Phases of Resistance, Part 1:
How 9/11 Truth & Other Conspiracy Theories
Prepare the Terrain for Resistance
Patrick Le Brun
3,965 words
Since we are fighting for the essence of our civilization against the sworn enemies who have taken the commanding heights for at least a generation now, we would do well to study resistance systematically. There are several different ways that guerrilla resistance has been broken into phases, but in every framework we are still in Phase One.
I agree wholeheartedly with Matt Parrot’s earlier article about our elite being Mercantile (Vaishya) in spirit. It is for that reason that I doubt we will have to go through all of the phases of Resistance to achieve our goals. Long before we are putting cities under siege, the mercantile elite will isolate the most important segments of resistance and create a modus vivendi.
That will of course cause great division, perhaps irreparable, within the current elite. As Willis Carto told his biographer, once the “Eastern Establishment WASPs” and Jews have no more new frontiers to conquer together, it is only a matter of time before they start eyeing each other as the next target.[1] Our job as White Nationalists is to speed up the divorce of this marriage of convenience.
Luckily, White Nationalists are not starting from scratch. Phase One has been fairly developed both by fellow White Nationalists like Willis Carto and to an even greater extent by Alex Jones. The work done by Alex Jones, the Militia Movement, and other “patriotards” is problematic to say the least, but a systematic look at the components of any resistance movement will show how complementarity may be achieved.
The table will be set for an exploration of the place of intellectual White Nationalists who read Counter-Currents in the second installment of this series. By understanding these elements and how they fit into prevailing paradigms of resistance, an endgame strategy may be developed so the collaboration between White Nationalists and Libertarians will terminate favorably for our side. (Spoiler alert: none of this collaboration entails donating to Ron Paul rather than Counter-Currents.)
Phase One of Guerrilla Resistance
Mao once famously compared the guerrilla partisan and the masses he fights for as a fish and the water. In the preceding decades our enemies have focused a lot of energy on “draining the swamp.” While most could not connect the two metaphors, I’m sure it was not lost on our adversaries (many of whom had a soft spot for Mao and Ho Chi Minh in years past). Some of the researchers focused on Holocaust Revisionism, and almost all of their supporters were hoping to wedge a couple of sticks across the drainage pipe in the hopes of clogging that process. Sadly for us they failed.
Now as the generations pass and the tide rises again for us, we may be able to reverse what happened. This time it will not be through counteraction as the title “Revisionist” obviously implies, but through attack, both direct and indirect. In Phase One, the regime must first lose its legitimacy in the eyes of as many people as possible. The people have to feel more loyalty to those who act against the state than to the servants of the state. The State must come to represent disorder, injustice, and theft rather than security, justice, and a helping hand. That way, when given the choice between betraying a disciplined revolutionary and keeping their mouth shut, they will choose the latter.
Once respect for the state disappears, the masses may next be prepared for passive resistance and civil disobedience (i.e. abstention from paying water and electricity bills or strikes by strategically important unions) at the risk of their bread and circuses.
The resisters at this phase must begin to network (preferably as specialized cells). They must also acquire the materiel needed for survival as the state turns to violent repression (sparking the second phase) and resisters escalate toward violent resistance in the next phases.
Following the Special Forces model[2] the cells should specialize into Guerrillas, Auxiliary, and Underground. In any resistance movement, guerrillas are the minority in this troika, often as low as 10-20%. There have been claims that at its peak membership, the IRA had no more than 300 full-time guerrillas. The auxiliary is focused on logistical support for guerrillas, coordination of intelligence and targeting, propaganda, and recruitment. The underground will be focused on internal subversion.
To put it more succinctly, the target is being softened, bases of support are being fostered, and the future resisters are organizing, specializing, and equipping themselves.
While there are uncountable ways to undermine the legitimacy of the state, at some point, the masses should find some common ground to reestablish stability. However, one may look to the example of the Iranian revolution to see in a more recent context how a highly organized minority can take control after disorder and about a year of divided rule following the fall of the old regime. I have my doubts about how well that could work outside of Eastern and Northern Europe where there are fewer variations in the kinds of White Nationalism.
It’s worth assessing how well Phase One is being carried out, whether by our own comrades or other types of resisters.
Alex Jones as a Force for Delegitimizing the System
Each day Alex Jones reaches over a million listeners on his daily podcasts and radio show. He also has reached hundreds of millions with his films.
There can be no doubt that Alex Jones is a true Libertarian of the kind often descended from British Nonconformist Protestant stock.
