On Saturday, June 3, Robert Whitaker passed away in his sleep at the age of 76. His life should be commemorated by White Nationalists and the Alt Right given that he was one of the first to articulate white grievances against enforced multiculturalism in a way equal and opposite to how non-whites have always complained about whites. A palecon’s paleocon, Whitaker could be placed alongside Wilmot Robertson as an underground torch-bearer of white interests during the 1970s and 1980s. Most recently, however, he was best-known for his aborted presidential run in 2015 with the American Freedom Party, as well as his mantra, “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white,” which caused many people to think about white genocide and to become conscious of the anti-white racism of our establishment elites.
As a young man, Whitaker studied economics at the University of Virginia and eventually gravitated towards political activism. Early on, he seemed to share the same frustrations that people on the Right have with conservatives today. In his 1976 book A Plague on Both Your Houses, Whitaker takes a nigh-Marxist approach to historical American power structures and effectively skewers both Right and Left. The Left he describes as “the education-welfare establishment,” which is essentially an alliance of the upper-crust, academia, the media, and ambitious non-whites of all shades and colors. This coalition makes up what Whitaker calls the third great oligarchy of American history, and maintains itself by exploiting the white working and middle classes. Sadly, so little of this has changed since 1976. Much like the twenty-first century Alt Right, Whitaker ripped the conservatives of his day for providing ineffectual resistance to what he sarcastically referred to as the “human betterment industry.” Included among these conservatives was budding Republican star Ronald Reagan.
Oddly enough, the book’s publisher, Robert Luce, also published the very liberal New Republic, and its Foreword was written by National Review publisher William Rusher.
Like Marx, Whitaker makes class struggle the main focus of A Plague on Both Your Houses. In so doing, he aims the Left’s own cannons against it. This turned out to be a recurring theme throughout Whitaker’s life, and in 1976, he was just getting started.
After a stint on Capitol Hill, Whitaker edited the 1982 volume The New Right Papers, a collection of essays detailing the populist surge upon which Reagan rode into the White House. Again, Whitaker foreshadows our current troubles (and successes) and proves that he had a strong grasp on the whys and wherefores of America’s decline. In the same way that the modern Alt Right bypasses the Left-dominated media via the Internet, conservative strategist Richard Viguerie describes doing the same in pre-digital times through direct mail (Senator Jesse Helms was an ace at that as well). An essay by Rusher also makes an appearance, outlining how white blue-collar voters turned on the Democrats in the 1980 election and became “Reagan Democrats.”
Of course, the book wouldn’t be a characteristic Whitaker product without due criticism of conservatives. It is remarkable how his complaints echo the Alt Right’s today. According to Whitaker, the Republicans failed to keep the initiative after Reagan’s victory because they kept placing a greater emphasis on libertarian economics than on the pain and damage caused by forced racial integration and the erosion of the traditional American culture and character. In his essay, “Societal Property Rights,” Whitaker describes how the New Right, as he called it, considered the makeup of a society to be every bit as crucial for its success as economic factors.
The “makeup of a society” essentially means its racial makeup, although the authors don’t explicitly state this in the book. One does not have to overtly mention race when asserting that “demographics is destiny.” We all know what it means, and Whitaker did too.
Whitaker served until 1985 in the Reagan Administration’s Office of Personnel Management. Afterward, he focused on propagating his own take on American politics as an activist, writer, and eventually a blogger.
In Whitaker’s obituary, the Southern Poverty Law Center called him a “far-right propagandist” who was “linked to radical, often racist, populist campaigns for most of his career.” It goes on to say:
He once claimed to have had a swastika poster on his wall when he was young to protest desegregation. In fact, his advocacy of segregation and racist ideology seems rooted in his opposition to America’s early civil rights struggles.
Again, Robert Whitaker foreshadowed the future, both in word and in deed. He also never shied away from controversy.
Younger readers will be most familiar with Whitaker through his mantra, which first appeared on his blog in 2006, and then later on the National Vanguard Internet forum. Along with David Lane’s “14 Words,” Whitaker’s mantra gives a voice to the dispossessed majority and turns the tables on the Leftist elites who would like to dispossess them into oblivion. Very few were talking about white genocide before Whitaker.
Here is his mantra, word for word, and if there is a single thing white people can take from the life of Robert Whitaker, this is it:
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white
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Robert Whitaker’s most outstanding trait in my opinion, was his ability to think freely, unhindered by the brainwashing that has affected so many people when politics and political motives are the subject.
I may be mistaken here, but didn’t The New Right Papers include a chapter by Samuel Francis on middle American radicalism?
Great job, I applaud you Mr. Quinn. Bob’s Blog community will appreciate this, and if Bob could send us a message, I’m sure it would be, “The war continues”.
Bob is still the only person who has figured out what the problem is, which is that anti-white propaganda has put white people into a brainwashed, demoralized state. And he figured out the solution which is to counter that propaganda, delegitimize the anti-white system by destroying the terms and talking points they used to maintain power and imposing our own terms and talking points. To take away the anti-whites’ moral high ground by pointing out that they claim to be universalists but everything they do is aimed at ONLY white people and that what they are doing is white genocide. And he came up with the specific weapons to fight that propaganda war.
“Political reality is human consciousness. Reality exists independent of human consciousness. POLITICAL reality does not.” ~Bob Whitaker
Power comes from controlling public opinion. The battleground is the human mind.
I was irritated that the SPLC described Whitaker as “curmudgeonly,” because that was my impression as well.
I first came across him on Usenet in alt.politics.nationalism.white, along with other newsgroups, in the late 1990s. He seemed like an old curmudgeon (in a good sense of the term) who was not entirely comfortable with the technology he was using. I have no idea whether that was correct, but it seemed so to me.
He would regularly ask simple questions of anti-racists, such as (quoting from memory) “why are only white countries obliged to practice anti-racism?” or “what benefits do we acquire from racial diversity?” The antiracists could never come up with rational replies, but he would keep asking his questions anyway. It was quite effective. He especially irritated one Jeffrey Brown, who was the most obnoxious of the antiracists in the newsgroups back then.
It was around that time that I realized that most antiracists are morons: as a rule, the more vocal an antiracist, the less capable he is of defending his beliefs. That’s why Whitaker came up with “I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews,” since their most typical response to his questions was to accuse him of planning genocide.
I think he first posted his famous mantra on Usenet — that is, well before 2006 — but I can’t be certain. He certainly came close to it. The Deja/Google Usenet archive is incomplete; anyone who was around in those days will likely remember why.
A very quick search turned up the following, which is a typical Whitaker APNW post from the late 1990s:
As I explain to each of you clones in turn, my problem with your so-called “objective non-racism” is that you are only interested in pushing it in white majority countries. You demand massive third world immigration into EVERY white majority country — which you call “promoting diversity” — and ONLY into white majority countries. You demand your so-called “race” mixing, which is actually only *white* mixing, and you use public money for busing and “low-cost” (black) housing to chase down any white escapees.
Your so-called solution to the race problem is always only the final solution to the white problem.
Don’t worry, I’ll keep repeating this until each and every one of you clones has heard it.
Strom did an interview with Whitaker in 2004:
A White Future is Coming
— Irmin
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