Ninety per cent of men (and women) are both lazy and cowardly, and out of sheer moral and intellectual apathy they behave just as circumstances suggest.
—Savitri Devi
There is nothing quite so regrettable
As a life lived unchallenged by itself–
Merely doing what it must, with what’s dealt,
Unquestioning . . . unquestioned. Each day dealt
With as it comes, boring, regrettable,
Uncreative in regards to it itself.
It’s pointless to let life allow itself
To simply accept only what is dealt
And no more, because it’s regrettable
How regrettable life itself is dealt.
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I wake up every day for the past 20 years thinking exactly this, and haven’t found an answer yet.
And every time I tried to rise above it either society or life it self shot me down, how regrettable.
If you’re white you should know there is a war on! This understanding is the cure for your torpor (or should be). Wake up every morning with rage, the desire to understand, the willingness to act and love in your heart for your people. There’s no excuse for laziness! If you’re not participating you may as well be working for the enemy.
Chin up, brother! We need you too!!!
This sums up the ‘sheeple’ or the ‘herd instinct’ which I feel surrounded by. They are complicit to non-change so it is up to the enlightened here to advocate change… Respect!
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