Remembering Wyndham Lewis (November 18, 1882-March 7, 1957)
Greg JohnsonWyndham Lewis was born on this day in 1882. A first-rate novelist, critic, and painter, he was a leading English exponent of fascist modernism. In honor of his birth, I wish to draw your attention to the following works on this website:
- Kerry Bolton, “Wyndham Lewis” (French translation here)
- Jonathan Bowden, “Classical Modernism and the Art of the Radical Right“
- Jonathan Bowden, “Elitism, British Modernism, and Wyndham Lewis” (transcript)
- Jonathan Bowden, “Wyndham Lewis” (podcast)
- Jonathan Bowden, “Wyndham Lewis’ Tarr: An Exercise in Right-Wing Psychology” (Bulgarian translation here)
You can buy Kerry Bolton’s Artists of the Right here.
Jonathan Bowden, “Wyndham Lewis’ The Apes of God” (Bulgarian translation here)
- Jonathan Bowden, “Wyndham Lewis’ Childermass: Black Metal, without the Music“
- Adrian Davies, “Culture and ‘Engagement’: French and English Perspectives“
- Alex Kurtagić, “Some Sort of Nietzschean“
Kerry Bolton’s essay and Bowden’s “Elitism, British Modernism, and Wyndham Lewis” are both excellent overviews of Wyndham Lewis’s life and work.
To learn more about Wyndham Lewis, visit the website of the Wyndham Lewis Society. Click here to see some of his paintings.
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Jonathan Bowden on Wyndham Lewis
That was a very enjoyable podcast, especially some of the anecdotes in the second half of the talk, for example Lewis placing a pistol on the table if he wasn’t getting enough attention in the company of others.
I recommend his 1931 work entitled “Hitler” which you can get from the fine folks at Antelope Hill Publishing. A concise look at the soon-to-be Führer before he attained power, from the perspective of a sympathetic Englishmen for the benefit of his fellow normie countrymen.
Thank you.
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