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1,105 words
The Israeli solution to the perennial Palestinian problem has emerged: The only way to be rid of them once and for all is to purge them from Gaza altogether. It has been difficult to achieve this aim, however, as fighting in the war-torn region is ongoing.
It is unethical to bandy about terms such as genocide and ethnic cleansing when it is not in fact happening. It is essential to substantiate these claims. In the case of the Arab-Israeli conflict, the terms “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide” have been used by several commentators. Regardless of whether they use these terms, however, the results are the same. It is apparent that the Israelis are engaged in a war of annihilation against their enemies, a strategy that has always been the hallmark of Jewish dealings with all of their foes, real or imagined.
Much of Jewish ethnic identity is tied to their experience of — or perceived experience of — being subjected to massacres, repressions, or some other existential threat. As Kevin MacDonald has written in Culture of Critique and elsewhere, instances of conflict always result in an intensification of Jewish identity. Their sense of victimhood is matched by their propensity for destruction and desire for violent revenge. Thus, today they are committing atrocities against their bitter Arab rivals in Israel’s backyard, and there is no end in sight.
In an article entitled “Death and Destruction in Gaza,” John Mearsheimer states:
What Israel is doing in Gaza to the Palestinian civilian population — with the support of the Biden administration — is a crime against humanity that serves no meaningful military purpose. As J-Street, an important organization in the Israel lobby, puts it, “The scope of the unfolding humanitarian disaster and civilian casualties is nearly unfathomable.”
Some commentators have defended the Israeli response; however, any rationalizations that were initially valid have been subsumed by the dark shadow of genocide.

You can buy Leo Yankevich’s book, Tikkun Olam, here.
The ghettoized Bantustans of the Gaza Strip are now in open revolt and have been since the October 7 attacks. Israel has used this attack as justification for the atrocities that they are now committing. But is it working? The answer is no. The Israeli press have reported that a top Israel Defense Forces (IDF) military official, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, recently said that the destruction of Hamas is an impossible task. Although the IDF is a technologically superior force, urban warfare against a determined and well dug-in adversary is a terrible slog at the best of times.
According to Israel’s public broadcaster, KAN, officials in the Israeli military and intelligence community were aware of Hamas’ extensive preparations prior to the October 7 attacks. A document predicated on intelligence gathered by Unit 8200 reveals that Israeli intelligence in fact knew about the training that was being undertaken by Hamas fighters before the attacks. According to the unnamed sources which provided the document to the press, the report was initially given to senior intelligence officials. The report details Hamas’ widespread preparations, including rehearsals for the attacks. This document, entitled Detailed End-to-End Raid Training, provides great detail about the training the Hamas commandos underwent. Furthermore, the report outlines instructions and objectives in regard to the taking of prisoners. The glaring implication is, of course, that the Israeli political leadership purposefully ignored the prospect of an attack in order to provide a pretext for invading Gaza.
Meanwhile, tensions along Israel’s northern front with Lebanon has been growing more and more intense as Hezbollah and the Israelis have been continually exchanging fire since October 7. Hezbollah has been bombarding northern Israel, forcing Israelis to flee their homes. The conflict is also widening. An article in the Wall Street Journal indicates that 17 IDF soldiers and nine civilians have been killed as a result of Hezbollah’s attacks thus far; moreover, 60,000 Israelis were forced to leave their homes. While this pales in comparison to the Palestinian experience, it nonetheless indicates an escalation of hostilities.
As John Mearsheimer pointed out in his lecture on the conflict that was hosted by Australia’s Centre for Independent Studies, the Israelis no longer have “escalation dominance.” Escalation dominance “refers to a nation’s ability to control and dictate the pace and intensity of a conflict . . .” Their regional rivals can now strike back effectively. Mearsheimer pointed out that Israel no longer has that advantage given that other regional actors, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and even the Houthis, can now use new technologies such as drones and missiles to strike targets in Israel.

A document that was leaked to the Israeli media revealed that the ethnic cleansing of Gaza has been on the table for some time. The fiction that the operations in Gaza are purely military in nature is impossible for Israeli officials to maintain. If we take a brief look at some of the more recent events in the Gaza conflict, we can see that not only have the Israelis continued their attacks on civilians, but they have also intensified them. Airstrikes and bombardments of hospitals, schools, refugee camps, and so on are all aimed at killing as many Palestinians as possible. The war has devastated Palestinian families:
Branch by branch, 173 of Youssef Salem’s relatives were killed in Israeli airstrikes in a matter of days in December. By spring that toll had risen to 270 . . .To a degree never seen before, Israel is killing entire Palestinian families, a loss even more devastating than the physical destruction and the massive displacement.
