Pox Populi (Telegram, YouTube) and Millennial Woes were the guest hosts on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where they offered trenchant analyses of the riots in France, the justifications and excuses of the chattering classes, other current things, and answered listener questions. (more…)
Tag: Algeria
June 12, 2023 Beau Albrecht
Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks:
A Primary Text of Post-Colonial Jive
Part 12,877 words
Part 1 of 4 (Part 2 here)
Frantz Fanon was a black author who mostly wrote about being black. (Of course, right?) The celebrated skintellectual began as a citizen of Martinique. He volunteered for the De Gaullist forces during the Second World War. Then he got a university education on scholarship in Lyon and became a psychiatrist.
What would he have done had he stayed in Martinique — editing some sad Leftist rag in Fort-de-France, perhaps? If that didn’t work out, then like many other islanders he could’ve earned his daily bread with a machete, chopping down bananas or sugar cane all day under the tropical Sun. (more…)
3,354 words
Renaud Camus
Le Grand Remplacement, 5th edition
Plieux: Chez l’auteur, 2019Renaud Camus (b. 1946) is the French author of over 160 books, but only one of these is currently in print in English: an anthology of excerpts from his works, You Will Not Replace Us!, which was self-published in 2018. (more…)
October 21, 2020 Fenek Solère
Jacques Mesrine: “The Man of a Thousand Faces”
1,669 words
1,669 words
A blue lorry, a tarpaulin over the back, drew up alongside the BMW. The driver signaled to Mesrine that he wanted to cut across him to turn right. Mesrine waved him on and then noticed with apprehension that another lorry was drawn up behind him. The first lorry drove in front of him and stopped suddenly, right in the path of the BMW. (more…)
Today I wish to talk about Charles de Gaulle and some seldom-examined aspects of the Algerian Crisis that spanned 1954 to 1962. But in order to edge into all that, I first have to talk about one of my favorite and oft-viewed movies, The Day of the Jackal (1973; the original version).
De Gaulle himself is a character in that film, since the whole plot revolves around assassination attempts on him in the early 1960s. (more…)
4,294 words
Editor’s Note:
Roger Degueldre was executed on July 6th, 1962. In commemoration, we are republishing this anonymous Attack! article. It is a sobering account of the OAS, a brave but intellectually compromised and ultimately ineffectual resistance to the vile and sordid betrayal of the European settlers of Algeria by Charles de Gaulle. Please contact me if you know the identity of the author. With the exception of the first, all photo captions are from the original article. (more…)