In his recent Takimag essay, “White Knighting for Middle East Unsalvageables,” David Cole gets a lot right, but he misses the broader picture. With his usual caustic flair, Cole complains about the uncritical — and what he sees as hypocritical — support many on the Right have been lavishing on the Palestinians during their ongoing war with the Israelis. (more…)
Tag: Diaskrieg
This latest round of Israeli-Palestinian warfare, in which Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Israeli citizens and thousands more injured, leaves me with mixed feelings. I’m reminded of the troubles frontier Americans faced with hostile Indians in the nineteenth century. Putting it as simply as possible, you had an intelligent, civilized race of people competing over land and resources with a less intelligent, less civilized race of people. (more…)
2,833 words
A little more than five years ago, I began this ongoing experiment of badthink as a writer for Counter-Currents. So far, I haven’t been doxxed, and thankfully my rich and satisfying normie life has continued unimpeded. I’m still a little scared. I’m also proud of the body of work that I have accumulated — 315 articles so far — and hope to continue indefinitely. (more…)
Ever have one of those moments that make you question everything? Sometimes things get so confusing that up seems like down, day seems like night, and you find yourself revisiting some of your most fundamental principles. Of course, I’m talking about the Jewish Question. (more…)