The showdown between Texas and the federal government over border security highlights another equally nebulous border: the border between federal and state power. While the latest ruling on the matter was not a final decision, the invasion will not stop in the meantime due to legal niceties.
The crux of the federal argument in the recent case is that immigration is a federal matter. But the United States Constitution does not explicitly grant the federal government power over immigration. The courts, for whatever their opinion is worth, have held that immigration is a federal matter because it is heavily implied: first, through implication due to Congress’ power over naturalization and foreign commerce as well as the President’s power over foreign affairs; and second, through implication because the US government is a sovereign power, and controlling immigration is what sovereign nations do — in other words, “duh.”
This generally makes sense. In an ideal world, the federal government ought to control immigration rather than the states, if for no other reason than efficiency and uniformity. But we live in the real world — in a vast, decaying, multiracial empire — and in the midst of that great stream of becoming which is called history, and which is wholly indifferent to theory — including legalism. The existence of our people is non-negotiable. It is not contingent upon anything, let alone the interpretation of some scrap of paper from the late eighteenth century.
It is also an undeniable political reality that legitimacy matters, however. Legitimacy from law bolsters the will to power of our people while sometimes undermining that of our enemies, or at least their rank-and-file base. Legalism, for better or (more likely) worse, is baked into the American people’s genetics and culture due to our Anglo-Saxon heritage.
While caring about legal arguments in regard to blood and soil is objectively absurd, crafting strong legal arguments is subjectively not merely a sound, but a necessary strategy. Thankfully, there are a number of strong legal arguments for why Texas, and the states in general, are legally in the right in the current conflict.
First, if federal power over immigration is implied by the Constitution, then it naturally follows that other things are also implied. I would argue that federal power over immigration comes with an implied duty of good faith. Federal power over immigration never encompassed the power to mismanage immigration, let alone intentionally so. There is a zone of ambiguity where what one might call mismanagement might be called mere disagreement by another. But once federal troops are cutting Texas’ barbed wire, we have passed beyond ambiguity, because the intent to sabotage immigration policy is clear to all but the most deranged or bad faith-holding liberals. This is shown by the fact that, despite the partisan political climate, 69% of likely US voters still support Texas erecting its own barriers.
It is common sense that the power to do a thing does not necessarily encompass the power to do it poorly, maliciously, to intentionally sabotage it, or to not do it at all. This was the reasoning of the seminal case of Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon. The defendant, a rich fashion designer, claimed that a contract was illusory because the plaintiff was not explicitly bound to do anything. Judge Cardozo reasoned that the agreement in that case had an “implication of a promise” for the Plaintiff to do his job, and thus the agreement was a contract and could be sued over. When we look past the fancy 1917 verbiage, Cardozo’s reasoning comes down to a simple “duh” and a refutation of the old, autistically rigid English interpretation of contracts:
The law has outgrown its primitive stage of formalism when the precise word was the sovereign talisman, and every slip was fatal. It takes a broader view to-day. A promise may be lacking, and yet the whole writing may be “instinct with an obligation,” imperfectly expressed. [citations to other cases omitted]
If federal power over immigration stems from implication, it should come with an implied duty of good faith.
Yes, this is a novel interpretation of law, and I am applying a principle from contract law to constitutional law. But every legal doctrine has its first case before the august dignity of stare decisis is deservingly or undeservingly cast over it. And an implied duty of good faith at least exists in another realm of law. In contrast, the legal doctrine of “public accommodations” which was used to eviscerate freedom of association, at least for whites, was spun out of the ether during the Civil Rights era.
Furthermore, it makes sense to draw from contract law, because even though the notion that the basis of government is a social contract is rather silly, as discussed here, social contract theory can still serve as a useful fiction for examining the reciprocal rights and duties of the national and state governments and the citizenry.
This flows into the second argument, which is that the federal government has an affirmative duty to protect the states from invasion. This is what Governor Greg Abbott argued in an official statement on January 24, 2024 that was posted on Twitter/X in which he stated that Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution promises that the government “shall protect each [state] against invasion.” People love to talk endlessly about their rights, but they tend to recoil at the thought of any corresponding duties. Because the federal government is in breach of its duties, Governor Abbott drew upon Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion in Arizona v United States (2012) to argue that “the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders” from Article I, Section 10 had been activated.
