Greg Johnson welcomed Alexander Adams (WordPress, Substack), author of the recently-published book from Imperium Press Blood, Soil, Paint, to the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where they discussed Romanticism and modern art. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Tag: Wyndham Lewis
November 18, 2022 Greg Johnson
Remembering Wyndham Lewis
(November 18, 1882-March 7, 1957)Wyndham Lewis was born on this day in 1882. A first-rate novelist, critic, and painter, he was a leading English exponent of fascist modernism. In honor of his birth, I wish to draw your attention to the following works on this website: (more…)
1,049 words
In my writing for Counter-Currents, I’ve called for the formation of a dissident high culture. At the time of writing, there is only a smattering of cultural institutions which are explicitly Dissident Right, which means that the future of dissident high culture is whatever we make it. The future is a vast empty space which we have been tasked with filling.
But the past of dissident high culture is not so empty. No, it is rather crowded over at the Restaurant de la Tour Eiffel. Indeed, you could say that the avant-garde of the past was decisively reactionary. (more…)
Finally getting to Kerry Bolton’s Artist of the Right was an honest realization of how little I knew of the history of dissident, Right-wing art and literature. One of the artists I was most intrigued by was Wyndham Lewis, and particularly his first novel, Tarr. Though it was originally published in 1918 and later revised in 1928, what makes this piece of literature as timeless and as relevant as ever is its inclusion of not only a place – Paris –, but an entire ideology and way of life as a main character in the story. (more…)
Wyndham Lewis was born on this day in 1882. A first-rate novelist, critic, and painter, he was a leading English exponent of fascist modernism. In honor of his birth, I wish to draw your attention to the following works on this website:
- Kerry Bolton, “Wyndham Lewis” (French translation here)
- Jonathan Bowden, “Classical Modernism and the Art of the Radical Right“
- Jonathan Bowden, “Elitism, British Modernism, and Wyndham Lewis” (transcript) (more…)
This rather obscure 1929 book by the fascist sympathizer and Modernist novelist and painter, Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957), is one of the most prescient volumes dealing with the efforts to dislodge the white race from its dominance in Europe and North America. Lewis not only anticipated much of today’s race realist thinking, he also foreshadowed Moldbug and the neo-reactionaries by outlining the origin of white racial suicide and guilt in the decadent remnants of Puritanism. (more…)
August 21, 2015 Jonathan Bowden
“Тар“ на Уиндам Люис: Упражнение по дясна психология
August 21, 2015 Jonathan Bowden
“Божиите маймуни“ на Уиндъм Люис
English original here
Уиндъм Люис
The Apes of God“Божиите маймуни“ (Apes of God) се оказва една от най-унищожителните сатири публикувани на английски език от времето на Драйдън и Поуп насам. (more…)
2,566 words
A talk by Adrian Davies to the Traditional Britain Group on October 18th, 2014
This morning I shall talk to you about differing perspectives upon the involvement of artists and writers in politics in France and England. Why France and England? Partly because it is necessary to keep this talk in some bounds, partly because I know a little more about the relationship between high culture and low politics in France than in Germany or Italy or Spain, and will stick to what I know, often a prudent course. (more…)
November 18, 2014 Greg Johnson
Remembering Wyndham Lewis:
November 18, 1882 to March 7, 1957151 words
Wyndham Lewis was born on this day in 1882. A first-rate novelist, critic, and painter, he was a leading English exponent of fascist modernism. In honor of his birth, I wish to draw your attention to the following works on this website:
- Kerry Bolton, “Wyndham Lewis” (French translation here)
- Jonathan Bowden, “Classical Modernism and the Art of the Radical Right”
- Jonathan Bowden, “Elitism, British Modernism, and Wyndham Lewis” (transcript) (more…)
8,814 words
The following text is a transcript by D.B. of Jonathan Bowden’s lecture to the 33rd New Right meeting in London on June 11, 2011. In editing this transcription, I introduced punctuation and paragraph breaks. I also deleted a couple of false starts, added the first names of some figures, and included full correct versions of the poems read. You can view the lecture at YouTube here. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
The following text is a transcript by V. S. of Jonathan Bowden’s lecture on Wyndham Lewis which was delivered to the 8th New Right meeting in London on May 28, 2006. There are a number of passages marked unintelligible. These passages appear in the recording at 4:00, 34:21, 40:12, 41:52, and 46:28. (You can listen to the lecture using the player below or by downloading the lecture.) If you can understand these words, please post a comment below.
June 29, 2014 Kerry Bolton
Wyndham Lewis
6,724 words
English original here
Corrigé 22 novembre 2011
Note du Rédacteur:
Cette version très enrichie d’un essai précédemment publié sur Wyndham Lewis est le chapitre 8 du livre de Kerry Bolton, Artists of the Right: Resisting Decadence, [Artistes de la Droite : Résister à la Décadence] qui devrait être publié prochainement par Counter-Currents.