Now that we are wallowing in a major war in Ukraine and are caught in the throes of a cultural and political revolution in the United States, I recall an interesting arthouse film I discovered some years ago when I lived in Boston at one of the queens of arthouse theaters: Memorias del Subdesarrollo, or Memories of Underdevelopment, (more…)
Tag: Cuban Missile Crisis
3,060 words
See also: A European View on the War in Ukraine, The Correct White Nationalist View of the Ukraine War, The Truth About the Euromaidan
Part of the ongoing narrative about the ongoing Ukraine War is the idea that it is analogous to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Believing this analogy means one thinks this conflict can be resolved by hard thinking, a bit of compromise, and several diplomatic cables. (more…)
George Grant
Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism
Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2005One of the oddities we find in the history of political philosophy is that the foundational text of Canadian nationalism is a work lamenting the end of Canada. The 1965 work of philosopher and theologian George Grant, Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of Canadian Nationalism, set off a wave of nationalism throughout the country. (more…)
December 16, 2012 John Morgan
A Política da Guerra Nuclear, Parte 1
3,572 words
Parte 1 de 3
Inglês original aqui
O mês passado marcou o 50º aniversário da Crise dos Mísseis Cubanos. Isso mereceu um pouco mais do que uma menção de passagem na mídia, apesar do fato de ter sido o momento mais dramático e icônico do meio século de Guerra Fria, um conflito que teve mais participações do que qualquer outro na história e que continua a assombrar o nosso cenário político atual.
3,525 words
Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)
Portuguese translation here
Last month marked the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It merited little more than a passing mention in the mainstream media, despite the fact of having been the most dramatic and iconic moment in the half-century Cold War, a conflict which had stakes higher than any other in history and which continues to haunt our current political landscape.