The Biden regime could of course argue that there is no invasion because uniformed troops are not crossing the border from a body that has issued a formal declaration of war against the United States. But we are no longer in the halcyon days of 1789. Just as the public square has changed and is more online than offline now, war in the grim darkness of the twenty-first century has also changed. Invasions are today more likely to be undeclared and carried out via waves of mass migration, wielding guilt and slave morality as their weapons instead of rifles.
Mass migration is just one way in which war in the age of Aquarius will be increasingly non-kinetic, and will be waged increasingly by law, economics, diplomacy, technology, information, and propaganda. Despite their brilliance, the Founders could never have envisioned our reality. Adhering to the rigid, outdated definition of war is suicidal. China has been advancing and the US declining in large part because China adheres to an accurate conception of modern warfare as outlined in Unrestricted Warfare instead of outdated theories and doctrines. Biden retaliating against Texas by pausing regulatory approval of new liquefied natural gas export terminals is an example of how the US is actually in the midst of a Cold Civil War.
In The Lightning and the Sun, Savitri Devi likewise argues that all force, not only physical force, is violence. She even calls Gandhi one of the most violent men in history because of his effective use of moral violence to drive the British out of India. Savitri argued that moral violence might seem more noble, but that it is actually less noble than traditional violence, because it deceitfully tricks people into thinking that it is not violence. Staged photo opportunities of crying children behind barbed wire aimed at guilt-tripping America into accepting infinite migrants who will bring crime, poverty, and violence with them is just as ultra-violent as saturation bombing. The ruins of Los Angeles testify that the end result is just as devastating.
A third argument is that the federal government does not have a monopoly on immigration policy because of the state’s police power. Police power allows states to make laws to promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of their citizens. Immigration would not seem to fall under the states’ police power if we take a narrow view of immigration. But in ¡Adios, America!, Ann Coulter, with ample citations, lays out the true costs of immigration in regard to safety, crime, welfare and other public services, tax revenue, native birth rates, and quality of life, all of which clearly affect public health, safety, morals, and the general welfare. This is further buttressed by Governor Mark Gordon of Wyoming’s declaration that
Wyoming stands in solidarity with Governor Abbott and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy to secure the border and protect American citizens. We are all border states now.
Immigration affects the health, safety, morals, and general welfare even of those citizens who live far from the border. As such, the federal government does not have a complete monopoly over immigration policy.
Texas clearly has a legal right to defend its borders, as do all states. Leaders who defy the federal government can do so confidently, knowing that they can present sound legal arguments to garner the support of their people and regardless of whether the subversive courts agree or not.
This whole debacle illustrates another point, though: the necessity of a national divorce. That there is any disagreement at all about the fact that we are being invaded shows that the US citizenry is already living in alternate realities. We can’t live with people who disagree with us on something as fundamental as what constitutes an invasion. A national divorce would also afford the US’ successor states an opportunity to revise their constitutions to incorporate lessons learned, accurately reflect our historical reality, clarify ambiguity, and to confront the challenges of the current century.
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Clearly and creatively argued. And yes, the Founding Fathers could never have conceived of our current clownshow. We clearly have become (at least) two separate nations and we need to formalize the transformation.
I once thought that in an alternate life, I’d have like to be a constitutional lawyer. But our situation is now as described by Teddy Roosevelt* in 1911:
“…then the end of the Roman republic was at hand, and nothing could save it. The laws were the same as they had been, but the people behind the laws had changed, and so the laws counted for nothing.”
I differ on the expansion of the word violence, however. This is the kind of logic that the Progs use to sanction and punish speech-as-violence. Violence is a specific form of force, which can take many shapes and which is woven into all of life.
*Imagine any president since the early 60’s who’d be capable of such a historical assessment. Shows how far and fast we have fallen.
