorious potential that they show in places where white toes have never trod. You know the kind of places I’m talking about — places where they worship rocks and turn cow dung into children’s toys.
Churchill also quotes a black Albany resident with the self-segregating first name of “Jahkeen” who asks an extremely probing question:
“Are we going to be a city for people, or a city for cars?”
Thanks for asking, Jahkeen. Cities are for people, and cars are a white invention for people, even black people named “Jahkeen,” to drive on roads. At least Oklahoma’s governor realizes this very basic fact, which is why he recently signed a bill allowing drivers to plow over rioters who try to block them on public roads.
In the increasingly unscientific Scientific American, a group of wimmen geoscientist peeps o’ color shriek that “America’s Maps are Full of Racial Slurs — and That Needs to Change.”
I disagree — but proceed, ladies.
They claim to be persistently traumatized by the alleged fact that there remain at least 1,400 “geographic features in the United States” — whether towns, creeks, roads, and mountains — with monikers such as Chinaman Trail, Pickaninny Buttes, and Squaw Tit that somehow prevent wimmen peeps o’ color from becoming geoscientists, despite the fact they’ve already admitted that America has allowed them, as wimmen peeps o’ color, to become geoscientists.
Let’s hope that marine biologists don’t find out about the nigger-fish.
Kate Pollard — who, despite her Anglo-sounding name, appears to be some kind of chubby Chinawoman — lectures on music education at the highly esteemed educational institution the University of Nevada-Reno. She claims that traditional kiddie songs such as “Baa Baa Black Sheep” are racist despite the fact that no self-respecting racist would request wool from a black sheep. She says she hopes to see a brighter day when songs such as “Jingle Bells” — which a long-winded essay from Cambridge University says has a “veiled history as part of the antebellum blackface minstrel tradition” — can be exterminated from the history books in favor of songs that encourage “acceptance and social justice.” She even claims that “My Country ’Tis of Thee” should be canceled because it “is sung from the white colonizer perspective” and doesn’t explicitly refer to the slaughter of the same Native Americans who probably would have slaughtered Kate Pollard just for being overweight and having slanted eyes.
Personally, I think that American schoolchildren should be forced to sing Johnny Rebel’s entire canon, but what do I know?
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I really enjoyed the reaction to the cop preventing a murder of a black girl and not just because it was funny, it really shows that hating White people is far more important than their own lives. I don’t think normal people understand that, they always project their own rationality onto them to empathize but it’s really hard to do that when they’re explicitly arguing that an innocent girl being stabbed to death is a much better outcome than a White cop stopping it using lethal force. That’s setting aside the fact that the low impulse control savagery was on full display, someone that looks like a Silverback Gorilla that escaped the zoo trying to stab someone right in front of a LEO and a black foster parent stomping his adopted daughter after knocking her to the ground- talk about peak optics. I imagine it’s getting more difficult by the day for the token based blacks to sell the dream of racial unity to Whites when the vast majority of their kin are on the verge of reverting back to full blown primitives with bones through their noses and pushing for bantu style jihad.
“I imagine it’s getting more difficult by the day for the token based blacks to sell the dream of racial unity to Whites…”
That dreamed died in 2020.
I don’t know about the popular YouTubers Diamond and Silk, Officer Brandon Tatum, David Harris Jr, etc. but Candace Owens is supported by Jewish influencers. She was pretty obnoxious when she was on the Left side of the political spectrum before she jumped camps just a short four years ago. I think she is more an opportunist than a principled woman. Maybe they are all mostly opportunists. I am cynical enough these days to consider that a possibility.
Anytime I see a banal quote from Thomas Sowell, I think, “Thank you, Captain Obvious.” He may be a decent man, but I don’t understand why he’s a big deal for so many conservatives. He has said things in books and interviews that are observably untrue and other things that most of us see without him sharing his, uh, profound insight, thanks. I am very skeptical of former Marxists who join the Republican libertarian camp. I think they take their skewed and limited world view with them everywhere they go. It takes a certain type of personality to be attracted to Marxism in the first place (economic or cultural Marxism).