Moreover, a story dated June 21 indicates that upwards of 45 Palestinians were killed by Israeli airstrikes that day alone.
Even though the IDF is a technically superior force, Hamas’ irregular fighters can inflict casualties on the Israelis thanks to their extensive tunnel infrastructure and irregular tactics. Al Jazeera continues to release combat footage from the ongoing conflict, some of which gives viewers an indication of the guerrilla tactics being employed by Hamas fighters, who emerge from tunnels and fire shoulder-launched anti-tank weapons at Israeli armor to great effect.
Israel’s plan is to commit genocide against the Palestinians through death and displacement, ethnically cleansing Gaza and in turn allowing the resulting mass of refugees to be used as weapons against Israel’s neighbors and ethnic rivals. I oppose both Israel’s actions as well as the exertion of Jewish power in their diaspora to crush dissent. Throughout their history, the Jews have been adept at masking their genocidal intentions toward their enemies, but today we are witnessing the veil coming off. By way of this conflict and the tumult we are experiencing in our own embattled homelands, the true nature of Jewish behavior is being laid bare for all to see.
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It’s important for our side to point out how Zionists play off both sides of the political spectrum in Western countries. They waeponize liberalism to export Muslim migrants to Europe and America under the guise of humanitarinism. Simultaneously, they make appeals to the right how intolerable and violent Muslims are, justifying their ethnic cleansing.
While Muslim migration to the West must be stopped, the flood gates will close once Zionism is defeated. There also must be an investigation as to why the West was such a soft target for Zionism. This investigation must be conducted with intellectual honesty on the part of rightests, particularly because the findings could be painful for those of a conservative bent…
I don’t agree at all that Jews and Libtards will stop importing Muslims and any other breeds of swarthy people to Europe or America if the Gaza strip conflict gets settled. That is an incredibly weak hope.
The Jewish Question ─ whatever we mean by that ─ is really NOT about Zionism.
It is not even about Bolshevism, nor Bankster Kapitalismus.
It is none of these things and all of these things, and more.
Sometimes simultaneously.
These are just different hats that Jewry has learned to wear proficiently ─ and I would argue that they have great experience in manipulating Whites and Christians. You righteously hack off one tentacle of the deep sea monster and the others still get you.
Even secular or atheistic Jews love Israel, but follow carefully here …
What the JQ is really about is not Israel or the Holy Land but the Diaspora.
A certain warlord of the ages made that point about a century or so ago (some translations of his magnum opus being better than others).
Even if Israel somehow got nuked into glass ─ let’s say for the sake of argument that Bibi and the rest did this to themselves by accident ─ then I still don’t think that the root issues would be resolved. The JQ would merely evolve problematically to meet the new environment ─ as has happened for longer than any of us have been alive.
And even if every last Jew made it onto the last banana boat for the Promised Land at the last minute before the pitchforks and the torches drove their chariots into the sea, that still does not address the fundamental issues with White-hating Whites and Commie fellow-travellers.
There are no simple solutions here. If we could do anything realistic at all it would be to end the billions of dollars in aid that the USA has given to Israel as a blank check every year since at least the 1960s. We even bribed the Egyptians to play nice, LOL.
At one time I was excited about the two-state Palestinian solution from thirty years ago. But it is questionable if Palestine can even exist as a viable and functional nation-state ─ nor Israel for that matter, without getting all the U.S. aid.
But without unfettered road, rail, and shipping lanes to some wealthy client state, Gaza has no hope at all as a country.
They have no oil or mineral wealth. They don’t grow the best grapes or olives, nor anything really except for sand and Jihadis. But from what I’ve heard they have beautiful beaches. Beirut used to be a nice tourist spot too, once upon a time, but it’s never going to be my top vacation destination.
This does not mean that I want the Israelis to win. I just don’t see them losing. They will get their ceasefire when they want it and not a moment before.
We are hugely overestimating the propaganda fallout from any of this.
Pretty much the Jews have defined what the word Genocide means ever since a nappy-haired (((Polish))) lawyer name Raphael Lemkin coined this term circa 1943 as part of a monograph called Axis Rule In Occupied Europe.
The word Genocide is Orwellian and it is vague ─ and it was always intended to be so. Like calculus, you can integrate the curve as little or as much as you please and always get closer and closer, but you will never touch the line in so doing.
Genocide is the type of polemical vaguery that certain types of “Globaloney” lawyers love.
As the late Professor of History Dr. James J. Martin explained it, what “Genocide” really means is that somebody’s ox got gored.
