Caught in a Time Loop
The Eternal Return of Leftist Hysteria
Clarissa Schnabel
1,315 words
It’s 2016-2020 all over again, it would seem. Those were the years when the German mainstream media did not go one day without publishing at least one headline telling us how dumb, dangerous, and insane Donald Trump was.
Well, Trump is slowly making his comeback in the headlines, but more importantly, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has now taken his place. It’s obvious what happened. Not long ago, the mainstream media were full of hysterical headlines about how much support those evil Right-wingers were gaining among the population. And then they realized: this was backfiring. They were de facto telling people on an almost daily basis how much support the AfD had and that, apparently, it was now okay to vote for it.
And so, more and more people did.
Suddenly, the headlines changed. The AfD has massively lost support! Look at all the rallies against the AfD by the general population! Look at what that dumb, dangerous, and insane AfD politician just said! This has now been going on for days and shows no sign of abating.
Concerning the aforementioned rallies, Claudio Casula of Achse des Guten wrote an article called “The Government Calls for a Demonstration” (my translation):
When those in power call for rallies, something is wrong. The list of alliances from the “demonstrations against the Right” show many state-affiliated groups that often depend on public funding.
Do governments call for demonstrations, and if so, when? Is this more likely to happen in democracies or autocratic regimes? What does it mean when the public media take part in such calls? If you ask ChatGPT, the answer is somewhat surprising: It is “extremely unusual in democracies for governments to actively call for demonstrations.” This is more likely to be the case “in autocratic regimes,” “to show supposed popular support or to suppress political resistance.” And: “If public media participate in such calls, this could indicate that the media are controlled or influenced by the state.”
Is ChatGPT, a tool that is usually greener than a queer climate activist from Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program, suddenly becoming rebellious? Or are facts being stated here in a matter-of-fact way? In fact, some people are reminded of January 1990, when Neue Deutschland ran the following headline in response to a demonstration in East Berlin: “Our country now needs a broad united front against the Right.”
The political and media establishment thinks so, too, because on the one hand, the government’s popularity ratings have plummeted, while the ostracized AfD is now the strongest force in the eastern federal states and is poised to win the state elections in the autumn. It’s time to inflate the bogeyman of the acute threat to democracy to larger-than-life proportions. On the other hand, the massive protests by farmers and truckers, for example, show that there is a lot going wrong in the country and that people are not willing to put up with the government’s impositions any longer. . . .
So the masses have to be brought out onto the streets to simulate a broad united front against the Right. The Federal President and Chancellor themselves are calling for the rallies, and with them “alliances” from the relevant circles. The Ampel [traffic light] government is enthusiastic and very pleased with the masses who spontaneously took to the streets over the weekend in support of democracy with an ecological face. In Munich, the organizers were kind enough to publish their list of supporters. A broad alliance of over 130 organizations had called for the demonstration on Sunday.
Let’s take a closer look at the list. The much-vaunted “civil society” is dominated by the usual suspects: from the parties and their youth organizations, through the churches, trade unions, and state-pampered cultural institutions, to the far-Left groups and the rabid antifa. But the state-funded “non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) are also well-represented, and of course the climate extremists of Letzte Generation [Last Generation], the feminists of Slutwalk, the notorious Omas gegen Rechts [Grannies against the Right], and the inevitable Volksverpetzer are all there. There are also groups that you wouldn’t expect to see at a political gathering, from the Kartoffelkombinat München ist ein Dorf [Potato Combine Munich Is a Village] to the climbers from Kraxlkollektiv [Kraxl Collective] and Küche ohne Grenzen [Kitchen without Borders].
The Bavarian Journalists’ Association is also involved; so much for “neutrality in reporting.”
Casula then went on to list all the organization taking part in the Munich demonstration and their affiliations.
None of this is shocking. It might even work; people without deeper convictions are very easy to sway in one direction or another.