However, there is good reason to doubt his integrity: on the eve of the year 2000 he had a War of the Worlds moment; he does his best to destroy and submerge all rivals rather than fostering more voices of resistance; and, finally, he is focused on bombs in the towers rather than real evidence of American incompetence and Israeli foreknowledge. Nonetheless, he has done more to spread doubt around the world about the official story of 9/11 than any other public figure.[3]
As the first graph demonstrates, doubt grew in the mind of the public over time. The irresponsible linking of the attacks to Saddam Hussein helped the case for invading Iraq and enlisting young men to fight, but in the long term this has eroded public trust. With the foot-dragging on the part of the administration in setting up a 9/11 Commission and the subsequent politicization (releasing their report in August 2004), more members of the public were open to considering government foreknowledge or assistance (16% very likely, 20% somewhat likely in 2006). However the key themes of the film Loose Change and of Alex Jones’ theory, that WTC was brought down in a controlled demolition is significant but less popular (6% very likely, 10% somewhat likely).
By 2007 as public opinion turned against the war and the influence of neocons on foreign policy less than 1 in 3 Americans would dismiss the “Let it Happen” theory out of hand.
The most recent polls are even more surprising. In September 2009, 27% of Liberals, and 10% of Conservatives, “think President Bush intentionally allowed the 9/11 attacks to take place because he wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East” (Public Policy Polling). A March 2010 poll found 15% believed controlled demolition destroyed the WTC (Angus Reid Public Opinion). That would indicate that a steady 15% are in the Alex Jones camp.
Most importantly a 2 in 3 Americans are willing to believe that their leaders are criminally negligent in protecting American lives when it fits their foreign policy goals. (For the conservatives among them, particularly returning veterans, Alex Jones has a ready-made paradigm to explain what happened.)
The willingness to believe such things about the US government reflects an overall drop in confidence Americans have in their institutions. One were to look at the poll results below without knowing this was the US in question, how highly would one rate the likelihood of a military-led caretaker government taking over. Alex Jones may be right about a Martial Law Police State in the works, but he’s probably wrong about how popular it will be.[4]
The Alex Jones Business Model
One must only listen to Alex Jones radio show for 30 minutes to understand the business plan. He convinces the listeners of either an imminent crash of the system or of the opening up of FEMA death camps as part of a global plan to reduce the population by 80%. If George W. Bush really was planning on using FEMA to round up vast swaths of the population, wouldn’t he hire an ex-General, instead of his buddy who never ran anything other than the local rodeo? This thought obviously doesn’t occur to his listeners who keep the water filtration companies, firearms training camps, and canned food companies in business and Alex Jones on the air.
The Alex Jones Demographic
Jones’ Libertarianism and Non-Conformist descended Protestantism is anti-racist and neutral on the Jewish Question. He has gone to great efforts to expand his appeal beyond the John Birch Society’s white rural demographic. He has been mostly successful with newly urban and suburban young men who have some tertiary education, usually White or of various Asian ethnicities. These young men make up the base of his activist, for example the group We Are Change.
He has also reached out to blacks with mixed success. He has included rappers KRS-One and Professor Griff (formerly of Public Enemy) in his documentaries and broadcasts. His focus on developing a celebrity following has been limited to Willy Nelson, Charlie Sheen, Jesse Ventura (partially), and an extra from the X-Files.
While his black following remains small, the Illuminati-focused conspiracy theory has been thoroughly “Cadillacked,” probably thanks to copycats of Jones’ work and the use of Masonic and Alchemical symbols by the Jay-Z stable of rappers. Blacks have the highest likelihood of a conspiratorial view of 9/11. His international effect is probably easily overlooked by Americans, but he has thoroughly penetrated the educated secular youth of much of the developing world.
Alex Jones, Part of a Tradition of Conspiracy
Alex Jones has produced numerous documentaries. The early works are low quality productions in which at times he is literally chasing black helicopters. After 9/11 he has steadily moved toward professional quality documentaries and even high quality nightly newscasts. He is firmly rooted in the history of conspiracy theory, particularly the strand fostered by Willis Carto’s Spotlight and American Free Press.
This strand is deeply focused on monetary history and borrows its economic philosophy from the gold-loving Austrian School. The Federal Reserve and the short-lived predecessor national banks are facing off with the liberty-loving few. They acknowledge that the US public was tricked into WWI but they soft-pedal the Balfour Agreement as a factor. The Rothschilds are a prominent enemy, but the Jewishness of their international Banker enemies is otherwise not pointed out. For the most part they ignore WWII (unless to point out that Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen). The major event in the takeover of America is the JFK Assassination. Since then America has been under total control of the enemies of liberty, who are slowly tightening their grip.
JFK and the Death of the Cold War Liberal
If you think that Oswald killed JFK alone, you are probably better off keeping it to yourself. Chances are most Americans will think you are a fool, as this graph demonstrates.[5]
It is worth knowing that that the Oliver Stone film was released in 1991, after doubts of the official story peaked. The film changed few minds; rather it gave support to those already believing in a conspiracy of an anti-Castro/mafia combine.
