1,512 words
Sometimes we overlook the wonderful accomplishments of America’s little friend Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East. Often the dissident Right doesn’t have such a high opinion of them, but let’s give our buddies in the “51st state” due credit for a change, how about it? Although overshadowed by the grim eruption of warfare in Gaza, there was an encouraging development late last year.
The Eritreans in particular are failing to get along lately in many countries, but fortunately Israel knows what to do about them. This hopeful glimmer points the way to progress for Western civilization, which is even more troubled by underperforming outsiders. In this regard, Israel is now living up to its Scriptural potential as a light unto the nations. In particular, they’re showing a positive example to the world regarding what should be done with migrants who don’t belong.
Who needs Eritreans?
Just to be clear from the beginning, there’s nothing wrong with Eritreans as long as they’re where they belong, which of course is Eritrea. Wait — where’s that? Most Americans couldn’t find the place on a world map, even if ordered to do so at gunpoint. Although our sense of geography notoriously leaves much to be desired, the small country southeast of Egypt is a fairly obscure place. Eritrea is roughly the size of Honduras, another location we couldn’t locate to save our lives. Although it was at least somewhat of a happening place in ancient times — I suspect they were more Semitic and less Nilotic back then — modernity hasn’t been so kind to them.
Following a long civil war, they seceded from Ethiopia, a place which itself was notorious for a while as a starving hellhole country. (For those of my generation, our reaction to the sight of an Ethiopian restaurant is, “What? They have food?”) Back in the day, several rock stars took notice and came to their rescue. But drought conditions were only partly responsible for the famine. Other factors were incompetence and malice on the part of Ethiopia’s Marxist dictatorship, which was then engaged in a vicious civil war. The mainstream media, which was either too lazy to do real journalistic research or perhaps unwilling to spoil a tear-jerker narrative, didn’t notify the public about these complexities until after it was too late.
Following their independence, Eritrea still isn’t doing so well. Transcendentally dysfunctional Haiti has a gross domestic product that is about three times higher. Eritrea’s bottom-of-the-barrel human development index makes Venezuela seem peachy. The place is run by the usual sort of asshole dictator. But no matter what economic or historical factors one might cite about their lack of success, Eritrea’s major problem is that it’s full of Eritreans. Their average IQ is around 85, which is actually exceptional according to African standards, but the place only has so much potential.
Other than that, they like sex but don’t seem as enthusiastic about birth control. Up until about 1990, their women consistently popped out an average of over six piccaninnies each. Lately the total fertility rate fell to about three and a half kids, but that’s still obviously unsustainable in a badly-impoverished hellhole country. Eritrea’s present population is estimated by some to be six million. (Ahem. . .) Others have left in droves by now, and presently well over half a million reside elsewhere. It’s understandable why they’d want to bug out. Still, if they couldn’t improve their own country, they’re not going to improve any other. As the proverb says, wherever you go, there you are.
Of Eritreans abroad, half are in nearby countries. As for the rest who went further afield, it seems that hardly any opted to move to Brazil, China, or India. Instead, they’re mainly in the United States, Canada, Britain, Norway, Sweden, and Germany, among other Western countries. Is it because they’re sick of their homeland’s sunny climate, and instead pine for snowy abodes where they can ski and play ice hockey? Alternatively, is it because they can take advantage of liberal Western nations that are characterized by lax policing and excessively generous social programs paid for by white taxpayers? I’ll leave that to the reader to decide. A little further afield, apparently some even made it to Latvia, another place where Eritreans belong about as much as Martians.
Apart from that, although it’s difficult to believe, somehow up to about 25,500 of the darlings (according to a high estimate) are camping out in Israel. They claim to be refugees, though Israelis often characterize them as infiltrators. There’s something to that, since some — probably most — were border jumpers.
Vibrant cultural enrichers in Tel Aviv
Question: What do you call a crowd of Eritrean rioters? Answer: An Eritrean cultural festival! More seriously, in certain places that significant numbers of these Asylbewerber are occupying, violence broke out last fall between supporters and critics of Eritrea’s asshole dictator. (According to some viewpoints, the supporters are Ethiopians from the Tigray region pretending to be Eritreans. If so, they don’t belong, either.) This notoriously occurred in Toronto and Edmonton. Other places that experienced Eritrean vibrancy include London, Bergen, Stockholm, Stuttgart, and even Tel Aviv.