Yes indeed, it must be alarming and embarrassing for all the blacks on the right side of the political spectrum (like Larry Elders and Jason L. Riley and Ben Carson) to know that the not unusual black behavior is on full display for everyone to see without them filtering it for us first. Blacks on the right have told us for years that it’s just the minority of them that behaves uncivilly, and if we can just get all of them off welfare and keep black men at home with the family, everything will sort itself out and they will begin to behave as well as the majority of European whites do. I think we all know that narrative is just not true. It never was. The problem of dysfunction in black communities is much wider, and much more severe, than they are willing to publicly acknowledge (understandably, because I imagine it must be awful for the decent and highly functional black people in this country right now).
As usual, Jim Goad nails it with his weekly column. But the situation is very bleak and becoming way beyond parody, even by way of someone with his writing talent.
Next week I have mandatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training at work because, as the email to staff stated, we are white supremacists and oppression is a real thing in America. So the training should fix everything, no doubt.
Is anyone else here very worried about the reality of this country imploding in the very near future? I can’t imagine WHAT will happen, but I sense big and bad things are going to happen soon. I dread it!
I don’t know what happened to all the paragraph breaks in my post above. I do know something about paragraph breaks!
Have fun with the diversity trainings since I have to take them as well. It’s certainly hard to believe that there are companies that are big enough to have an entire culture, inclusion and diversity council. Talk about fraud, waste and abuse!
What would happen if you asked the trainer for evidence in support of the claims made by diversity-mongers? Is it a hill not worth dying on?
“Maybe they are all mostly opportunists.”
On some level they all are, they will always, always deny the biological elephant in the room, I can count on one hand the blacks that are actually honest about it and none of them are conservative. As for Candace, despite an opportunist I actually like her the most out of all them because, ironically, her lack of principle and impulsiveness causes her to go outside the typical conservative orthodoxy. She’s slipped and said some things that a typical republican would never say out loud and had the ADL attack her as a result, so she at least has entertainment value in that way. She’s also not clever enough to be all that subversive the way Elder and Sowell are, not that she even tries since her sole motivation is money not convincing Whites to be atomized like them.
Sowell is interesting because he’ll be honest and insightful right up until race is the topic of concern where suddenly becomes jewish uses every trick in the book to obfuscate and mislead. I read his Black Rednecks & White Liberals book and the whole thing is nonstop hand wringing about how every single bad behaving minority has exceptional people with the implication that it’d be immoral to view them as anything but individuals. He also spends a whole chapter essentially blaming Southern Whites for black’s degenerative culture yet doesn’t give an explanation for why they behave identically everywhere else- lying by omission. When he speaks broadly on implicitly non White groups he’s actually sane which just makes him look even more dishonest since he clearly knows what’s going on. He’s not entirely without value but he’s definitely a gatekeeper which is the norm with non Whites, it’s expected.
You’re sense about the country spiraling is shared by a lot of people, don’t what’s gonna happen but we can all sense it’s not gonna be good. I personally try as best I can to not stress out about it, I figure worrying about things I can’t control does no good but at the same time it’s good to be aware and as prepared as I can be for whatever happens. I encourage every sane person here to keep extra food and supplies, just in case, and be well armed since the police have proven themselves unreliable, to put it lightly.
Sorry to hear about the diversity training by the way, you have my sympathy, I’d probably pop a vein if I had to endure something like that, it’s so condescending.
I’d gladly support reparations if it included repatriation. You could cut every single one of them a check for 5oK and a plane ticket and come out ahead in less than 5 years. They’re that much of a drain on the system.
I’m not sure Pollard is an Anglo name; could be she’s related to the model citizen Jonathan. So Kate wants to cancel Jingle Bells – exactly who appointed her as a cultural commissar again? Do they even realize what kind of impression they make on the public with that kind of chutzpah?
