The recent publicising of Britain’s Muslim rape gang epidemic has shocked the world. I have been shocked by it since August 2014, when the Rotherham report was published and laid bare the full scale of this epidemic in one town alone. I began making a video series about it but was soon overwhelmed by the scope of the project, which reflected the scope of the scandal. (more…)
Tag: civic nationalism
This is the second part of the latest edition of Counter-Currents Radio. Greg Johnson was joined by Gaddius, Cyan, and Austin, and they responded to listeners’ questions. It is now available to download or listen to online. (more…)
Greg Johnson and guest Keith Woods (Substack, Twitter) were joined by James Tucker (Substack, Twitter), author of the recent Counter-Currents essay “Where George Grant Went Wrong,” for the second half of the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio. (more…)
1,844 words
George Grant’s Lament for a Nation was most obviously wrong in its immediate predictions about Canada. He thought that Anglo-Canada would seek direct annexation by the dynamic American Republic. Many of his errors stem from a conflation of economics with cultural and political destiny.
Even now that Canada is almost entirely economically absorbed into the United States, annexation remains a fringe position. Most Canadians opposed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the 1990s; the draw of consumption could not overcome national attachment, even one as meaningless as ours. (more…)
1,851 words
Ex-mobster-turned-YouTuber Michael Franzese recently responded to a comment made by Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) President Dana White. There’s no beef here as far as I can see — no scandal or anything particularly newsworthy. Just a mild disagreement. I believe both guys are more or less politically aligned to the right of center, and — for all I know — get along just fine. To most, their disagreement will seem trivial.
But if you dig deeper, not so much. These two men, whether they realize it or not, are getting to the heart of human identity. What do we call ourselves? (more…)
Greg Johnson welcomed Endeavour (Substack, Telegram, YouTube), Horus, Millennial Woes (official website), and Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube) to last weekend’s broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss the sudden return of Tommy Robinson to Twitter/X and his counter-demonstration against pro-Palestinian protesters in London on Saturday, as well as other issues. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
It can be amusing to observe how Leftists get “triggered” by a line of argumentation, a phrase, or merely a naughty word. All it takes is a brief utterance, and they come unglued. Granted, some of that is probably play-acting, and some is imperious bluster, but there are times when they really do flip and trip because their brains are unable to cope. (more…)
August 23, 2023 Asier Abadroa
Qué No es Una Nación
English original here
La Nación no es el idioma
Que la lengua es un criterio secundario carente de importancia lo demuestra el simple hecho de que aprender y dominar una nueva lengua no nos convierte en personas diferentes. De hecho, casi todos los idiomas tienen palabras para los mismos conceptos, salvo por un porcentaje residual de excepciones, las cuales, de todos modos, se eluden fácilmente recurriendo a la toma de préstamos lingüísticos. (more…)
There is a growing sentiment, particularly amongst Christian conservatives and reactionaries, that the men of “The West” should — indeed, must — form an alliance with the Muslims who have flooded into our countries. Together we can wage a Crusade/Jihad (a Crusihad? A Jihsade?) against the degenerate drag queens and the libs on TikTok. (more…)
Aside from forecasting the future in terms of how college admissions will work, the recent Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action — Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, which can be read here — provides us an opportunity to analyze the current state of United States law and to pierce the undeserved mystique surrounding the legal profession. Your reading of this essay alone will demonstrate in itself that lawyering is not alchemy. (more…)