“Before they addressed themselves to the impractical task of changing men by changing laws, the justices might have pondered the words of Savigny, who wrote, ‘Law is no more made by lawyers than language by grammarians. Law is the natural moral product of a people . . . the persistent customs of a nation, springing organically from its past and present. Even statute law lives in the general consensus of the people.'” –Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority (1981) (more…)
Month: May 2011
“In those far-off days which we are pleased to call Pagan, every emotion had its corresponding movement. Soul, body, mind worked together in perfect harmony.”—Isadora Duncan
The life of Isadora Duncan was marked by opposition to every aspect of bourgeois modernity. (more…)
Translations: French, Polish, Slovak, Spanish
The perennial question is back: Why are there so few women in the White Nationalist movement?
Before venturing an analysis of this question, I need to say a few words about what White Nationalism is. White Nationalism is about preserving the biological integrity of the white race by making our race’s survival and flourishing the number one political priority. (more…)
Turn on a local television news program in just about any large city in this country, and the chances are nearly 100% that you’ll hear and see at least one Black announcer telling you what’s happening. He’ll be dressed and groomed just like the White announcers, and, in most cases, his enunciation will be so similar that you can close your eyes for a moment and almost convince yourself that you are listening to a White person. (more…)
May 24, 2011 Andrew Hamilton
Demente Religion
654 words
Übersetzt von Deep Roots
English original here
Ein Schlüsselmerkmal des zeitgenössischen Philosemitismus ist seine seltsame und zutiefst schädliche religiöse Dimension, die durch und durch rassistisch ist. In der zeitgenössischen Mythologie ersetzen die Juden effektiv Christus (eine halbgöttliche Gottesrasse, die in einem Holocaust geopfert wurde), während Hitler Satan ist. (more…)
May 24, 2011 William Pierce
What is Racism?
Today let’s talk about racism and related matters. There’s hardly a subject the average White person is more uptight about, hardly a subject that makes him more uncomfortable. Fifty or 60 years ago people were really uptight about sex. Very few people could talk about it honestly and openly and comfortably. It embarrassed them. (more…)
Father Miguel Hidalgo leading the multi-racial Mexican populace in rebellion against Spain (Mural by Juan O'Gorman)
946 words
Translated by César Tort
Translator’s Note:
The following excerpt is taken from the chapter on “Independence” in A Brief History of Mexico (more…)
1,254 words
The French statesman, writer, and philosopher, Louis Vicomte de Bonald belongs to the theologist school of the Traditionalists. Bonald was born on October 2nd, 1754 at Monna, near Millau a town in the Rouergue region (Aveyron) of southern France, into an aristocratic family. He studied at the Oratorian Collège de Juilly. As an aristocrat, military service was expected, so in 1773 he joined the king’s musketeers. (more…)
2,224 words
The French Age of Enlightenment witnessed and celebrated an economic revolution: the rapid growth of speculation and a money economy, and a corresponding diminution in the importance of landed wealth. Bonald believed that the change had been brought about by the practice of usury. (more…)
German philosopher and critic Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744–1803) developed the concept of romantic or organic nationalism, a form of ethnic nationalism in which the state derives its political legitimacy from historic cultural or hereditary groups. The underlying assumption is that every ethnicity should be politically distinct. Herder’s ideas on the subject were expressed in his theory of the Volksgeist. (more…)
54 words
Alex Kurtagić has posted a glowing review of Ward Kendall’s Hold Back This Day at The Occidental Observer. Read it here. Hold Back This Day has just been reissued by Counter-Currents in a handsome new edition. Thank you, Alex Kurtagić.
Translated by Greg Johnson
In the center of all the questions raised by the sinuous and contradictory path of François Mitterrand is the famous photograph of the interview granted to a young unknown, the future socialist president of the Republic, by Marshall Philippe Pétain in Vichy, on October 15th, 1942. (more…)
The recently-deceased [in 1945] John Dewey was applauded by the American press as the most representative figure of American civilization. This is quite right. (more…)