The real turning point came after Jim Garrison, the subject of the film, filed his case for conspiracy as New Orleans District Attorney. The rise trended alongside a general drop in confidence in Federal institutions. The Zapruder film was shown on television in 1975, moving more people into doubting the official story put out by the Warren Commission. In 2003, 68% of Americans believed that there was a deliberate official cover-up perpetrated by the government.
The Warren Commission was headed by the Earl Warren, the most left-wing Chief Justice in American history, not the kind of guy to cover for anti-Castro Cubans and the mafia. This is the Commission that created and endorsed the lone gunmen/magic bullet theory in 1964. However, in 1976 the House Select Committee on Assassination affirmed its belief in a conspiracy that probably involved a second gunman on the grassy knoll (who missed) and may have included rogue individuals from the anti-Castro Cuban and Mafia milieu. They ruled out Russians, pro-Castro Cubans, and the government.
Oswald had defected to the Soviet Union and renounced his US citizenship, but he returned with his Russian wife because he found Russia more bureaucratic than revolutionary. Six months before the assassination he tried to kill a Segregationist John Birch Society spokesman, General Edwin Walker, in Dallas. Three months before the assassination he was turned away from Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, but the Cuban embassy welcomed him. This was immediately reported by the State Department after the assassination.
President Johnson had voiced concern within his inner circle that blaming Communists would only elevate tensions internationally (on the heels of the Bay of Pigs debacle and the Cuban Missile crisis). The fall of Khrushchev just under a year after the assassination indicated that powerful elements in the Soviet Union desired a de-escalation of tensions. The end of the Khrushchev’s policy of strong support to all Socialist revolutionaries worldwide allowed Johnson (and the Soviets) to focus on domestic goals.
The blowback of this framing of the event was quite serious. As James Piereson explores in his book Camelot and the Cultural Revolution,[6] the collective blame placed upon America for its culture of violence and paranoia and Jackie Kennedy’s efforts at portraying him as a martyr for civil rights (though JFK never took a risk on the issue in his career) planted a certain hostility toward American culture and institutions within the Center-Left of the political spectrum.
The fact that Communists were given a pass lulled the Center-Left into thinking that Communism posed no real threat and that the real enemy was among them (an enemy in common with the Communists). Until the arrival of the neocons and the New Democrat positioning of Bill Clinton, Liberals were in a “blame America first” collective guilt mindset that alienated them from the public and allied them with the Frankfurt School style culture destroyers.
Willis Carto and Yockeyism
Willis Carto’s Spotlight has been a seminal medium for spreading the “official Conspiracy Theory” of anti-Castro Cubans and the Mafia being to blame. They have even been the source of a number of scoops that relate members of the Bay of Pigs-Watergate-Iran Contra milieu. These characters are usually CIA-affiliated scions of either the Eastern Establishment or the Gulf Coast oil wealth families.
It is worth keeping in mind that a young Willis Carto was the last civilian to see Francis Parker Yockey alive. Carto went on to publish the first US edition of his magnum opus, Imperium. Yockey’s major strategic innovation (and it seems that he indeed acted on this) was to view the US as the bigger threat to the White Heartland of Europe than the Soviet Union. There are a number of events that solidify this claim: the Jewish Doctor’s Plot and the Fall of Beria in Russia, and more importantly for Yockey, the post WWII Jewish Purge in the Prague Trials which Yockey witnessed. (He also had strong links with pro-Axis elements of Czechoslovakian Intelligence that survived the war.) In America, Jewish power was on the rise. Simply following Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau’s pre-emptive strike on German businesses before war was declared illustrates their impact. Yockey was in Germany as a military officer after the war and saw the effects of the Morgenthau Plan[7] firsthand.
It is safe to say that the Spotlight’s editorial line on JFK was informed by this strategy. In hindsight it seems that Yockey and Carto were right. Post-WWII European Communism was not nearly as blood-drenched and anti-Gentile as pre-WWII Communism. Prague Square is completely intact since there was no League of Militant Atheists,[8] the largely Jewish group of thugs is Russia who plundered churches and destroyed icons during the Red Terror. Youth in the Eastern Bloc were given a classical education, and their regimes promoted health, fitness, and fecundity. In the Free World, Liberty was a cover for the people to be plundered by corporations that transferred their social costs to taxpayers and to have their culture distorted and destroyed. To be fair, the environmental record of the West was much better, particularly starting in the 1970s.
Willis Carto has also sponsored the very important work of Jim Tucker, the investigative journalist who has single-handedly shone a light on the Bilderberg Group. His sources have been prescient regarding the macro-trends of the world. Jim Tucker is regularly interviewed by Alex Jones.