Pollard is an occupational name for a forester. They lop branches off trees. Pollarding. It’s like Thatcher.
The “n-word fish?” There’s not enough tartar sauce in the world, man.
The only good thing that ought to come out of the stabby-blackgirlchild story would be ‘conservatives’ realizing that ‘absent black fathers’ is not really a big problem for black famblies. That’s just more magical environment thinking, instead of accepting genetics>culture>environment. But it won’t die; Leave It To Beaver in blackface is too comforting for them to let go.
Ironic that so many of the name changers ignore the ‘native American’ roots of a lot of the old names. They only like reddishbrown native Americans, not White settlers. One thing that somehow stuck in my mind from long ago reading Alistair Cooke’s reminiscences of his driving across America was his love of the place names.
Julia Pollard (obviously another Han/small hat marriage made in woke heaven) may yet get her wish. In addition to hating themselves, most Whites are utterly ignorant of their own culture. I recall a baby shower (a group of private-schooling Christians) where most mothers could not answer a quiz based on nursery rhymes I have a couple of different volumes of all the original classics and my boys were weaned on them. They need to be taught and passed down along with the rest of White culture and literature. My older son spent hours in the car singing along to old Disney (before it truly came out as (((Disney)))) tapes of classic and politically incorrect American folk songs. In addition to old children’s books, we need to buy and preserve old music, too. Hell, my own evil older brother had an LP of Civil War songs evenly split between both sides of the conflict. Now White mothers raise their kids on twerking and tiktok. Someone please slap them all down.
Afro-textured hair and its complications are nowadays defended with great ferocity against the war waged upon them by Whiteness. British schools have had to abandon even the mildest restrictions upon their pupils’ coiffure owing to high profile cases wherein ‘learners of colour’ have been awarded substantial damages for the emotional trauma of having to conform. There is never any suggestion that African or Caribbean schools might have much tougher standards, but if they have, doubtless it is due to the toxic legacy of colonialism.
OJ still having any platform says a lot. It’s funny how “cancel culture” can cancel even a white liberal ass kisser if they accidently say something that offends negros, but an animal who butchered a white woman is playing golf and getting approval on his social commentary. Not that she was a big loss.
Conservatives who praise Sowell, Owens, ect. are no different than a white liberal who want to be photographed sided by sided with negros at a protest. It’s a way of saying “I’m not racist, a black person said that!” Also most people on both sides view what is going on in society the same way they do a sports event. It’s all about which side “wins” and it’s all entertainment for them. While we talk about displacement, Owens and Sowell and Larry Elder, who is the stereotype of the uncle tom who’s only goal is probably just going to bed with a white woman are all used by Republicans to bring more blacks over to the side of the right. Which is pathetic. As a white man, it’s hard to go against AOC these days. Since she is all the things a white man is not. So they want these non-white puppets like Owens to do it.
LeBron James? If you don’t follow basketball, you probably can’t appreciate the total farce it’s become since the rules on traveling had to be loosened or ignored in the case of big name blacks like James to account for the extra steps he and the rest of them take. Have a look at any of the hilarious videos of “LeBron James traveling,” and listen to the jackass, homoerotic commentary from some Jew who’s no doubt representative of the Hollywood types who actually go to games. Basketball is as decadent and corrupt as the rest of Jew America. Mainly it’s a joke.
Larry Beck’s white privilege clearly didn’t extend to his education.
If you haven’t heard Johnny Rebel’s songs before, you’re seriously missing out on some really decent comedy and country music.
Good stuff from Goad the Goy, but one pedantic grammatical point:
“…whom I’ll assume was merely trying…”
The “whom” should be “who.” The relative pronoun is the subject of “was trying,” not the object of “I’ll assume”. Compare:
* I assume that he was merely trying… -> who I assume was merely trying…
* I assume him to have been merely trying… -> whom I assume to have been merely trying…
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