My previous post, “They are White Submissivists,” had so many responses that I believe an encore is called for. Most of these responses, appropriately enough, offered suggestions on damaging epithets we can use against the Left, some tried and true, others clever and original. It seems that the Counter-Currents readership and I agree that the Right needs to start scoring more points in the Great Shaming War by controlling some of the language that gets hurled about these days like so many Molotov cocktails. (more…)
Author: Spencer J. Quinn
The Left is tensing up and bracing for a fight. We all know this. Brexit made them nervous. They find the Donald Trump presidency, with all its direct, masculine power, to be utterly intolerable. (more…)
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Sometimes, when I am in one of my more truculent moods, I feel I could never trust a person who doesn’t use the word “nigger.”
That’s me at my worst, and, fortunately, I am there very rarely. I do struggle with it occasionally, though. (more…)
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One of the scariest moments when playing chess is when you spot a weakness in your own position which you can only hope your opponent doesn’t see. All you can do is wait and pray that he doesn’t move his bishop there or his queen there because that would convert what is already a difficult circumstance for you into a desperate one. (more…)
In 2004, while the New York Yankees were contending with the Boston Red Sox for the American League pennant, Yankee manager Joe Torre said something that has always stuck with me. (more…)
Pierre Boulle
The Bridge Over the River Kwai
The Vanguard Press, 1954The Bridge Over the River Kwai – the novel, not the film – contains so many contradictions that it’s hard to keep them all in one’s mind.
For the Alt Right today, this semi-fictional story, written by Pierre Boulle, can serve as both an inspiration and a cautionary tale. (more…)
Brian Anse Patrick
Zombology: Zombies and the Decline of the West (and Guns)
Arktos Media, 2014Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, unbeknownst to the author of this review when it was written, Prof. Brian Anse Patrick passed away on the night of December 26/27 at the far too premature age of 62 after suffering from cancer. (more…)
American History X (1998)
Director: Tony Kaye
Writer: David McKenna
Stars: Edward Norton, Edward Furlong, Stacy KeachLooking back at it, the 1998 film American History X might be a bit tricky from an Alt Right perspective. The story takes place during the mid-1990s and deals with a young Nazi skinhead whose time in prison forces him to reconsider his life. (more…)
Sharing books, in my opinion, does more than almost anything to keep cultures vibrant. Thanks in part to the ascendancy of Donald Trump, we on the Alt Right are at present experiencing an uptick of culture which is both exciting and a bit daunting. Several years ago, I had written off many of the goals of white nationalism, but now, I am not so sure. It’s a good time to be on the Alt Right. (more…)
One of the more precious stories that has become part of American Christmas folklore over the years involves a little girl named Virginia O’Hanlon. Her circumstances are so well known that most educated Americans will be familiar with her without knowing anything about her, including her last name.
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After reading this Spectator article about how many current pop stars are “quietly right wing,” I started to think about how what we call rock n’ roll relates to White Nationalism. And I have concluded that it really doesn’t. That doesn’t mean that White Nationalists should never enjoy rock n’ roll. It does mean, however, that it will be harder to achieve and maintain the goals of White Nationalism with rock n’ roll in the world than without it. (more…)
In 2009, Ann Coulter gave a wonderfully civil interview to the New York Times, which was predictably entitled “And Now, a Moment of Civil Discourse With Ann Coulter.” The topic was her upcoming debate with liberal comedian and talk show host Bill Maher. She did not speak with her reporter, and instead answered his questions IN ALL CAPS in an email. Like a good Elvis Costello song, the tone of the interview could not have been more pleasant . . . (more…)
Who was Georg Franz Kolschitzky? That’s how the Austrians knew him. Or perhaps his name was Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki? If you ask a Pole, that’s who he was. The Hungarians on the other hand see him as Djuro Kolèic. Then again, the Ukrainians knew him as Юрій-Франц Кульчицький. That’s Yuri Frants Kulchytsky to you and me.