And we all know that it is “double-plus ungood” if it’s the you-know-who’s in the whiner’s seat. Some countries even mandate speech on this legislatively.
None of it was such a surprise for old-school soldiers and diplomats, however.
That’s not an accurate representation of my comment. Islamic immigration to the West is a result of Jewish power and activism, with Zionism as one of the motivations. Irregardless, no need to over intellectualize: Isreal is a parasite to the American people and it must be opposed.
What is with the Islamic migration to the West from Maghreb? Or from Sudan? Or from Somalia? What has Israel and Jews as a whole to do with the migration from these regions? Why nobody cares about the Qazaqs and Uyghurs in the Eastern Türkestan, but the Western Liberals and Leftists cry loud only about Gaza – maybe because they are paid by Chinese as the whole Western political elite is paid?
@Kök Böri
What is with the Islamic migration to the West from Maghreb?
“Islamic migration”??
As if pagan migration from Hindu India and Confucius China towards the Occident would be an acceptable arrangement.
The issue is racial/ethnic NOT religious.
Secondly, the most recent reason has been French Imperialism and its attempts to make a Gallo-Roman out of an Algerian, Moroccan, Tunisian, Senegalese, Ivorian etc., while at the same time turning its home turf into a profit-seeking motel.
Well, actions have consequences.
Why nobody cares about the Qazaqs and Uyghurs in the Eastern Türkestan, but the Western Liberals and Leftists cry loud only about Gaza – maybe because they are paid by Chinese as the whole Western political elite is paid?
Because Palestine is not located adjacent to Antarctica.
Historically, the region has been a center of historical events.
It contains within its territory places that possess massive spiritual significance. Christianity may have been ideologically dismantled, socially abandoned and sidelined, but Islam is doctrinally as alive as ever. And since, “Jerusalem” (Occupied Al-Quds) is the third holiest city in Islam, therefore, any mischief or political earthquake there will have reverberations all around the world.
Then, there is greater regional solidarity. Thousands of Lebanese, Iraqi, Iranian, Yemeni, and Syrian men and women have been engaging themselves actively on this front and laying down their lives for the cause.
So, naturally, this sheer commitment summons respect.
And, of course, because Jews are also involved here.
As far as Qazaqs and Uyghurs are concerned, it cannot be said that issue of East Turkistan doesn’t get a place in mass communications.
Isn’t the “East Turkistan Movement Parliament-in exile” housed in Washington DC?
Did that happen without some heavy assistance from Western political elites?
Don’t activists and advocates associated with this issue get space in mainstream Western media organs?
Finally, I think as long as the State of Kazakhstan adheres to the “One-China” policy, there will not be an explosion loud enough to arrest world attention.
Perhaps, after a generation or two, there will be a policy shift in the these Central Asian Turkic states, and they will de-recognize the “Peoples Republic of China” and ready themselves for a head-on clash with the Han political establishment. And only then will the world realize the gravity of this particular issue.
I suspect the persecution of the uighers is a western propaganda hoax created to draw attention from the former.
You never attack a coiled rattlesnake.
Anytime you’re hiking in the woods or on a dessert path, and you see a coiled rattler in your path, with its head raised, tongue flicking, and rattles raised, you stop immediately, and quietly and slowly begin to back the hell out of there.
Israel is a coiled rattlesnake at all times.
Hamas must have known that clearly, but they still picked up a rock to chase and kill the critter. They are therefore responsible for all the killing and carnage on both sides.
I am no fan of Jews, and I am sure they are collectively the richest people on earth, which makes everyone envious of them. But they unfortunately did not start this massive squall.
Lesson: Don’t mess with coiled rattlesnakes.
@Alexandra O
Indeed, when Zio-snakes (apologies to all species of snakes) occupy someone’s hearth, the indigenous people should pack whatever they can pack and leave their ancestral place quietly, because, of course, they will be the ones who will be seen as the cause of the consequent trouble if they try to rid their soil of these poisonous and disgusting occupiers.
Every indigenous folk who are being threatened, instead of raising their voice and moving their muscle, should just reconcile themselves to their dire circumstances and await their eventual decimation.
Very sound strategy.
I would like this if I could.
Israel’s reputation for being militarily dangerous is overblown. They rely on America to fund their military and have trouble beating insurgents even when they are willing to slaughter the civilian population as well.
“I oppose both Israel’s actions as well as the exertion of Jewish power in their diaspora to crush dissent.”
Firm and clear statements like this are good.
What the Jews are doing is not in our name. We mustn’t support it or excuse it.
