In American elections, candidates who outspend their opponents tend to win. Some question whether correlation is the same as causation because donors may want to bet on the stronger horse to ensure access after the election. But when the top spending Congressional candidate usually wins 90% of the time or more, its hard to explain this away as anything other than primarily causation. (more…)
Tag: Oswald Spengler
Western historians and analysts have always failed to comprehend Russia. Among many other things, its imperial nature has been puzzling to Westerners. For obvious reasons, there has been a tendency to compare it to Western colonial empires. (more…)
Francis Parker Yockey was born 107 years ago today, September 18, in Chicago. He died in San Francisco on June 16, 1960, an apparent suicide. Yockey is one of America’s greatest anti-liberal thinkers and an abiding influence on the North American New Right. In honor of his birthday, I wish to draw the reader’s attention to the following works on this site.
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THE FERN AND THE LATHEThe Technocratic Fallacy
Human nature is not a machine to be built after a model, and set to do exactly the work prescribed for it, but a tree, which requires to grow and develop itself on all sides, according to the tendency of the inward forces which make it a living thing.
John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (more…) -
A short while ago I wrote about the connections between Willis Carto and the Truth Seeker magazine and its owner Charles Smith, who published the original American edition of Imperium. An equally significant connection there is Frederick C. F. Weiss, who was linked to both the Truth Seeker and the National Renaissance Party (NRP) in New York in the 1950s. Weiss was a longtime friend of Francis Parker Yockey, who sometimes stayed at — or hid out at — Weiss’ farm near Middletown New York, about 60 miles northwest of Manhattan. It was through Weiss that the Truth Seeker’s Charles Smith was introduced to Imperium, and probably to Yockey as well. (more…)
From Emerson Artwork
From Emerson Artwork
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On July 4, Americans celebrated their supposed (now former) independence as the land of the free and the home of the brave. The very next day, Trump unequivocally disavowed Project 2025.
So, what is Project 2025, what is the group’s goals, and who is behind it? (more…)
English original here
Už tak velice nízká porodnost v Jižní Koreji se v roce 2023 dále propadla na pouhých 0,72 dítěte na ženu, což je přibližně jen třetina hodnoty nutné pro zachování velikosti populace (2,1). Na webu BBC se dokonce objevil článek, jehož autorka si klade otázky, proč se tolik Korejek rozhodlo zůstat bezdětných. (more…)
675 words
Oswald Spengler was born on this day in 1880. For his contributions to the philosophy of history and culture, Spengler is one of the most important philosophical influences on the North American New Right, largely by way of his disciple Francis Parker Yockey. Spengler is often wrong, but even when he errs, he does so magnificently.
Spengler’s magnum opus is The Decline of the West, in two volumes (1918 and 1922). He also wrote three shorter books: Prussianism and Socialism (1919), Man and Technics (1931), and The Hour of Decision (1934). (more…)
The following is reprinted from the Homeland Institute (website, Telegram).
Of white Americans aged 18 to 35, 87.3% of Democrats, 85.1% of Independents, and 72.2% of Republicans plan on below-replacement reproduction, meaning two or fewer children.
33.2% of all respondents, 35.9% of Democrats, 38.5% of Independents, and 23.1% of Republicans said that the financial cost of raising children overall was a barrier to having children. (more…)
South Korean teens in Jongno, Seoul. (Photo courtesy of Flickr)
South Korean teens in Jongno, Seoul. (Photo courtesy of Flickr)
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Czech version here
South Korea’s birth rate per woman, which was already low, fell even lower in 2023 to 0.72, which is roughly a mere third of the country’s replacement level of 2.1. The BBC even published an article exploring why women in South Korea are choosing not to have children. (more…)
President Franklin Roosevelt declares war on Japan on December 8, 1941. The Second World War was the last time the United States formally declared war in any conflict.
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Joe Biden ordered a strike on Houthi-controlled northern Yemen in retaliation for Houthi piracy in the Red Sea on January 12, which in turn was Houthi retaliation for United States support for Israel in the ongoing Gaza conflict. This strike consisted of 150 precision-guided munitions and missiles. Five people were killed. (more…)
January 9, 2024 Kerry Bolton
Francis Parker Yockey pohledem dneška
část 1English original here
Při příležitosti 100. výročí narození Francise Parkera Yockeyho přinášíme první část třídílné série, v níž Kerry Bolton, autor připravované definitivní Yockeyho biografie, hodnotí jeho myšlení a dílo z pohledu dneška. Základní přehled Yockeyho osudu naleznete zde, další vhodnou zastávkou pro zájemce o tohoto autora pak jistě i kapitola z jeho opus magnum Impérium o liberalismu. – Redakce (more…)