I’m currently doing biographical research into the men and women whom Savitri Devi met during her time in Germany again. It should come as no surprise to any reader of Savitri’s books that she overly glorified my countrymen quite a bit. “You’re an idealist,” one of her new acquaintances even told her. The reality, as my research has shown so far, was far less resplendent: humans, not demigods. And yet, doesn’t it make you wish to live up to Savitri’s expectations? It probably had that effect on many of the people she met. She was an enabler. Not without reason did the British authorities at the Werl prison ban her from any contact with the imprisoned National Socialists.
My favorite book of hers is Pilgrimage, hands down. While Gold in the Furnace and Defiance are set in the “nightmare landscape” of immediate post-war Germany, Pilgrimage takes place in 1953, when the German economy was well on its way toward the Wirtschaftswunder, the economic miracle. Cities still had to be rebuilt, but things were looking up, and Savitri marveled at the fact — yet she also realized where things were heading politically, ideologically, and socially. She doesn’t acknowledge this realization; instead she only calls it a fear she has, if things were to go on as they were for much longer. Throughout the book she expresses her hope and expectation that Germany would rise up against the occupying forces and restore National Socialism to power within a few years. Obviously, this is not what happened, and all of Savitri’s fears came true. I am not a National Socialist, but I still find it hard to read her predictions, knowing what happened.
A colleague of mine who’s an ardent Leftist — he once said he would refuse to vote for Die Linke [The Left] party as long as Sahra Wagenknecht was still a member, as she is much too Right-wing to be tolerated by him — proudly reported on the huge turnout at the anti-AfD rally he was attending. Although there are unexpected signs to the contrary. My mother’s landlord casually remarked that “the system” would last only three more years at most, in his opinion. My mailman — well, woman, actually — and one of my neighbors also spoke about the Great Replacement. I keep meeting people who are hesitant to speak about certain things (“One shouldn’t be saying this, of course . . .”), but once they realize that not only do I not judge them, but I say these same things openly and more extremely than they ever would, they feel free to drop the shackles of political correctness.
People’s natural instincts are not dead. They just need to feel that they are not alone with their guilty secret. So here’s a job for us: be enablers. Get those people out of the closet.
A curse upon those who destroyed that splendid new world that we were building!” cried I, as though speaking to myself. “May they become slaves, and see the precious values for which they fought mocked and despised all over the earth, and may they sink into nothingness, not through the rapid and clean death of the heroic vanquished, but through the slimy path of vice! No wretched end is wretched enough for them!” — Savitri Devi, Pilgrimage
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The left are deranged and unhinged. They expect, nae, demand that everyone fall in line with their ideologies and get swamped by their liberal certainty and superior morals. They are incontinent of thought.
I read and saw, the other day (maybe someone can find the link) an awful sounding and looking ‘pop band’ signing lyrics that were put to the reader as ‘fuck the AfD’! It has been pretty much illegal since the immediate aftermath of WWII to be right wing and this latest stunt on the treadmill of Ground Hog Day.
The left lament any opposition and they are paranoid that the spectre haunting them is the far right – not someone who disagrees with them, but the actual incarnation of the second coming of Hitler.
They are either disingenuous, paranoid or the worse case for them – it’s proof that a surge for their opponents has proved demonstrably that their feted ideology has failed and failed badly. But like all bullies, when you mock them and puncture their ego, they wail like stuck pigs.
Thank you for the update Clarissa.
Well said!
Isn’t this anti-AfD stuff just theater? They are, after all, on record as being Zionist shills if I am not mistaken.
It’s a real conflict between groups of people hardly any of whom have the full picture on Jews. One group has the leftist mind virus the other is only infected with holocaustianity but still has some survival instincts intact. I imagine AfD has been infiltrated by them but at this stage the Zionists are not going to let a bunch of racially aware Germans run the country if they can possibly help it.
I don’t know if they have an official party line on that. There are more than enough members and voters who are aware of the JQ, and possibly among the party leadership as well, but it’s all about gaining support, of course. Several years ago, the Jüdische Rundschau published an article about a Jewish “chapter” of the AfD; I don’t know if that still exists (I can’t find it on their website – maybe they took it down).
