With the recent firing of James Comey, the Trump-driven media cycle is complete and the inability of the Alt Right to grasp geopolitical leadership has become apparent. (more…)
Author: Bain Dewitt
1,411 words
Regular readers will need no introduction to the topic. It’s that painful, hand-wringing conundrum of just why other folks won’t “wake up” and realize what’s at stake. It’s that sinking feeling when someone we know and care about regurgitates a canned lined or says they’re taking a trip to a Holocaust museum; and that dinner table silence that confirms they just don’t get it. This article is for those people. (more…)
The morality fed to the majority comes from centralized (((media))) that normies are not acute enough to realize are under the control of a different tribe. They don’t actually like multiculti, they absolutely hate political correctness, but because the average human is just one cell in a racial organism, they take the tribal norm that is given and roll with it. Because of this, the accusation of being “racist” is deeply psychologically crippling. It is an outgroup word and accusation of tribal betrayal. (more…)
“We are in an information war, and we’re losing that war.” — Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 2011
I had the good fortune to be made aware of this presentation by Dr. Robert Finkelstein, President of Robotic Technology Inc. (RTI). (more…)
As your intrepid reporter in the field, I watched the whole of Hillary Clinton’s “Alt Right” speech. And my God, is it boring. The whole half hour of it was an extended gripe about Donald Trump — essentially treating the paid for rent-a-mob as a captive audience on which to inflict a litany of complaints.
OMG! Donald Trump said this, many years ago. Guess what, no one cares. (more…)
Many moons ago when Neoreaction was a fighting and fit force in the Twitterati, I would continually criticise NRx’ers for refusing to accept or espouse nationalism — and specifically White Nationalism — as the endpoint and practical upshot of their ideas. (more…)
With Death-By-Shillary occupying the Alt-Right headlines, it’s been difficult to fully reflect on what 2016 has brought us so far. We’ve had highlights including Alex Jones driving a Turk into a histrionic rage, Trump completely wresting control of the GOP using it as a stepping stone to the throne, the vampire Soros having the torch of truth shone upon him, and an increase in tempo of terrorist attacks in France. All very good things and causes for celebration as the Left melts down into nonsense, hysterics, and neo-Marxist incoherence. (more…)
1,280 words
Donald Trump’s master strategy is such a perfect response to the Current Year that was, and the Current Current Year, that the man is either a genius, a savant, or someone anointed by the Gods to wreak havoc on the folly of humankind. The Donald has armored himself in a sort of ideological invulnerability that comes from strategizing on a primal level, and this makes him unassailable, (more…)
November 29, 2015 Bain Dewitt
Paris, au delà des bornes de la tolérance
English original here
La poussière est retombée après la plus terrible attaque terroriste de l’histoire récente, en Europe continentale. Les Européens doivent maintenant confronter une vérité qu’on les avait persuadés de ne pas voir. La perspective cauchemardesque d’un effondrement social et d’un conflit ethnique systématique, bloc de maisons par bloc de maisons, (more…)
French translation here
The dust has settled on the most horrific terror attack continental Europe has faced in recent history, and Europeans are having to confront what they have been lulled into denial about. The nightmare prospect of social collapse and block-by-block ethnic conflict, in the capital and heartland of France, has long been forewarned by the European New Right (more…)
Part 1 of 2
As Britons, European-Americans, or native Europeans, we are all instinctively aware that something is deeply wrong with our society. However, the language used to describe this problem is kept within the extremely narrow confines of mainstream conservatism.