Conspiracy and Blood in the Face
It is easy to underestimate how easily conspiracy theories can catch on. The very silly theory that Maoists were hiding south of the Mexico-US border, poised for attack was popular in the ’80s and ’90s, and if Google is correct it’s about to make a comeback. A snapshot of the effects of this paranoid fantasy is provided in the documentary Blood in the Face (1991). Future documentary stars Louis Theroux and Michael Moore visit a rally of what Tom Sunic would rightly call “Hollywood Nazis.” Here factory workers from the rust belt wear SS uniforms and earnestly await the revolution. Inside a farmhouse, a handful of pastors discuss their hilarious views on Biblical eschatology. They then get even more serious as they recount their fears of foreign troops amassing on the border. If they are to be taken at their word, these men and their followers are total failures when it comes to the question of discernment. However, discerning truth is of secondary interest in a resistance.
Jones, Carto, and Conspiracy Theories: Lessons Learned
As embarrassing as it is for any serious person to watch Blood in the Face, chances are that those factory workers and the congregations of those preachers don’t spend their surplus money on power boats or attending overpriced professional football games. They don’t spend their vacations getting drunk in Acapulco. Instead, they are stockpiling small arms, building deep bonds with like-minded people, and participating in disaster preparedness and combat drills. There is a good chance they are in communities with high rates of military volunteers. The same is true for the Libertarians in the Militia milieu, only there are many more of them.
Small arms have changed very little in the last half century. As long as these weapons are regularly cleaned and oiled they are still useful. If starting today new guns were no longer sold or produced in the US, there are more than enough weapons and Ammo for a total insurrection. There are estimated to be over a billion handguns, rifles, and shotguns in the US. These are overwhelmingly in the hands of Whites. A large number of these Whites have very little faith in the state and many have quality training and experience. It is not only anti-White malice that has the DHS focusing on “White Al-Qaeda” (Alex Jones’ term), but it is an honest assessment of the threat to the American State.
Most people will not dig for the truth, but they can smell a rat. Most Americans couldn’t understand why and how JFK was assassinated. But when they saw the Zapruder film, the official explanations stopped making sense. Carto provided them with a well-rounded explanation, and they stopped looking. The Left was satisfied to blame their enemies, and the Right was turned against the Eastern Establishment (the enemy of Goldwater and Reagan Conservatives). What is a conservative patriot to think? What is a patriot to do? With the fall of the Soviet Union, and the election of Clinton, the Constitution’s enemy was domestic. The Carto strand of thinking was there to show dissidents of the Right that this enemy has a history and evil motives.
The militias flourished above ground until the Oklahoma City Bombing. After that, the large organized militias disappeared. However, the stockpilers kept stockpiling. The old Army buddies or the five cousins who grew up together working on their grandfather’s farm kept visiting the shooting range and the paintball field.
With the election of Obama and the return of veterans, their ranks are being replenished and then some. Most of these returning veterans, young conservatives, realize they were tricked by a Republican administration regarding the link between Saddam and 9/11. Many of them even think their government carried out the attack. Will they be ignored?
Sergeant Brandon Raub, the First of Many 9/11 Truth Prisoners of Conscience
Last month a decorated former Marine was removed from his home and involuntarily placed in a Psych Ward. He had made several questionable posts on his Facebook page. He is a 9/11 Truther and a Ron Paul Libertarian. After his arrest went viral, his fellow travelers rallied to his side. What was really surprising is that Glenn Beck (yes, the crying Mormon neocon shill lives on at who previously called for the mass arrest of “Truthers” rallied his viewers to support Raub.
It is obvious why Raub was committed. Spree killings often come in waves, as men who are on the edge watch others live their fantasy can’t help but join the trend. The spree killer who carried out the Sikh Massacre was a veteran. Whether the authorities were tipped off by an acquaintance or through data-mining of supposedly private Facebook accounts, one look at his posts was enough to frighten them. Luckily for White Nationalists, gun control is off the table as a policy solution. That means Involuntary Commitment is the only preemptive weapon left to authorities.
Psychotic episodes are often accompanied by anti-social political and religious views. We can expect many more such Prisoners of Conscience. They may indeed be unhinged at the time of commitment; however, that does not matter in Phase One. The masses will see that the State is locking up heroes and neighbors for their unapproved beliefs. Libertarians and 9/11 Truthers (and maybe eventually White Nationalists) will be objects of sympathy, and their criticisms of the government will look truer than ever.
Every citizen must be educated about Sergeant Raub and other Prisoners of Conscience, but Involuntary Commitment must remain on the books. It is better to have a thousand Sergeant Raubs than a single Timothy McVeigh. And if an attack ever comes, the authorities must be found at fault for failing to diagnose a psychotic, as is happening in the case of the Aurora Joker Massacre. This way the State can never win and their legitimacy will enter a downward spiral.
