Tag: Kek
Kek is a generous god. As Hillary Clinton collapsed on the street and the media was finally forced to cover what only Alt Right shitposters have been discussing for weeks, it was hard not to believe the ancient lord of chaos was smiling upon us. Some of us have always believed. And even as this is written, stern faced reporters on MSNBC are discussing an official statement from the Hillary Clinton campaign denouncing “Pepe,” because “that cartoon frog is more sinister than you may realize.” (more…)
We in the Alt Right tend to regard our internal religious debates as pointless and divisive; Atheist or Anglican or Asatru, we feel, target each other for denunciation or proselytization only to the detriment of our cause. Thus we often adopt a playful cynicism when dealing with the subject of religion so as to avoid intragroup strife and hurt feels. (more…)