In March, we added three new features to every Counter-Currents/North American New Right article: (1) a “Tip Jar” donation button, (2) a “Like” counter, and (3) a Facebook “Recommendation” button. (We also added a “Twitter” button, but I am gratified to see that my disdain for Twitter is shared by our readers who have not, to my knowledge, ever “tweeted” about the goings on here.) (more…)
Month: May 2011
May 31, 2011 Irmin Vinson
Quelques réflexions sur Hitler
1,800 words English original here « Hitler » en tant qu’arme de propagande pour le multiracialisme L’argument avancé par certains nationalistes racialistes, selon lequel toute défense d’Adolf Hitler, au vu de l’hostilité et même de la révulsion que son nom provoque à présent, risque de nous aliéner la sympathie de la grande majorité des Blancs, est plausible à première vue et doit être reçu avec une oreille attentive. Mais la question n’est pas encore tranchée. (more…)
English original here
Rodun tieteellinen tutkimus on tienhaarassa. Ihmisen genomin kartoituksen myötä tiedemiehet tietävät enemmän rodusta ja rodullisista eroista kuin koskaan ennen. Mutta yhteiskunnan investoidessa enemmän ja enemmän rodullisen tasavertaisuuden valheeseen, tiedemiehille käy vaikeammaksi ja vaikeammaksi puhua näitä totuuksia. (more…)
3,181 words
3. Modern Neglect of the Economic Side of Marriage
Having examined briefly — in the first section — the two principal ways in which feminism has undermined the former position of esteem enjoyed by women in our civilization, let us proceed to consider how that position used to be maintained.
The bedrock of the system, more fundamental than the ideal of chivalry, was the institution of marriage. (more…)
“Bogart was a medium-sized man,” said John Huston. “Not particularly impressive off screen.” Put him on camera, however, and “those lights and shadows organized themselves into another nobler personality, heroic.”
Recently Andrew Hamilton wrote about “The Courage of Jodi Foster” on Greg Johnson’s Counter-currents blog, the courage in question being her outspoken standing by, if not exactly ‘supporting’, the always controversial Mel Gibson. (more…)
If you haven’t signed up for our mailing list yet, now is a good time.
I am starting work on the seventh monthly Counter-Currents/North American New Right Newsletter, which contains information on our web traffic, forthcoming books, and the approaching first anniversary of Counter-Currents/North American New Right. (more…)
Part 1 of 5
1. Two conflicting conceptions of feminine dignity
One of the hallmarks of Western civilization is the unusually high status it has accorded women. That has often been attributed to the influence of Christianity, which prizes certain typically feminine virtues (mercy, humility) more than pagan society had. (more…)
May 29, 2011 Greg Johnson
Bekenntnisse eines Hassers wider Willen
Louis-Ferdinand Céline was the pen name of French writer and physician Louis-Ferdinand-Auguste Destouches. Céline is one of the giants of 20th-century literature. And, like Ezra Pound and so many other great writers of the last century, he was an open and unapologetic racial nationalist. In honor of Céline’s birthday, I wish to draw your attention to the following works on this site: (more…)
Translated by Greg Johnson
Editor’s Note:
The following text is from the Les Editions de La Reconquête reprint of the French edition of Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s L’École des cadavres, which is available from their website. I wish to thank the publisher for making this text available for translation. (more…)
In 1945 Jean-Paul Sartre [whom Céline calls Jean-Baptiste Sartre or J. B. S.] wrote an article in Les Temps Modernes attacking Céline, titled ‘Le portrait d’un Antisémite’ (‘The Portrait of an Anti-Semite’). Céline’s response originally appeared in 1948 in the book La Gala des Vaches by the French writer and defender of Céline, Albert Paraz (more…)
May 27, 2011 Karlheinz Weißman
O pravicovém anarchismu