The US government’s perceived legitimacy has plunged to post-Watergate levels (if not below). The bases of support for resistance are growing. The materiel for resistance is in abundance. Momentum is in our favor (particularly if Barack Obama is re-elected, as seems likely). The next article in this series will explore how potential resisters are organizing, specializing, and equipping themselves. Since Libertarians and Conservative military veterans are leading this process, we will also explore methods White Nationalists and the North American New Right may use to insert themselves in the process and prepare an endgame.
2. See “Understanding the Form, Function, and Logic of Clandestine Insurgent and Terrorist Networks: The First Step in Counternetwork Operations” by Derek Jones of the Joint Special Operations University. I suggest accessing this US Military run site via a proxy server. Key elements of this work will be summarized in Part 2.
6. A link to his book on Amazon ( and here is a discussion of the book (
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I enjoyed reading this, anything having to do with strategy is a must. We tend to give short shrift to the conspiracy world, but WN’s need to keep their eye on the prize and encourage anything that undermines faith in the current regime.
Point of information: Revilo Oliver claims somewhere (cannot check for it now) that he, not Carto, was the author of the introductory essay in Imperium (credited to Carto) and the last to see Yockey.
I don’t think Oliver ever claimed to have seen Yockey, and if he claimed authorship of the Introduction, it was only in private.
Very interesting article.
One thing, though:
I disagree with this statement:
The way I understand it, true WN’sm did not start until after WC (think of him as Transitional, and a necessary part of our evolution) – as he was part of an Old Guard – anti-communists and ‘patriots’ who had not fully separated themselves from a twisted world-view which passed as patriotic; Alex Jones is absolutely NOT a white nationalist, no matter what he may have advertantly or inadvertantly brought to light. Of the latter, we can use what he presents, if factual, and use the rest for our own propaganda.
The Militia then, even as now, is a raceless hodgepodge of ideologies and religious constructs which have dubious loyalties; white nationalism is the only banner that they need, but remains to be seen if they have the capacity for this leap in a larger world-view. Moreover, the realities of military discipline and organization presupposes a greater or lesser degree of agreement amongst the existing Military Officer Corps – just as the Virginia Academies furnished those leaders of our first attempt to maintain our authority.
The back-story around the campfire regarding the Order, was that there were deep-seated alliances between a small level of military components, and this is why this group was deemed so spectacular in their efforts – of course this is relatively unknown, and with all the surrounding tripe, is lost on speculation, criticism, and outright disinformation. The postulations above, albeit worthy of discussion, is nothing without the formulations and insights of a future government, manned by individuals who are fiercely dedicated, and intellectually grounded.
This time, for certain: No Posers. No Amateurs. No Cowards.
Stefan in blockquote:
THIS caliber of analysis is what separates Counter-Currents, and the North American New Right, from those who came before.
“Intellectually grounded” pulls off the metapolitical focus, while “fierce dedication” requires people who can conceptualize the dimensions of what we are up against, and respond purposefully, intelligent, and with the defeatism inherent in the nihilism that has passed for “White nationalism” until now.
The N0rthwest Republic presents the model that bests lends itself to purposeful analysis as the cultural counterpoint to what stands before us.
Don’t tell the world you are a racialist, and join any survivalist or even hippie Luddite group that is around you to learn skills and make connections.
Don’t think that you have to preach your views to everyone. Let others preach their views; view others as a means to your White nationalist end.
Practice White nationalist Taqqiyah, while gaining the trust of others:
Question 1: What is the meaning of “Taqiyah”?
Answer: Its literal meaning is to safeguard; to defend; to fear; piety (because it saves one from the displeasure of Allah).
Al‑Munjid says:
This gist of above is that the word taqiyahmeans to be on guard, to fear, to be pious.
The dictionary as‑Surah says, (Taqiyah, tuqat = piety)
Question 2: What is its significance in Islamic terminology?
Answer: In Islamic terminology it means “to save life, honour. or property (either one’s own or of other believers) by hiding one’s belief or religion”. [2]
Question 3: Is it something peculiar to the Shi’ism, because I have heard many people accusing the Shi’as because of taq’iyah?
Answer: Every society, religion and group practices it and has practiced it at one time or the other. You will find so many examples of taqiyahin the Old and the New Testaments, and even in the lives of the Holy Prophet of Islam, his Companions and many Sunni scholars.
Question 4: But is this practice allowed in Islam?
Answer. Yes. Allah has allowed it in the Qur’an; and reason too shows the wisdom of this permission.
I am approving this on the assumption that you understand that it is crucially important for some of our people to actually publicly advocate our ideas rather than pretend to be something else.