The Inevitable 2d Civil War
The very first Civil War was a collection of states wanting to get out from under proto-ZOG telling the inhabitants what to do so that they decided to go theys’ own way. In fact the CONstipation was nothing more than a coonspiracy between the Founding Felons who happened to be Masons and lawyers to shore up the State of Massachusetts facing rebellion against the Boston banksters by Western Massachusetts farmers led by a militia mattoid named Daniel Shays. Supposedly Lord Cornwallis told George Washingon at Yorktown that within a decade the City of London financial jews would be ruling again and under the jew bastard Alexander Hamilton Rothschild agent a national bank was set up under the federalists. Andrew Jackson destroyed the 2d Bank of the US and the jews then created a Panic which worked against the Party of Jefferson and Jackson until a jew central bank Order could be established in 1913, leading to the First and Second of the Khazar Wars to establish the Mighty Evil ZOG Empire which is now failing, especially given the hostility of the rest of the world and of us aggrieved ZOGling whiggers wanting dissolution.
Above is Dual-Seedline Christian Identity dogma about jews being the spawn of Satan and the inevitability of the Great Tribulation before the Return of Christ.
Of course, these schemes to establish a Mighty Evil Empire are all Satanic. Supposedly Cain Bin Satan founded the very first city and Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Sargon the first Empire. Nimrod had the Garments of Power, the artifacts of the skins of the Beasts of the Field (lions, tigers, bears, niggers, gooks) which gave dominion over such and used them after the Flood according to the Book of Jasher to rule over the “black-haired People of Sumeria” and conquered the Slavic Japhethites until YHWH confused the tongues of the common speech and Shem hacked Nimrod to pieces, giving rise to the Egyptian beliefs in Osirus, Isis and Horus and the Mesopotamian equivalent of Nimrod, Semaramis, and Tammuz. Both Peoples agreed that Nimrod’s penis and nuts were severed although they disagreed as to whether a jackal or a crab ate them and whether Isis/Semaramis made a replacement part out of wood or ivory.
In any case, every Empire decays and falls eventually and the subject Peoples rebel or simply let it fall apart. ZOG/Babylon is no exception. The separate parts of ZOG/Babylon which made it up and subjected to this artificial rejoining are at odds with each other and just waiting for the opportunity to break apart again. Counter-currents has value in that it wishes to use peaceful means for now to take advantage of this dissatisfaction and us Aryan Nations types always intend to use violence and racial hatred to break up the ZOGland.
Right now the Mighty Evil ZOG Empire is in decline. No telling when it will simply collapse, but that it is well under decline is admitted by all and gloated about by many. I remember back in the 1990s when militia generals were trying to hasten it along, but ZOG was stronger then because the Soviet Empire had collapsed and China was poor. Now the rest of the world is doing as they please and ZOG can’t stop it. While I am not a particular fan of the Texicans, them going theys’ own way is fine by me and I see no particular reason they should not simply go theys’ own way, especially now that they can — and will.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
I enjoyed the commentary on how even seemingly non-violent force, like forcing people to accept mass migration, is still violence nonetheless albeit a moral violence. We are seeing this moral violence though transition to a physical violence though. Just recently there were 4 illegal aliens who assault NYPD officers. I think one of them has moved to California where I think his chance of extradition is slim to none.
Interesting point about how the United States has seemingly entered a “Cold Civil War.” I’ve been aware how drastic the situation has gotten but I haven’t had a good term to use for what we’re going through until now. It’s unfortunate that a national divorce seems so necessary. Even as a southerner, I was a firm believer in the idea of our union, but ironically, we may need to bring an end to America (or at least how we define it in 2024) in order to ensure there is no end to the American people.
States have always had the power to check movement from other states so why not from other countries too? California used to check for alien plants due to fruit flies. These aliens are far more destructive and feed off our advanced society. Texas should use all its power to resist the Feds.
This is an Invasion, pure and simple. It is the Global South trying to move in with us in the mostly White North in order to share in our wealth. We are outnumbered 10 to 1 demographically, but we also share in riches 10% to 90% as well. We rank in the top 10 percent of world wealth if we have saved nearly $150,000 individually as an adult (I’ve lost the reference to that statistic, but I bet David Z could find it — he is a genius at gathering stats, Thank you David, for the foregoing post).
Please take this invasion seriously, especially if you are younger than age 60, for it is a horror that we have left for you. Save, save, save as much money and moveable assets as you can compile while you still can work in this country or Europe. Sorry to sound a bit terrified, but I am. I’m older, so I’ll be able to weather the coming storm as long as Social Security and pensions arrive monthly. Adios y Bon Voyage.
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