Counter-Currents contributor Angelo Plume (Telegram, YouTube), aka Pox Populi, has made a video on “How to Argue the Case for Ethnonationalism” in which he discusses how to answer the various opponents one will encounter. See below.
Topics discussed include:
00:02:47 Against the snowflake social justice warriors
00:09:49 Against the “no borders” global citizen
00:16:21 Against the slippery sloper
00:24:00 Against the birther
00:35:50 Against the civic nationalist nihilist/values idealist
00:47:46 Against the defeatist
00:57:07 Against the pragmatist

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This is brilliant and very useful.
I have actually been able to influence and convert many friends and family, and I’ll tell you one method that works for me.
Understand that it helps if the person comes to the conclusion on their own or thinks they are coming to it on their own. This is key. As someone with missionary experience in a certain well-known organization out of Utah, I can tell you that people will run for the hills (or just politely indulge you and then shrug off your arguments) if they think you are trying to convert them. What works amazingly well is playing dumb and asking them to explain something to you. “Gosh, I just don’t get why people think it’s okay to discriminate against white people. What am I missing here?” or “How come people say white countries are not allowed?” and if they’re older I can ask, “were people in the 1950s really evil like all these people are saying?” Somehow you need to get the other person trying to explain to YOU why white homogeneity is fine or what the anti-white propaganda is all about.
And then comes the most important part of this approach: getting them hooked on or viewing pro-white content. Because I could never write as well and as clearly as Greg Johnson, and because I could never debate the issues as well as Jared Taylor or present the arguments as well as Angelo Plume, I share content from such people. In recent years I have mostly shared AmRen videos, and I’ve gotten many people hooked on them. But the thing is that I don’t say, “watch this video for arguments as to why you should believe XYZ.” I say something like, “some people were saying this video is controversial, and I don’t understand it. What is he [Taylor] even saying? Could you help me get this?
Similar to how some people on church missions used to say, “flirt to convert,” I say, “play dumb for the cause.” It works, and it means you never have to fully “out” yourself as a WN or whatever if doing so would cause you problems. If you’re able to be totally open and direct, then that’s great, but sometimes it’s just not possible.
And to nearly any response the other person gives you, just say, “oh my gosh I totally agree,” even if you don’t. People will be open to almost anything you say if they think you agree with them or if they think you think they’re smart. You can’t overdo it, though, and you have to be subtle and go with the flow of the conversation and not force it too fast. The main objective, and least in my technique, is to get them hooked on or viewing content like AmRen videos, and anything you can do to make that happen is worth it. I can’t be Jared Taylor, but I can sure get people to become fans of his through a little harmless deception.
And, speaking of Taylor, everyone always says, “wow, who is he?” when they watch his debates and other videos for the first time. He wins them over every single time.
Interesting. I never did the missionary thing. For that matter, I really didn’t get any instruction to speak of.
What you describe is similar to how Socrates would do it. He’d say he didn’t know anything about a subject, and asked the other guy to fill him in. He kept asking questions until the other guy tripped himself up with contradictions.
Another avenue that’s occurred to me is a little sneaky. If you’re pretending to be one of them, you can say, “Hey, I’d like to write up something that refutes this Jared Taylor guy. Unfortunately I can’t find any holes in his argumentation. Would you be so kind as to look this over to see where the weaknesses are in what he says?”
Some thoughts…
A critical audience is in key communicators and opinion makers who are adjacent to the Dissident Right: Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk and Alex Jones come to mind. Jones recently did an interview with Laura Towler of Patriotic Alternative UK about the malicious prosecution of her husband Sam Melia over free speech issues. This is a way to spread the Dissident Right “word” because these communicators have big audiences and a certain legitimacy in the wider world.
If nationalism is to be discredited because it leads to the proverbial or real “concentration camps” then the rejoinder is that egalitarianism leads to the Gulag, Jonestown and the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge. The obvious point is that any ideology taken to an extreme will be the source of much mayhem.
Nice point that if diversity-is-our-strength ™, then Western colonialism was also good since it brought diversity to much of what is today the third world. Among other things, the Berlin Africa Conference of 1884-85 proclaimed an end to slavery in European imperial colonies. Surely the “woke” are not defending the “slave holding regimes” of Africa and Asia? Many 19th century progressives supported imperial ventures as it was a way to bring modernity to the rest of the world which was still stuck in despotism of pre-industrial times.
RE: third world migrants claiming that “since Europeans colonized Africa and the Middle East, they cannot complain if Europe is being colonized today.” Rather than getting defensive, one can take the offensive and state: “We can colonize your body right back to Africa or the Middle East.” Another way to get them to remigrate is to cancel their social media and financial accounts. And why not? If nationalists and patriots can be de-platformed, then turnabout is fair play.
I have a lot of respect for Angelo, and I think this is excellent for him to breakdown arguments on how to address specific things and objections.
However, part of Angelo still sounds kind of like your typical Republican who is simply a little less crazy on the subject of immigration. When Angelo would say things like “An African who grows up in Italy would no doubt choose Italian citizenship over Kenyan citizenship when he comes of age. And ok, that’s fine. Our society benefits you and you like it here. We still need to reduce these numbers, but that’s ok.” That to me still sounds like he’s not calling for drastic action to save and rebuild White countries, but to merely slow down the damage.
Why should any White Country have to take in “any” non-white immigration?
Even if we reduced the typical 1.200,000 or more non-whites who come into the United States every year (and that’s just legal immigration) to say, 50,000 a year — that’s still 50,000 unassimilables coming into our 1st world society each year. They’ll commit crimes, they’ll have lots of illegitimate children and increase, they’ll need government assistance with most things, they’ll have more limited abilities with jobs and business development, they’ll bring their homeland’s way of life here and wreck our cities and our infrastructure, and they’ll most assuredly demand family reunification and chain migration after they themselves are approved. And yes, even non-white immigrants with lower crime rates can and do still harm our nation.
White countries are simply unfit for non-white immigration — even in very small numbers. Our genetics and our way of life is one in such a way that only works for us and no one else. We do not owe other races anything, nor is it our job to take care of them because they can’t build great societies like we can. Because we are less than 10% of the entire earth, we need to shield ourselves from too much miscegenation as well. While I agree that some have been worse than others, I am of the opinion that all non-whites, to one varying degree or another, have been a failure in the USA.
If we call to stop “all” non-white immigration into white countries, then at least we can’t be accused of too much Darwinism. Altering an immigration policy like “Japanese people can come, but no Africans or Mestizo or less successful Asians” would make everybody angry and still lead to chaos. It’s long past time to put a permanent end to the universal, Civil Right to access White people — whether they hate us or not. And boy, do they!
One thing we can point out is that since non-White countries aren’t rolling out the red carpet for us to come in by the tens of millions and give us lavish benefits at their public’s expense, why are we doing that for them?
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