If this is Kievsky let me convey my respect. I’ll be drawing on your insights in the next article.
If not, I am very glad that his key conributions to the discussion are dispersing.
With respect Americans will have a harder time than anyone applying this tactic. This is because of your long history of free speech and the Scots-Irish contribution to the straight talk / no bull shit ethos of all real American men. That has been a strength in the past, but in the current environment it is a handicap. I this can be used effectively it is an incredible tool.
Ofcourse we need public advocates both like Greg, who bravely puts himself in harms way, and Michael, who faced persecution (and faces blackballing) but refuses to yield to our enemies. If C-C can electrify its readers into the kind of activism I will describe in this series, public advocates will be the tip of the iceberg.
Patrick Le Brun in blockquote:
Hopefully, the iceberg would be supported by a sea of money. This is the cold, hard fact of the matter – the best ideas go nowhere without financial support.
Here endeth the lesson.
Alex Jones is a conscious or unconscious System tool. He is not a legitimate voice of protest. He is a new kind of mass-opiate for restless men increasingly unsatisfied with games and shows, a mis-director of energies who casts fans into the not-quite-virtual role of an ‘awakened revolutionary’ who knows many things that just aren’t so.
Jones is a habitual liar. Nothing he says can be believed. Unlike some eccentric but bright folks on our side of the court, whose whimsical or symbolic/rhetorical baggage mars their essentially correct messages, there is nothing coherent behind Jones’ media operations (which are actually quite amateurish content wise). He says ‘the answer to 1984 is 1776’ yet at the same time says the founders of the USA were cynical Masons/Illuminists preparing the way for what we see now. He speaks of an ‘American people’ who are united only in the sense of living under a common flag and economic system. He supports the utterly idiotic idea the string pullers of world power are Thule Society/National Socialist types (then why would they start two world wars to kill the best white people and then engender non-white population growth?). He verbally attacks callers who ask reasonable questions in reasonable tones of voice. To be a good gateway for us, a person or group must at least make the pathway to truth easier. Jones makes it confusing.
His content is essentially no more sophisticated than the undisciplined musings of the average working -class middle-aged white male American. Contrary to what all conspiracy-believers believe, almost all people below a certain level of sophistication believe in one sort or another. It’s not unique to propagate conspiracies. It’s unique to propagate the truth, in a manner suitable and measured for the target.
When reasonable people come to us en masse, it would be best to have distanced ourselves from this kind of thing. We should ask ourselves whether the minority of the population whose support we want takes Jones seriously. I would guess that they don’t.
This is very well said.
Manure can, however, be useful in preparing the ground for edible crops.
I wish I thought of that line. It could have been the subtitle of the article.
Very interesting and thought provoking post Mr. Le Brun. I acquired a copy of “Understanding the Form, Function, and Logic of Clandestine Insurgent and Terrorist Networks: The First Step in Counternetwork Operations” (vpn) earlier today with the hopes of perusing it later this evening, and am looking forward to reading what you have to say in Part II.
Mr. Le Brun, a very insightful article. I look forward to part two.
It was very clever to pair Alex Jones with Carto. I had previously missed the continuity, but you are right. Here are two articles I’ve written about Jones and Carto, respectively:
(Sorry to toot my own horn so relentlessly, but posting Internet blogs results in a very ephemeral product, one that can easily disappear after its first run.)
Incidentally, with my Jones article I asked readers for their opinions on Jones, and to my surprise readers were almost unanimous in their distrust of Jones. That surprised me because I thought Jones was clearly speaking in code and was at a minimum supporting implicit Whiteness.
In your article you give Jones more credit, which I think is deserved. Since writing about Jones in April I’ve listened to more of his shows and am more and more convinced that he’s one of the good guys. For instance, last Friday, Sept. 7, 2012, Jones sharply attack TIME writer Joel Stein for his jokes about dead fetus photos. Watch it here:
Go to 25:00 for background.
I’ll tell you what I think: there is no way Jews will interpret this attack as anything other than a full attack on Jews. Further, at 28:00 Jones asks Stein what he’d think about making jokes about pictures of dead Jews. I think that’s about as stark as you need to get.
I had expected a media uproar about this but haven’t noticed one yet. Maybe the mainstream is not quite sure what to do about Jones.
One more instance: recently he was very candid about Israel’s role in the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty. Such candor also speaks volumes.
In summary, I think you are right about Jones. By being “neutral on the Jewish Question” and by attacking the Rothschilds as a primary enemy, he leaves no doubt about the sides in this war. Code alone suffices for all but the clueless to understand the dialogue.