But that is, in fact, the ridiculousness of that whole hysteria in a nutshell: No Adolf 2.0 on the horizon. I don’t think most of those protesters even know what they are protesting. Anti-foreignism in general is bad and Nazi. However, the Left is not exactly known for its love of Israel – because of apartheid and Nazi. How they square that circle in their heads is anybody’s guess.
If you’ll indulge me: A kind of P.S. to the “enabling” part of the essay, because it just happened a couple of days ago. I had a very interesting exchange with a reader of one of my blogs. My Odysee feed had shown me a recent upload of David Irving’s Speaking Frankly, and after watching it, I put a link to it on my blog, wrote a few things about Irving’s work and remarked that I considered what had been done to him a crime.
So this reader left a comment, asking whether I was talking about that David Irving, “who is said to be a Holocaust denier”. (I liked the way she worded her question.) I replied that, yes, that was the one. Her answer was interesting:
You are obviously better informed on this than I am, why do you see it as a “crime” against him? I’ve only heard/read about it in passing and I saw the movie that is supposed to depict the story, i.e. the court case (I found the movie totally unconvincing, David Irving was portrayed as some kind of semi-monster/ridiculous clown, so the movie seemed unbelievable to me. When I googled it, I realized the difference). Feel free to enlighten me…
I had never even heard of a movie about the Lipstadt trial before. A movie? Come on! Talk about propaganda overkill. And apparently, it didn’t work out as planned, if my reader is any indication. When your enemy is making your point for you…
Well, my blog being public, I wasn’t going to write at any length about the JQ and the Holocaust™. I simply recommended to my reader that she watch the video, and explained that Holocaust “denier” was an incorrect term – “revisionist” was the word. But since I had her e-mail address, I explained a few things to her in private. Nothing too crazy; just the basics. She can take it from there.
He’s not to everyone’s liking but E Michael Jones does a good summary of Lipstadt’s pursuit of Irving and how she basically bankrupted him by incessant lawfare.
I’ve also heard and read other people interviewed on the Barnes Review stating that Irving was a impeccable historian and one or two diary and private papers and (I think) a letter to his daughter that would at worse be considered controversial was used to slander the man in court – he was treated despicably.
I thought that was the most important part of the essay. Would that we could all do so. And what fun when you discover a like-minded fellow!
David Irving first attracted hostile attention for his book “Hitler’s War,” published in 1977, not for what he said in the book but for what he didn’t say. He is one of the few non-German historians who speaks German, and he traveled all over the world, scouring the archives for information for his books. He also met personally with many Nazis after the war while doing research for his books. He also met surviving widows of leaders. He was able to gain their confidence that he was not out to harm them but was seeking the truth, and they would give him their husband’s diaries.
As David Irving explains it, what caused the uproar was that there was no discussion of the so-called Holocaust in his book. I have seen him explain in a speech his discussion with his publisher, where he explains that he found no evidence that Hitler was aware of the “Holocaust, whatever it was,” which I believe were his words, so he adopted the position that Hitler was unaware of whatever was being done. His publisher insisted that this would ruin his career if the book was published without a chapter on the Holocaust. I believe this is the same book that he ordered its publication to cease after it was published, and he found out the publisher made substantial changes to what he wrote. He then published the book by himself. He is known for only using “primary sources” for his books. I recall years ago the often repeated expression “Hitler ordered” the Holocaust or “the extermination of the Jews,” but after coming under constant attack, David Irving offered a $1,000 award to anyone who could find a document showing that Hitler gave that order. No such document has ever been found. It doesn’t exist.
David Irving’s attitude changed in 1988 when he was asked to testify at the trial of Ernst Zundel. He was very impressed by the research Zundel had someone do into the evidence of the Holocaust. Zundel hired the number one expert on gas chambers, Fred Leuchter, who worked on them, as the US was one of the few countries that executed criminals with the use of gas chamber technology. Fred Leuchter went to Auschwitz and looked at the “gas chambers” and took chemical samples from the walls of the gas chambers. Fred Leuchter concluded that the so-called gas chambers there would never have worked and that anyone operating them as such would have probably killed himself. A few years after this, the head of the Auschwitz memorial, Franciszek Piper, conceded the gas chambers were rebuilt after the war, after they had been presented to visitors as being in their original state. Holocaust revisionists take issue with the word “rebuilt,” saying they were built after the war. Numerous scientists and engineers, professors, and PHD’s with top credentials have thoroughly investigated Auschwitz and concluded no such mass killings took place there, as is claimed.
