Month: May 2011
May 10, 2011 Guillaume Faye
Výzva mladým Evropanům
English version here
Abych zabránil opakování sebe sama, musím především upozornit na prohlášení, které jsem učinil na začátku manifestu Proč bojujeme. Nechte mě tedy nyní zrekapitulovat, po tomto prohlášení, některá doporučení uvedená v tomto manifestu. Z důvodu naší historicky bezprecedentní situace doporučuji strategii inspirovanou jistými revolučními vůdci, jejichž jména není třeba zmiňovat. (more…)
Richard Bernstein
The East, the West, and Sex: A History of Erotic Encounters
New York: Knopf, 2009It’s no secret that Asian women and white men seem to have a good deal of mutual attraction. Richard Bernstein, a Jew married to an Asian woman, tries to put this into a historical context. Reading his book gives an idea of how unique Western ideas of sex and marriage truly have been. (more…)
Kenan Malik
Strange Fruit: Why Both Sides are Wrong in the Race Debate
Oneworld, 2009There has been some discussion on the Internet about the book Strange Fruit: Why Both Sides are Wrong in the Race Debate
by South Asian intellectual Kenan Malik, a book in which the work of Frank Salter is sharply critiqued. (more…)
Guillaume Faye
Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance
Translated by Michael O’Meara
Arktos Media, 2011People
An ethnic ensemble — biological, historical, cultural — with a territory, its fatherland, in which it is rooted. (more…)
May 8, 2011 Alex Kurtagić
Interview mit Greg Johnson
May 6, 2011 Guillaume Faye
Марс и Гефест: возвращение истории
"Ares Ludovisi," Римская копия греческого оригинала, выполненного Скопием (Palazzo Altemps, Museo Romano Nazionale)
1,831 words
English version here
Позвольте мне поведать вам «археофутуристическую» притчу, основанную на вечном символе дерева, которое я буду сравнивать с ракетой. Но давайте вначале обозрим мрачный лик наступающего века. (more…)
“We aim above the mark, to hit the mark.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Nature,”
Essays: Second Series (1844)Nationalism, as well as racial pride and consciousness, are potentially powerful unifying forces. (more…)
May 6, 2011 Kerry Bolton
Lovecraft a politika
May 6, 2011 Jonathan Bowden
Murnau a Nosferatu
H. A. Covington
The Stars In Their Path: A Novel of Reincarnation
Lincoln, Nebr.: IUniverse, 2002Harold Covington often says that his Northwest novels don’t tell white people what to do, but show them what to be. They are filled with examples of good character. The same is true of The Stars In Their Path, which follows three souls through multiple incarnations from sixteenth-century Paris to the modern day. (more…)