Now, one area I have to take exception to is your reluctance to see more conspiracies than you feel are warranted. I realize that this stance is in tune with most C-C writers, but I fall further toward the suspicious side. For example, 9/11 is the big one for me, and I am with Alex Jones in believing it was not done by amateur Arabs and most likely had a critical inside component. I’ve done extensive reading on the topic, and for me it is clear beyond a doubt that many critical components of the official story are false on the face of it.
Now, for someone like me to accept govt complicity in 9/11, it is far easier to entertain doubts about other official stories (such as one we agree on, the Kennedy story). Like Jones, I have doubts about McVeigh and Oklahoma City, and I think Jones’ views on Aurora and the Sikh massacre as false flag ops are also closer to the truth than the official lone gunmen stories.
In closing, let me again say how much I enjoyed your article. Since I’ve been doing research on the generic topic of coming collapse and rebellion in the US, I all the more look forward to you upcoming sequel. I might also note that the print journal The Occidental Quarterly has now released its Summer issue, which is about the Coming Collapse.
Hello Mr. Connelly,
It’s thanks to your article on the Willis Carto bio that I found the quote from BookTV. I also checked out your other article and recommended clip. We definitely agree that Alex Jones is a businessman first and a Constitutionalist/Patriot second. The fact is outside of the Malaysia or Iran, or a handful of Arab countries, it doesn’t pay to name the Jews. For a cause like his or ours there is a tension, similar to the tension between revenue growth and profit growth in corporate strategy. Jones probably does believe in a showdown/calamity in the future and he want as many people fighting his enemy as possible. It doesn’t hurt that a media operation like his is heavily weighted to revenue growth. He can’t switch to the C-C line and start airing Mercedes-Benz commercials to a smaller audience for example.
As for OKC, there is definitely more than meets the eye. Gore Vidal reported an iraqi connection and I’ve heard mainstream reports linking the Blind Sheik milieu to them. There is the mysterious Andreas Strassmeier connection and the fact that Richard Snell seemed to know about the attack on the day of his execution. Some say there was a government connection which I don’t know enough to comment on.
However, taking the attackers at their word, the “Target of Influence” was the White House and Attorney General. Since then the Federal Government has changed their doctrine of engagement. There has not been another Ruby Ridge or Branch Dividian type massacre. Every such event since then for example the Montana Freemen or the Ed and Elaine Brown standoff (which Jones did much to publicize) have been settled peacefully. The SPLC is very upset that there hasn’t been a massacre of the Gray family in Texas over a local dispute (see their Winter 2009 cover story). The only similar action since was the raid of the Fundamentalist Mormons by Texas state authorities. The media war on that was probably fought to a draw, which will further discourage such government actions.
Bill Clinton was far more interested in using OKC to go after true political threats like Rush Limbaugh and other radio hosts. According to Dick Morris, he witnessed a showdown between Janet Reno (a target of ire for the Militia/Constitutionalist/Libertarian milieu) and Clinton after reelection. He wanted to remove her as head of the Department of Justice in the second term. She told him that she has enough evidence to uncover his sexual escapades in a way that will capsize his public approval and effectiveness. She then remained in her post despite being such a serious liability. For me that doesn’t totally rule out embarrassing placement of agents and informants, but it does rule out planning and foreknowledge at the top level (where it would have to take place).
Certainly there were elements in the DoJ who were more concerned with taking out Militias than Limbaugh and Republicans. Was McVeigh used a la the Underwear Bomber? Did McVeigh really need tactical assisstance from Arabs or was the Turner Diaries enough?
I’m interested to hear your thoughts.
Just for the history, very good work.
I would mention that Carto on JFK was influenced by Mark Lane getting the first ‘conspiracy book’ published on the subject (Lane, not his birth name- was getting files directly from KGB). Carto and Lane have a long association, and as a side note, Lane turns up at the Jim Jones massacre…Revilo Oliver was somewhat humiliated (there is only a transcript) when speaking to the Warren Commission with his Marxmanship in Dallas speculations, so perhaps some rivalry on that front.
–One more celebrity to add to Alex Jones cadre, Dave Mustaine, lead singer for Megadeth.
I like the appearance of a strategy piece, but at the same time, we need to be thinking about what will come after. Even if we manage to win, do we have even a foggy idea about what we will do with power, once we have it? Or hold power, which is an even more crucial question?
I agree, but I will leave that to the metaphysicians and the thinkers you have done so much to bring to light. Certainly the Varnasrama view of history, if it permeates the “cognitive elite,” will be very helpful to our cause overall and to recovering eugenics specifically.
As for me, strategy and organization are my strengths. I want to do what I can to help us build on the 25,000 hardcore supporters of C-C and the virtual groundwork laid by Greg and Michael, and give readers the confidence and survival sense necessary to build activist networks and affinity groups locally.
I think Alex Jones has his uses; he certainly brings useful information to light.