I went to a lecture given by David Irving in the early 2010’s, and at that time, after years of bile poured on him by the haters, he said that there was a Holocaust, where many dead bodies were buried at certain camps. I asked why this couldn’t be substantiated by digging there and finding the remains of the victims to prove the claims. Jews have refused to allow this, claiming it’s a violation of their religion.
The claims of the Holocaust are on shakier ground than ever, and there is growing skepticism about them. Ron Unz has published several excellent articles on his website disputing the claims. He respects David Irving as the most important historian of World War II.
1988 – Ernst Zuendel – David Irving – A British Historian and the Holocaust
First of all, before I had started to read this post, which I believe will be relevant — the news came on with the death of Alexei Navalie in a Russian prison camp in Siberia — sent there by Putin. I had never heard of him, but I had studied Russian history in college where I had learned plenty about what Russians do with their freedom fighters. Rest in Peace, Alexei – even Americans and many Europeans are finding themselves being pushed toward a fate such as yours in a dark future we are trying to ward off. Hearing the words of the Russian people in mourning for a hero gives us hope. Let us ever give up fighting for freedom.
I can’t help but get the feeling that the right could use a little more hysteria. I’ve been chatting with some lefty chick about recent local EU country elections and she tells me she was “deeply distraught” for three weeks, and while many in our sphere would laugh that off as pointless histrionics, at the very least it makes me think that however wrong her politics are, at least she gives a damn, damn it. Nationalist-minded people have far more of a right to be hysterical and distraught about the state of their nation than these neo-Marxists do, considering everything’s going their way anyway, yet always among the right you see the inaction, the stiff upper lip, the “thank you sir, may I have another, sir” attitude. I guess that’s just what I hate so much about conservatives.
Rightists complaining about authoritarianism from the left. Go figure. The chief complaint seems to be that leftists are just better at simulating ‘democracy’ in the service of authoritarian power than the right.
Alexandra: You must realize that Alexski Navalie was a CIA-sponsored asset whose purpose was to help destroy any kind of unified Russia and keep it weak and divided as it was under the terrible Yeltsin years. Navalie had perhaps 2-3 percent of Russia mourning him as a “freedom fighter.” Many more were glad to see him gone. He was in prison not for espionage, but for crooked dealings that had nothing to do with opposition to the government. He was a part of Russia broken by the nineties who were happy to see their country a corporate, Western vassal. He also urged Chechens and Georgians be crushed like cockroaches. Hardly a genial man. I understand many on this site hate Putin and are pro-Ukraine, but please see the reality of things, and the obvious designs much of the western leadership has on stifling any kind of opposition to their domination of the world.
It is not the old war of east versus west, or socialism versus capitalism anymore (forget democracy). It is a war of old western oligarchs versus new eastern oligarchs. Navalie blamed Putin of corrupt ties with these oligarchs and vice versa, they are both correct. Hillary Clinton attacks Putin’s involvement in Syria but she was involved in the funding of ISIS through the Saudi’s to fund them in starting that civil war during the domino affect Arab spring that started in Libya, in what was a peaceful and economically healthy nation under a 40 year father and son kingdom.
Marxism evolved into socialism and then Italian fascism. The left today was then identified with liberal’s. Liberal’s then support capitalism, free enterprise, free market manipulation by emerging powers of finance, who are then supported and identified with Republicans, its new leader is now called a fascist etc. etc. (and an insult to fascism). This vague definition of policies easily creates an arena of finger pointing and unloading the same shared evils on each other, divide and conquer.
Time to dump the party’s and start the “Do the right thing” movement. God gave us a brain for a reason.
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