The rumble in Israel caused over 110 injuries, including about 30 police, mostly by stones and makeshift clubs. The streets were left littered with these improvised weapons and other debris. Smashed shop windows surely reminded Israeli centenarians of the Kristallnacht caper. Vandalized cop cars were reminiscent of Baltimore’s vibrancy. For lagniappe, the fuzzy wuzzies running amok on the streets of Tel Aviv lit a number of trash bins on fire. Just a rowdy block party, you say? Well, the bagel connoisseurs don’t cotton to that stuff on their own turf.
Unfortunately, the governments of Canada, Britain, Norway, Sweden, and Germany are run by bleeding-hearted liberals and globalist schemers who promote open-borders policies that will make the founding populations a minority in their own countries. The last thing they’re going to do is react appropriately to troublemaking outsiders who don’t belong. Fortunately for the Israelis, their own government knows how to deal with Eritreans and other African flotsam.
The Associated Press recounts this in “Israel’s Netanyahu says he wants Eritrean migrants involved in violent clashes to be deported,” reported by Tia Goldenberg. Taking it from the top, Aunt Goldie informs us:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday he wants Eritrean migrants involved in a violent clash in Tel Aviv to be deported immediately and has ordered a plan to remove all of the country’s African migrants.
Whoa, based! The article recaps the recent violence, as well as the Prime Minister’s reaction. He intends to return the troublemakers to where they belong. Apparently he also plans to send the rest of the African “refugees” packing, too, though details on that are sketchy. Israel has been trying to get rid of the darlings for over a decade; it’s about time they saw some action.
The party’s over, the fuzzy wuzzies must go home
Fortunately for the Israelis, these vibrant outsiders constitute only about half a percent of Israel’s population, and are apparently still residing there by clinging to technicalities in international law. Although they border the Sinai Peninsula, which is a stone’s throw from the Dark Continent, our buddies over in Southwest Birobidzhan know better than to allow their country to get any further overrun with wretched refuse from Africa’s teeming shores. Sensible politicians such as Benjamin Netanyahu and Miri Regev deserve credit for their foresight. Hopefully this will become a positive example for the rest of the world. What Israel can do, so can we. May the day come when our own immigration authorities know what to do about border-jumping welfare entrepreneurs who arrive only knowing how to say “asylum.”
One must admit that the Israelis get a lot of things right. Their government is interested in the long-term future and well-being of their people, even if they sometimes mistakenly engage in counterproductive measures. They already have their wall protecting the country’s boundaries from further intruders. Meanwhile, the Bidet junta actively sabotages border security in the name of carrying out their population replacement agenda. Our own Deep State is full of corrupt and decadent characters who fear and hate the public. Europe is stuck with like-minded characters in the halls of power, flooding their countries with Third World migrants with not a thought given to the public’s wishes.
Among the ruling class, there are some screwball (((diaspora types))) who unfortunately have a great deal of influence. These neurotic Zionists are notorious for taking every opportunity to push for destructive policies, much unlike their sensible Israeli cousins. Smelly hypocrisy such as that doesn’t go unnoticed; in fact, it makes them look terrible. Moreover, it’s self-destructive and dumber than dirt to sabotage the countries where they live. Therefore, they really should stop doing that. But if they won’t cut out the sneaky stuff and subversive agendas, then much like the wayward Africans, they, too, should get on that boat and go, go, go.
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You can’t criticise Israel and the Jews when Zionism (whatever they define it to be) is mentioned, you can’t praise Israel and the Jews for being forthright in deporting the encroaching enrichment turning up and infiltrating their border and country. Nothing to see here white nationalists.
It’s the old ‘heads I win, tails you lose’ narrative control yet again. Very good article. In this context, yes, I am somewhat jealous of the Jew and their ‘fuck you’ attitude to ensuring their piece of dirt is theirs.
Israel is a terrorist state.