He does a good job keeping track of the latest police state initiatives and challenging mainstream narratives without sounding like a lunatic akin to David Ikes.
He also has some drawbacks: he exaggerates; he likes to bring up Illuminati, Freemasonry and the Rothschilds in unconsidered and nutty ways; he avoids the JQ for which there is no excuse given his historical knowledge base and interest in topics like media manipulation, neocon war-mongering, banking, finance, and the Federal Reserve; it is a major red flag that suggests timidity, poor strategic thinking or being a controlled opposition agent spreading disinformation; he also runs a for profit-web site.
This is true of every anti-system, non-WNIst dissident, however. They all operate in imperfect frames. The question is: is it in any way possible to exploit their work for our goals, and, more importantly, draw new recruits into WNism?
The problem with America’s militia/gun community is that they are hyper-individualistic even by the standards of America’s already extreme atomistic individualism. They are also almost all anti-racist. Usually their anti-racism is founded on opposition to “collectivism” and as uninformed on race as any standard conservative, maybe even less so.
I bought a new gun the other day. The dealer pointed to a new box on the ATF background form.
You now have to check a box indicating whether you are Hispanic / Latino, and then you have to check off your race if you are NOT Hispanic/Latino.
The first thing that crossed my mind is that ATF probably changed the form to better track the number of non-Hispanic White men buying guns. When I researched it online, however, I quickly learned the consensus in the American gun community is that the new form is evidence the US government is racially biased against Hispanics/Latinos. I kid you not.
We need to figure out a way to reorient disaffected Whites.
A most interesting article and I look forward to part two. You mentioned the IRA in the context of Guerrillas. The only reason that the IRA and the Ulster Loyalists had any success was because they were supported by their communities, Today, if a White man decided to resist,a la guerrilla style, his community would not only not support him but would be the first to point him out to the authorities. A $5 donation to Counter-Currents would be far more useful than a life in jail and would go a long way, as the sub title said, to Prepare the Terrain for Resistance.
I’ve always felt that the AJ/Conspiracy crowd is the natural counter to the leftist activists which is why he is an extremely dangerous and important gatekeeper. Most of them are disillusioned, young white males, looking for a cause but not willing to be ‘extremist nuts’ and their energies are perfectly neutralized and diffused.
Unless you’ve listened to AJ consistently for over a year, you will find it difficult to see the multiple levels he operates on. By then, he will have implicated every nefarious group/conspiracy at least once, will have predicted every terrorist attack in history (retro-actively too), will have refused 100’s of offers to join the illuminati for big $$, and will have had at least 20 fake crying episodes. He is a master of the ‘ratio tactic’ ie. Yes, he will say something about Israel (to prove he isn’t biased) and then bury it with another hundred comments on the Nazis, Brits, Catholics etc. You know, even FOX mentioned the ‘dancing Israelis’, I suppose they’re trustworthy too.
At best, he is an entertaining ‘Good Morning USA’ for those who don’t trust the MSM but he is certainly on no-ones side but his own… and his vast J-connections. I guess if CC decides to align itself with him (and hopefully siphon his audience) then it’s not necessarily a bad move.
guiscard in blockquote:
Jones is tight with the Jews; if memory serves, his father was Jewish, his wife is Jewish, his son (therefore) is Jewish. Only his mother not being Jewish missed Alex making the cut – so to speak. If I am wrong, please correct me. If memory serves, Jones has been to Israel.
The entire 911 ‘Truth’ Movement has been a spectacular false flag operation. As Peter Shank so astutely noted, “It’s like the murder mystery game of ‘Clue.’ They talk about everything about 911 in detail, as, in ‘Clue,’ they describe everything in great detail – the gun, the bullet, the cartridge, the brand of gunpowder used, the angle of trajectory – everything but WHO PULLED THE TRIGGER.”
All of the lines of evidence and analysis point to Israel, clear as a bell. Yet Jones said, “I’ve done the research, folks. Israel…COULD…NOT…HAVE…DONE…THIS.” If memory serves, he didn’t say WHY Israel could not have done 911.
And, as for CC “siphon(ing) his audience,” I think VoR tried to link up with Jones and his company, which was called Genesis Broadcasting. It is to laugh, as they say. Genesis was run by a damn shrewd businessman named Ted Anderson. VoR’s (mis)management seems to have never made the grade.
Not at all surprising, that.
They couldn’t, and we shouldn’t. If CC stands for anything, it is intellectual honesty in dealing with the metapolitical issues the Race faces. That’s the wheat. Everything else is chaff.
As Alex Jones quote: He convinces the listeners of either an imminent crash of the system or of the opening up of FEMA death camps as part of a global plan to reduce the population by 80%.
Please can someone tell me, that in the 80% of population being terminated with more likely prejudice. Does it include as well 80% of Jewish population?
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