It does raise a few eyebrows that Israel had this hot intel right before this happened and did nothing. That being said, my problem with the alt-right types, dare I say, simping for Palestinians is that I find it completely disingenuous. It has more to do with not liking Jews than with being legitimately concerned about Palestinians. It is the demoskrieg tactic as described by Spencer Quinn here https://counter-currents.com/2019/01/demoskrieg-diaskrieg/
The problem with demoskrieg is that the left/Jews/nonwhites have some half a millenia worth of whitey raping, pillaging, and conquering non-whitey up their sleeve to use against whitey. That is why I prefer the diaskrieg school of thought which would see Israel conquering its Arab neighbors as mirror image to say whitey conquering the Indians. The diaskrieg school of thought is your alt-right type telling Mr. Lifkinblatt who votes Democrat as an overseas voter registered to vote in Boca Raton yet votes Likud at his kalpi in Jerusalem that he wants an ethnostate for thee but also for me and calling out his cognitive dissonance in how he votes is his diaspora country versus his ethnostate.
Regarding Mearsheimer, I think he views the conflict too much through a western lens. I also want to slap him every time he makes that smirk when he says genocide or ethnic cleansing. This is the middle east we are talking about where any sort of weakness will be exploited to the max. As far as I know I dont think he has any experience in the field, just reading books from his ivory tower in Academia.
Uh, I don’t think whites raped and pillaged to any great degree. Certainly not more than comparable other contemporary civilizations. Whites were by and large a civilizing force.
And while some of what you say is true, that white nationalists are using the current events in Gaza to make political hay against a common enemy, I don’t think it’s ludicrous to assume that we have an earnest humanitarian sympathy with the Palestinians. Why would you assume our motives are at all times cynical? That sort of plays into the msm caricature that we are motivated by “hate” of other races. Maybe we are the only true humanitarians. The University brats, for example, are really motivated by woke, BLM-motivated, antiwhite animus, not a true humanitarian sympathy. I bet you can’t find a solitary one who could stand up and say BLM is a crock, but what’s happening in Gaza is terrible. Their opinions are organically linked to an erroneous ideological system, a golem turning against its creators, some have said.
There would not have been any special acute ethnic conflicts in the Middle East if the Entente countries had not destroyed the Ottoman Empire and established their colonial system there after the First World War, which did not take into account the religious, ethnic and tribal characteristics of the region. Of course, the blame also lies with the Arab traitors who rebelled – under British leadership – against Osman rule, which was replaced by the colonial rule of British and French colonialists. But this also shows their Arabian stupidity. Because only a complete fool believes the British. Emirs Hussein and Faisal were such complete fools in 1915-1918, but the Poles were exactly the same fools in 1939, and Zelensky and his Ukrainians were also in 2022, which all believed in British “help” and “support”, while the British always used them simply as a cannon fodder in their own British interests. “Poor Palestinians” should thank Lawrence for all this, as also “poor Syrians” should.
Had the British been Muslims and prepared to maintain the status quo all would have been sweetness and light in the cradle of Western civilisation. The British had as much business being there as the Ottoman Turks did but had the limitation of carrying a relatively free press in train to report on their inevitable missteps, and being firmly in the sights of the communist conspiracy.
Jews like to boast that they comprise less than 3% of American demography. On that showing, it ought to be an elementary task to encompass their discontinuance in what was designed by and for the Aryan sector of humanity.
Aryans and Semites, the world’s preeminent trespassers, are ultimately immiscible, and it should be seen as an act of kindness to remove this last-mentioned tribe from danger.
Israel is doing exactly what they want to do to achieve their goal.
And that goal is to clear out all Palestinians from Gaza.
Just imagine for five minutes: Israel declares a siege of Gaza. According to the military rules a siege means you dont have to supply the besieged.
Then Israel cordons off the entire Gaza strip. No direct land connection to Egypt, nothing in or out. all frequencies are jammed.
The Israel tells the Palestinians that they either submit (release all hostages and all Hamas members surrender) or the siege continues.
Now, Hamas wont surrender, so no food and water means death and the number of Palestinians dwindle till only that number lives that the Gaza strip can support. And that number is low. And then Israel can deport those to the Westjordanland and say that fioghting a war and loosing has repercussions, e.g. loosing territory.
But Israel didnt do this. They made sure that messages can flow uninterupted. We hear and see what happens and in this way Israel pushes our tearducts and the leftwing loonies fall for it hook, line and sinker.
So, Israel will get rid of those it declares to be terrorists and we, the western societies get those people and also their violence.
Its a win-win for Israel: They get rid of the Palestinians, they get the Gaza strip and the Palestinians will murder the whites in Europe and USA.
Very well played.
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