And that is all it would become, a piece of dirt in a desert without a steady stream of forced US taxes. It is not only the 51st State, but our biggest welfare state and one better off than most other tax paying states without any accountability. I say another empirical intervention for another Pax Romana. My F.U. attitude is just as good as theirs. How much damage they bringing us? Let me count the ways.
That’s an understatement.
People in this sphere are “racist” in the best sense of the word. We believe in race, and want our race as well as other races to have our own various homelands where we can prosper can pursue our own destinies.
Israelis are “racist” in the worst sense of the word. They are hate filled, bigoted supremacists who openly call for genocide as if it is completely moral and just. They do not have the slightest bit of respect for other groups of people, and are brazenly pretending to be victims as they engage in ethnic cleansing. They do not believe in nationalism for other groups, only themselves.
There is nothing wrong with being “racist”, but don’t forget, not all readers of this website are racists. Many are simply ethno-nationalists. However, your observations are quite valid.
Indeed. Proverbially, these are the people who cry out in pain as they strike.
“[B]order-jumping welfare entrepreneurs…”
A real keeper!
I too remember the Ethiopian famine. You couldn’t turn on the TV without getting some tearjerking ad asking for donations. Did any of the food or money make it to the wretched starving masses? I wonder who oversaw the distribution?
I heard about relief shipments of grain rotting at the docks where it was left. Ethiopia’s dictator certainly wasn’t going to let any of it get to starving masses in districts undergoing rebellion.
Other than that, aid to Africa often tends to be poorly managed. All too often, when a foreign government or an NGO sends aid money to some country, it goes straight into the dictator’s bank account, and he uses it to buy a couple more private jets and a few dozen more luxury cars.
I was being facetious, but thanks for reinforcing my prejudices
An anecdote:
I asked a young Eritrean at work if he missed his homeland. The answer was a resounding affirmative.
“What? Even the temporary refugee camp in Somalia?”
Yes again.
Hiraeth, it would appear, is experienced even for shitholes. That’s the sensibility we are “enriching” our country with.
He was a nice kid, by the way.
Eritreans are absolutely destructive 85 IQ time bombs. But the Eritrean restaurants here in Minneapolis are just superb.
with wretched refuse from Africa’s teeming shores. Nice allusion.
I used to say, when I thought it would make a difference, that the US could solve its immigration/invasion problem overnight if we just translated the Israeli and the Mexican immigration laws into English and passed them.
The whole feed the world routine really rubbed me wrong back then. Wouldn’t africa have been better off if people that couldn’t grow enough food for themselves were allowed to expire? It’s not like this was a forced famine like Ukraine? A bunch of NIMBY rock stars preaching to me about feeding everyone. I had no use for them and gave them nothing. The ads today asking me to help the hungry babushkas in Israel really bug me.
Africa may well end up as a Malthusian catastrophe. It’s our problem too, since our “elites” are determined to let in every hard-luck case in the world.
As for the hungry Babushkas, I covered that here:
Thank you for that, Mr. Albrecht. I always enjoy your articles, especially the literature reviews. A lot of books that you examine are mostly unknown of here (in Russia), and it’s great to get an American perspective on the matters of the Cold War, for example.
“Southwest Birobidzhan” is great! As a funny fact, the Jewish Autonomous Region in Russia is one of the most ethnically pure Russian administrative units (about 99%), and they have almost no Jews. I served in the army with a person named Moiseev, who is from Birobidzhan, and we joke that he may be the only Moiseev from there, and even he is not Jewish.
I wonder: what the Jews did not like there?
Maybe, when Stalin created the region for them in the Far East, they regretted that they did not agree to go to Uganda or Madagascar when it was an option…
And also: it looks like suggestions like “Stop doing that!” won’t work with that people, although you are being very patient…
Good to hear from you.
I’m not sure what conditions are like in Birobidjan, but I’m guessing it’s fairly desolate. Since it’s in a remote corner of furthest Siberia, located on the border of China (an unfriendly country at the time), then I figure all that was a big middle finger to its intended future occupants.
As for “Stop doing that”, I hope it will become a meme. The point is that their bad behavior is what’s objectionable, and these things get noticed. It’s not about their religion these days, and it’s not about their ethnicity (which they can’t change). If they’re serious about improving the way other people see them, then they need to stop it with the bad behavior.
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