To be “on the left” is an apparently arbitrary binary classification of one of two dominant political hemispheres. Broadly speaking, being on the left signifies collectivism, internationalism, and more recently, government-enforcement of utopian egalitarian beliefs about class, race, gender and religion. (more…)
Tag: the occult
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The Weiser Book of Occult Detectives: 13 Stories of Supernatural Sleuthing
Edited by Judika Illes
York, Maine: Weiser Books, 2017Dr. Raymond Stantz: You know what it could be? Past-life experience intruding on present time.
Dr. Egon Spengler: Could be race memory stored in the collective unconscious. I wouldn’t rule out clairvoyance or telepathic contact either. (more…)
Stephen E. Flowers
The Occult in National Socialism: The Symbolic, Scientific, and Magical Influences on the Third Reich
Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 2022In the realm of the occult and its intersection with the Third Reich, Stephen E. Flowers’ The Occult in National Socialism: The Symbolic, Scientific, and Magical Influences on the Third Reich stands out as perhaps the most comprehensive, profound, and objective investigation to date. (more…)
You can buy James J. O’Meara’s Mysticism After Modernism here.
You can buy James J. O’Meara’s Mysticism After Modernism here.
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James J. O’Meara has a book out, Mysticism After Modernism: Crowley, Evola, Neville, Watts, Colin Wilson, and Other Populist Gurus, published by Manticore Press. The book is about where mysticism intersects with culture and politics, rather than being some purely academic look at mysticism and the occult. It is also about thinkers who used magic to enact real-world change.
Much of the Right is dismissive or derisive of the occult, their criticisms ranging from conspiracy theories about evil Illuminati occultists to dismissing the New Age scene as being solely for Left-wing hippies. Regardless, there is a lot of crossover appeal and syncretic occultism. (more…)
English original here
Lovecraftovy hororové příběhy jsou dnes brány nejen jako literární klasika, ale také se postupem času staly vlivným kultem okultismu. Mýtus Cthulhu, Prastaří a Nevyslovitelná jména jsou evokováni, uctíváni a respektováni různými esoterickými proudy a u některých tvoří dokonce pomyslné jádro jejich magického učení. Tato esej má za cíl zkoumat nejvýznamnější řády, jednotlivce a doktríny, co se v minulosti zaobírali či se pořád ještě zaobírají Mýtem Cthulhu. (more…)
Greg Johnson did a new solo Ask Me Anything on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
The poets and dreamers wove their magic webs, and a world apart from the world of actual experience came to life. But it was not all myth, nor all fantasy; there was a basis of truth and reality at the foundation of the mystic growth . . . — Jessie Weston, From Ritual to Romance
My friend said, what are you doing these days? I said, I’m working for Killing Joke. He said, Killing Joke? Are you mad? They’re evil. They’re devil-worshippers. — Chris Kimsey, music producer (more…)
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A rap festival ended in death last week. Eight people were fatally trampled and dozens more injured at “Astroworld,” a concert hosted by popular rapper Travis Scott. Videos of the chaos went viral on the internet, showing lifeless bodies being carted off while Scott carries on with the show. (more…)
Ron McVan is an American white nationalist and Wotanist. He has followed a lifelong career in the fine arts as an oil painter, pen & ink illustrator, sculptor, poet, writer, stained glass artisan, jewelry craftsman, and musician. His extended interests have always been wide and varied, ranging foremost in the martial arts, philosophy, the ancient mysteries, mythology, European history and heritage, comparative religions, and spiritual studies, most particularly in Gnostic Wotanism and Druidism. (more…)
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George Burdi is the warhorse of the white nationalist scene. He first became famous with his symphonic metal band Rahowa through the unique album Cult Of The Holy War, and later he founded his own label, Resistance Records. (more…)
Sympathy For The Devil: The True Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment
Director: Neil Edwards
Appearing: Malachi McCormick, Timothy Wyllie, and other former members, along with George Clinton, Lucien Greaves, John Waters, Genesis P-Orridge, and others.
1 hour, 46 minutes; 2015“What about the Process?” I said. “Don’t they have a place here? Maybe a delicatessen or something? With a few tables in the back? (more…)
Alan Moore’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: a modern take on the motifs of the weird nineteenth century.
Alan Moore’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: a modern take on the motifs of the weird nineteenth century.
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It’s ill to loose the bands that God decreed to bind;
Still we be the children of the heather and the wind.
Far away from home, O it’s still for you and me
That the broom is blowing bonnie in the north countrie. [1]Even below the Missouri-Compromise Line, the mornings now have a delicious coolness, faltering on the edge of a “chill,” and I found myself yearning for an old-fashioned, nineteenth-century ghost story. (more…)