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If you haven’t signed up for our mailing list yet, now is a good time.
I am starting work on the seventh monthly Counter-Currents/North American New Right Newsletter, which contains information on our web traffic, forthcoming books, and the approaching first anniversary of Counter-Currents/North American New Right.
The letter will go out June 1st.
To sign up, just send a blank email to [email protected]. (If you don’t receive anything by 9 p.m., PST, June 1st, check your spam folder.)
Thanks for your loyal readership.
Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing
& North American New Right
1 comment
The Krell is a very, very apt metaphor for our situation.
People were unwilling to accept, even remotely, what they KNOW to be true.
Political correctness can be seen as the force field trying to stop the abilities of what they refuse to accept from crushing them, AS IT WILL.
There’s an excellent thought piece in the Men’s Rights movement describing feminism as a Krell system.
It’s called “SUFFERING PATRIARCHY -An Analytical Exploration into the Promise of the Forbidden Planet”
It might usefully be used as a template for a similar piece dealing with Race, and WNism.
What’s In YOUR Future?
Focus Northwest
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